
Destiny's Alter

Sam, a 29-year-old cashier, lived a life plagued by profound sadness and regret. However, if bestowed with a second opportunity, would he be capable of attaining what he ardently desired, or would he succumb to becoming a malevolent force, further amplifying his disillusionment?.

B8te · Fantasy
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34 Chs

Fallen Angels

As Ron opened his eyes he found himself abruptly transported to a new location, standing in front of a large table that resembled a council chamber.

Chains had ensnared his hands and neck, firmly anchoring him to the ground. As he scanned the scene, he could discern elven figures seated at the table before him.

As the group of demons looked at the young boy before them, their eyes glinted with malice and curiosity. One of them spoke up, "So what do you think about this human?"

Another demon let out a sinister chuckle, "A mere mortal, you say? What use could we possibly have for someone who babbles in light magic?"

One of the devils glared at Ron and spoke with anger in his voice, "But he killed my pet."

Despite Ron's efforts, he couldn't bring himself to look up and meet the devil's gaze.

Suddenly, one of the devils spoke up and commanded silence among the others. "In all our history, it's not everyday we encountered a human capable of wielding light magic forming a contract with demons," he declared.

"I can say that I'm still not pleased with this boy," another devil interjected. "I don't know what his intentions are but his aim could may yet pose a threat to us all."

Other devils started chattering among themselves, the whole place turned into commotion. "Quiet" said a devil turning the whole place quiet. He got up from his place and pointed his hands to Ron was still on the ground.

"I'll just break his mind so he won't think anymore" the devil said, looming over Ron. His fingers lift forming a dark chain like structure and came over to Ron.

Ron couldn't understand what he meant my light magic, he was sure that he didn't have any magic let alone have an affinity.

As soon as the dark chain made contact with Ron's skin, a blinding light emitted from his arms, vanishing the flame and instantly burning away the devil's hand.

Despite losing one of its four arms, the devil remained stoic, showing no signs of pain or emotion. Within moments, the lost arm regenerated, appearing as good as new.

"This child is blessed" he said as he sat back down.

Upon hearing this, another devil became furious and declared, "That's impossible! There is no way a blessed child would make contract with a human."

A third devil chimed in, "It's a shame that humans have stooped so low that even the blessed must form pacts with devils."

"I was hoping to turn him into my toy and gut him alive, too bad I can't do that," said another one.

The comments continued in this vein until another devil slammed its first on the table, shouting, "Enough!" again the room fell silent at once.

"A blessed child can't never use a devils power let alone form a pact. Our dark magic isn't effective against him which is the proof that his is a blessed" spoke the devil.

"This human is a rare case, I never seen someone like this in my whole lifetime," said Kethar.

"Why don't try and make a pact with the devil" spoke the fourth devil "It's not like you have any contractors Kethar" spoke the fourth devil.

"I don't make contracts with someone who can't offer me something equal in return". said Kether, The Time Weaver.

"It's like his holy powers are dormant" said Belialith, Archdevil of hell flames. "I killed a lot of blessed child but not a one with dormant holy power".

"So, who is in favour of making a pact with this kid" asked Kethar.

Only 3 hands were raised from thirteen of them.

Azazelus: Archdevil of Decay

Melsophse : Archdevil of dreams

Zodius: Archdevil of Manipulation

There of them walked from their seats and walked down towards where Ron was chained.

Ron's chains were removed from his hand and neck, allowing him to look up and see the three majestic figures standing Infront of him.

Azazelus, the Archdevil of Decay, is a towering figure with decaying flesh and rusted Armor covering his body. His eyes glow with a sickly green light, and he carries a massive mace made of bone and rusted metal.

Melsophse, the Archdevil of Dreams, has an androgynous appearance and is often depicted wearing flowing robes that shift in colour and pattern like a constantly changing dream. Her hair is a shimmering silver, and their eyes are a deep purple that seems to draw people in.

Zodius, the Archdevil of Manipulation. She has a slender and elegant figure, often depicted wearing fine clothing and jewellery that accentuates their beauty. Their hair is a deep black and their eyes are a striking emerald green.

"Alright human, which one of you do you like to form pact with" said Zodius.

Ron's thoughts raced as he tried to process the situation. The fact that he had the ability to wield holy magic was a game-changer. He couldn't help but greatful to the shitty goddess who gave him this ability.

[The goddess sneezes: "Did someone talk about me?"]

Ron considered his options carefully. "Dream or Decay, it's a tough choice," he thought to himself.

Meanwhile, the three entities - Dream, Decay, and Manipulation - were growing impatient with Ron's indecisiveness.

"Will you choose already, you dumb fucking human?" Zodius exclaimed.

Ron finally made his decision. "I choose Decay," he said, feeling confident in his choice.

But his confidence was short-lived, as he immediately felt the intense killing intent emanating from Zodius and Melsophse.

"You dare to bring me down and embarrass me, a mere mortal like you," Zodius seethed.

Ron couldn't help but smirk in response. "It's not like I can keep all three of you," he said nonchalantly.

But Melsophse wasn't convinced. "No way this little pimp is the blessed child," she scoffed.

As both of them went back to their seats Azazelus stepped forward, his towering figure casting a menacing shadow over Ron. With a firm grip, he took Ron's small hand into his own and without warning, stabbed his fingers deep into Ron's flesh. Ron gritted his teeth, feeling a searing pain shooting up his arm as he watched his veins turn a dark shade of black.

As the blood from Azazelus's fingers fell onto Ron's chest, a sharp pain began to spread throughout his body. He could feel his hands contorting into unnatural shapes, as the dark blood flowed through his veins and into his brain. His vision blurred as the tainted blood reached his eyes, causing him to stumble and fall to the ground.

Finally, the agonizing process came to an end, though it felt like hours instead of just a minute. Ron breathed a sigh of relief, feeling drained and weak from the experience.

Azazelus returned to his seat at the table, and Ron couldn't help but feel a sense of unease wash over him.

The Archdevil's words echoed in his mind as he struggled to come to terms with the reality of his situation. "This is a chance," Azazelus had warned him ominously. "Let's see if you will amuse me blessed child".

Kethar then spoke "This called for the end" said as he lifted his hands up and various magic circles lit up around it.

The whole places went dark again.