
Destiny's Alter

Sam, a 29-year-old cashier, lived a life plagued by profound sadness and regret. However, if bestowed with a second opportunity, would he be capable of attaining what he ardently desired, or would he succumb to becoming a malevolent force, further amplifying his disillusionment?.

B8te · Fantasy
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34 Chs

Fly High

Ron stepped into the Rune shop, its shelves adorned with a mesmerizing display of ancient scrolls, glittering trinkets, and intricately crafted pendants. The artifacts exuded an air of mystique, as if they held the secrets of forgotten realms within their very essence. His eyes wandered, drawn to the alluring objects that whispered tales of untold power and hidden knowledge.

As Ron perused the shop, his attention was captured by a particular pendant, its delicate design and shimmering gemstone captivating his gaze. The shopkeeper noticed Ron's fascination and approached him with a warm smile.

"Welcome, traveller," the shopkeeper greeted, his voice carrying a hint of wisdom. "Are you seeking something in particular?"

Ron's curiosity piqued, he expressed his interest in the pendant that had caught his eye. The shopkeeper's eyes twinkled with a knowing glimmer as he shared stories of its origins—a pendant said to possess the ability to restore stamina and rejuvenate a person's mind.

After thinking for a bit, Ron made up his mind. "This could come in handy," he thought, envisioning the challenges that lay ahead. "I'll take this," he declared, passing 30 silver coins into the shopkeeper's outstretched hand.

As evening descended upon the village, Ron sought refuge in the cozy embrace of the local inn. Soft candlelight flickered, casting dancing shadows across the walls, creating an atmosphere of tranquillity and warmth. The innkeeper greeted him with a friendly smile, offering a comfortable room for the night.

Outside his window, the village came alive with merriment. People gathered around a crackling campfire, their laughter and voices harmonizing with the melodies of lively songs. Ron watched the scene unfold, captivated by the unity and joy that radiated from the celebration.

As dawn broke, Ron gathered his belongings and resumed his journey.


Soon Ron found himself faced with a daunting task of traveling through the formidable mountain range. He used wind magic to climb through the various straight difficult times but still it was too difficult to move properly due to the heavy wind blow frequently, which could easily kick him off the course and kill him.

The majestic peaks stretched as far as the eye could see, their snow-capped summits reaching towards the heavens. The air grew crisper and thinner with each step, invigorating his senses and fuelling his determination.

Gripping tightly with his hands, Ron embarked on the daunting climb, his palms beginning to show signs of wear and tear. The strain of each step sent waves of pain radiating through his arms.

Despite feeling pain with each step, Ron resolved not to look down.

Thanks to the stamina pendant he had acquired earlier, he didn't feel much tired.

As he climbed and climbed, Ron came across a mountain cave. He shot out a fire ball inside to see if it was safe. Finding nothing Ron took out his scone and ate it filling his stomach to the brim.

After some time, Ron continued to climb the mountain. He believed that he could come across another one such caves later on, so he decided to continue climbing.

"AAAAH, my hand" his hands started bleeding and there were blistering on it due to cold.

Ron took out a piece of cloth and wrapped around his arms and moved forward, looking down he couldn't even see the bottom he was that far away from the ground.

As he continued forward his senses were alerted by a lound screech that came from the top.

"What the heck was that?" Ron wondered as he heard the screech.

Suddenly, something flew past Ron, narrowly missing him as the force of the blow almost knocked him off balance. Desperately, he clung to the rock ledge to steady himself.

"A Rockfang," he realized, a bird known for nesting in mountains and using wind magic to move swiftly, using its wings as deadly blades.

The Rockfang ascended, preparing to dive down again.

"Damn, I have to move fast," Ron thought, already fatigued from the arduous climb and unsure if he could handle fighting a monster on top of it.

The Rockfang swooped down, breaking the sound barrier with its sharp wings aimed at Ron, who desperately held onto the edge of the rock.

Ron swiftly employed wind magic, propelling himself to the side, narrowly evading the explosive impact as the area around him was sent into chaos.

High-altitude regions are notorious for turbulent airflow, disrupting the control of wind magic and making precise movements difficult. Ron struggled to maintain stability and could only manage a precarious leap and grab without losing his grip.

The rock fang poised itself for another attack, ready to strike at Ron. In response, he drew his wand from his pocket and unleashed a fireball towards the creature. The Rockfang deftly avoided the attack, swiftly altering its trajectory to close in on Ron.

"FUCKK!" Ron cursed as he released his grip on the rock, descending slightly. He attempted to utilize his wind magic again, but the intense cold air disrupted his spell, causing him to slip further downward.

Realizing a head-on confrontation would be dangerous, Ron altered his strategy. He drew upon his knowledge of the rock fang's behaviour and abilities, opting for a close-quarters battle.

He realized that the creature wasn't very intelligent and merely acted on instinct. Deciding to end it swiftly, Ron aimed to deliver a fatal blow in one shot.

Anticipating the creature's attack trajectory, Ron twisted his body mid-air, propelling himself off the rock's side and evading the deadly wings of the rock fang. This evasive maneuverer spared him from the immediate danger of being sliced by the sharp wings.

In mid-air, Ron concentrated his magical energy, focusing on using wind magic in his arms to anchor himself to the mountainside.

Despite his hands being covered in painful blisters, Ron reached into his bag and retrieved a small healing potion. He poured the potion over his hands, relieving the pain and allowing them to heal.

"If you wanna fight then alright," Ron resolved, pointing his wand directly at the approaching rock fang. He patiently waited for the creature to draw near, ensuring it couldn't evade his attack a second time.

Unaware of Ron's intentions, the rock fang closed in swiftly. Just as it reached him, a hydro burst erupted from Ron's wand, colliding with the colossal bird. The impact unleashed a powerful shockwave, resembling an explosive burst of kinetic energy.

Struggling to maintain control over his wind magic, Ron reached his limits as the frigid air made it increasingly difficult. The cold air's turbulent nature tested his resolve.

Despite the impact, the rock fang remained largely unscathed. Its rock-hard body earned it the name RockFang.

Recognizing the danger of engaging in close combat, the Rockfang adapted its strategy, shooting its blade-like features towards Ron.

Caught off guard, Ron hastily employed earth magic, conjuring a stone wall for protection. However, the Rockfang's blade-like features found their mark, piercing through the weak barrier and impaling Ron's lower stomach. Agonizing pain surged through his body as the blades embedded themselves in his flesh, causing him to bleed profusely.

"Damn it," Ron thought, realizing the severity of his predicament.