
Destined to you

What happen's if two completely different personality collides. One is big homophobic and a playboy, and the another one is simple calm but arrogant, What will happen if they get's married because of their elder's wish. Will they be together forever or they don't even have a chance. Let us all dive into the story of Arak and Arthit.

WizardsAngel · Realistic
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30 Chs

Chapter 21


Arthit and Arak came to the office early in the morning and started working on the jai companies project but everything was new for arthit and he was trying his best to make the project success and arthit was trying to learn from arak but he was doing all mistakes.. 

After all the employees arrived, Thung explained everything to the each department because, If it's done by arak, he will only shout at them, so thung and nam did the job.

 Arthit was stressing so much because of the project and also he don't know anything about it and also he want to prove to his to family and also the shareholders, that he can do it, and he can manage the company..

Next day morning.

Arak went to his office because of an urgent meeting and thung was with him too and nam was busy with something, and suddenly each department heads came one by one and started showing the demo's like project budget and project designing, models and etc..., but arthit knows nothing and he felt like a complete loser because he don't know what to say, when than asked for something.

After sometime later, Arak come to the office and they came to arak and said, "Sir.., You came, When we shown the demo's, Arthit sir said, To for you, now you came, please have a look sir."

Arak looked at the demo's and went to look for arthit and arthit was not in his cabin and arak searched whole building for arthit and finally found him on the rooftop.

Arak was breathing heavily because of running and while breathing, he said, "What are you doing here..?" and after listening to that, Arthit turned his head and, he was feeling very sad , which can clearly seen on his face and Arak went near him and sat on the bench and said, "What happened..?, Did someone said, Something." Arthit said, "Nothing, I just feel like, I am so useless, I think i am not good fit for, C.E.O's position, and after listening to that Arak put a hand on arthit's shoulder and said, "Arthit, You know, when , i became the managing director in my company, in my first project because of me the company faced a huge loss and at that time, i was so sad that i don't even want to continue anymore at that time, My grandpa came to me and said, "What happened rak..?, And i answered him that, i don't want to continue anymore, and he said, "Rak never ever make a decision, when you fail because it will only make you a failure but when you fail learn from your mistakes and do better and prove to the failure word that it will only makes you stronger and every time someone calls you a failure remember that they are encouraging you and leader will not raised in a day." and he's words made me stronger. I don't know, I am good leader or not but, i am still trying to be the good one.

Arthit laughed with tears in his eyes and said, "Your grandpa is great", and Arak said, "Yes, I know", and arthit said, "Arak, please teach about business," and Arak looked at him and said, "Okay...., but, you have to listen to me, what ever i say." and Arthit, thought for a bit and said, "Okay..."

 Arthit and Arak both went to home and had dinner at home and after the dinner, Arak went to Arthit's and Arthit came out of the shower without and any clothes on..

"Ahhhhhhhhh................." arthit shouted and covered himself with a towel, and said, "Do...n't look, cover your ears and Arak was looking at Arthit and after he heard it, he closed his ears and arthit said noo.... not your ears...., your eye your eyes...." And arak was looking at arthit without blinking an eye.

After few minutes later.

 Arthit came out of his room and Arak was waiting for him in living room and arthit serious looked at him and said, "You don't have some basic manners, How can you just get into my room without knocking it.." Arthit was seriously scolding him but Arak was not at all listening to him and Arak started laughing after seeing Arthit's face, Arthit said, " Do you think, I am a joker."

 Arak said, "No, Nothing go a head" and Arak started laughing again.

Arthit said, "No, Use because your not going to listen to me".

Then Arak seriously explained about the project and taught so many things.

Arthit said, "Thank you." and got up and said, "Good night" then suddenly arak pulled a paper, which was under arthit's foot, which made arthit to fall on arak.

Arak and Arthit kept looking into each other eyes and both there hearts are beating very fast.

Arak pulled up his face to kiss arthit but arthit moved back and stood up and said, "I am sorry and he immediately rushed to his room just like a thunder strike. After seeing that Arak said, "What the hell was that....?"

Next day in the office

Arithit was working in his cabin and Arak came to meet him but after seeing him like that Arak went to a coffee shop and brought a coffee for him and when he entered in arthit's cabin, Arak called him and arthit looked at him and said, "Oo.. this is for me", and Arak said, "Yes, Special coffee for hard working people.."

 In between Thung and Nam made a plan..

Nam came arak and said, "Sir...., Mr.Arthit is looking for you and Arak went to meet Arak and Thung came to Arthit and said, "Sir..., Mr.Arak is looking for you and arthit went to meet him and they both are walking towards each other, when Arak was about say something and to arthit, Arthit slipped his leg and about to touch the ground, and immediately Arak catch arthit but unfortunately Arthit sprained his leg and he wouldn't walk so arak took him to the hospital and the doctor treated his leg and said, "Take rest and not move his leg for one week."

Arak carried Arthit into the house from the car and removed his shoe and helped him to sleep....

Thung and nam was talking and thung said, "Nam you have to be careful, today it was very dangerous and Arthit sir, just sprained his leg but if some thing big happens, we are dead, 'Okay...." 

Nam was quiet and he was facing down and thung said, "Don't be sad, my baby," It's just a sweet warning because, What if something happens to my baby like today, When you put your leg for mr.arthit to fall on mr.arak, you got a scratch on your leg because of mr.arthit's shoe right so you have to be careful and after listening to it, Nam pouted his lips and nodded his head as 'okay' and thung give a peck on nam's lips .....