
Chapter 25

"No, Samuel, please!" I cried out as his eyes began to shut.

Lycan stood over his fallen form, laughing like a maniac. He hand shot out and grabbed my wrist, his grip crushing my bone. I bit back my scream as he pulled me away from Samuel, tears rolled down my cheeks as we made eye contact. His eyes were dull with pain and sorrow, he gave me a sad smile.

"I love you." he whispered.

I clenched my jaw, more tears were now flowing from my eyes. I swallowed my sobs, "I love you too."

His smile grew a little larger before his eyes slowly closed and his breathing stopped. I tried listening for his heartbeat, but I only heard one last beat before it fell silent. Anger suddenly exploded inside of me as I spun around and attacked Lycan.

"I hate you!" I screamed out. "You took him away from me! I loved him!"