
Destined To Love Only You

Having met Anisha more than a decade ago, Dylan never had a chance to express his feelings to her; and due to hidden acts by a person close to him, Dylan lost the girl. He tries in vain to find her; until one day, under unfavourable conditions, they meet again. While they are both fighting for their lives, without knowing whether or not they will see the light of the next day, they also try to get to know each other well, as their hearts fall in love. Coming from totally different worlds, the two have to fight all the obstacles that come their way. When Dylan is forced from all angles to leave the woman of his dreams, he finds himself caught in a corner between pleasing the people that he loves dearly, and keeping the love of his heart. He almost loses her again more than once, but sometimes destiny has an answer to the battles of the heart.

Ethel_Manyeruke · Urban
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199 Chs



I needed to have some time off. Now that Anisha's dream had been fulfilled, we needed some time off. I told her that the three of us, together with Liam, were going away to have some quality time as a family. Anisha stated that she wanted a place where we could go fishing, and she suggested that we invite the Rockridges. I loved that idea, because we hardly ever had time for each other. The Rockridges were also drowning in their own work. Arianna was busy with the running of her school, and Pete, who was responsible for the running of a new hospital in his name, was extremely busy as well. Everyone agreed that we needed that time off. The Rockridges came along with their children.

Before leaving, I strictly told Chris and Mrs Silva not to call us, unless if it was a matter of life and death. The same message was conveyed to the staff that worked closely with me at the hospital, as well as to Valentina and the staff at House of Ani-Lan. We needed the space; and the last thing we wanted was a phone call disturbing us. Pete told us that they too left the same orders at their home and workplaces; it was a time to relax.

"Mamma, uncle Dylan is coming with us too?" Amanda failed to hide her joy as she jumped up and down in great excitement.

"He's coming with us," Arianna responded.

"And aunt Anisha?"

"Yes, and her too."

"I'm happy that you're all coming," Amanda said while looking at me. "But I'm mostly happy because of Liam! Lima come, you and I will sit next to each other!"

The two of them ran off, laughing and giggling.

We really had a relaxing time. On the second morning, Anisha was not feeling well, to the extent that she failed to join us at the breakfast table. I therefore ordered room service, so that I could eat with my wife. Liam joined the others in the dining area.

Arianna came in and placed her hand on Anisha's forehead, feeling her temperature.

"She will be fine. It usually subsides after the first three months," she said.

I looked up at her with a questioning look, then she laughed.

"I know, Dylan. I have been pregnant twice. It's as clear as day; we're having a little nephew or niece. Congratulations, my brother. I am more than happy to you. When were you planning to tell us?" she asked.

Anisha sat up and the two hugged each other, while they were busy talking about pregnancy. Pete, who later joined us, congratulated us a lot and asked me how I felt about becoming a father.

"I'm already a father to Liam!" I said.

"Oh yes, oh yes, that's true. I was just wondering how it feels to know that finally you're going to hold a little person, your own flesh and blood."

"It sure feels amazing. I cannot contain the joy," I told him. "The reason why we had our child a bit later into our marriage was because we wanted to give Liam some time to blend in. The last thing both Anisha and I wanted was for our new baby to arrive before Liam got used to being a part of the family. But as it is; Liam is perfectly fine. So he can happily welcome his little brother or sister."

"That's very selfless of you." Pete said.

We continued to talk and have a lot of fun. Pete and I had a lot of catching up to do. I believe Arianna and Anisha had some catching up to do as well, but trust me, I do not think they spoke about anything else except the topic of pregnancy. Liam and Amanda were enjoying themselves. Baby Hayden Junior was mostly asleep most of the time.

It surely was one of the best times I have ever had. I realised during that holiday that I had missed my best buddy, Pete. He too confessed that he had missed me. We had become so engrossed in our work lives that we forgot to leave some time for each other. Thank God for the holiday, it helped to fill up the gaps that were starting to create in our friendship.

When we finally went back home, everyone felt refreshed. We were happy and ready to face the new tasks ahead of us. As for the opening of Ani-Lan Music and Film Production Company, I was not too sure if I needed Anisha to get into it already. With the way she overworked herself sometimes, I was sure that it was not going to be OK for her and the child. And knowing Anisha, she really could be stubborn.

"You will need to take a break, my wife. Morning sickness is already harassing you, and the last thing you want is to strain yourself further." I told her.

"I will be fine. I am employing a very capable Producer and Director, so that I won't need to be in the office that much. Although I really would have wanted to be there twenty-four-seven, so that I get to see our company taking off."

"Teach me how it's done, and I will assist you," I said to her.

She laughed and said, "doctor de Milo, you want to help with film production? Yah, I can teach you. And you can stand up for me during days when I feel like resting. And trust me, those days will be many!"

"I will happily do so, my darling lovely wife."


When Anisha told me that she was ready to announce the pregnancy, she said she wanted us to have a dinner. The idea was to have everything under the moonlight, just by the beach in front of our house.

"Who do you want to invite?" I inquired.

"Not too many people. It's us and the Rockridges, and dad of course. I want Valentina to be there, as well as KJ. And of course my mum and Tessa, and my dear Ms Meyerton. Bt then, I was thinking that, for my mum and Ms Meyerton, our family can personally go there to visit over a weekend, and we can give them the good news. What do you think?"

"Good idea. We haven't been in Hallowcave in quite a while now," I told her.

On the day of the announcement, the place was neatly set, and everything looked beautiful. Anisha came out and looked around the place.

"Mrs Silva, why do we have so many chairs? I could swear we're having one hundred people here," Anisha frowned.

"The person who decorated said it was not going to look very nice with too few chairs. They are the ones who added the other chairs." Mrs Silva explained.

"OK, if they say so."

We went back in the house to get dressed. The makeup artist was there, and she assisted Anisha with her make up as well as dressing up.

By the time we walked out, Pete and Arianna were already outside.

"Welcome, welcome. Thank you for coming on time!" we welcomed them.

Valentina and KJ arrived soon after, and then dad and Carl came as well.

Seeing that we were all there, I whispered to Chris that we could begin. He had offered to be the main man at the event, offering to welcome the guests and to do most of the talking.

"Welcome to the de Milos' home, ladies and gentlemen!" he said.

"Wait, wait. Before we start, please just give me a second!" Arianna said, and before anyone could respond, she ran into the house.

"Valentina, come with me!" she said.

Valentina nodded her head and ran to Arianna. Everyone was waiting when they both came back and stood by the door, shouting "surprise!!!"

And out came Tessa. Anisha looked really shocked to see Tessa, but she did not stand up from her seat.

"Surprise!" they said again, and Anisha's mother, Ms Amelia Reshell, came out. Anisha smiled and went to meet her, hugging her briefly.

Another surprise scream, and Gareth came in.

And then another one, and Ms Meyerton came in.

When Ms Meyerton came, Anisha reacted in a totally different way from how she had welcomed the others. She stood up and hugged the woman, and she even shed some tears of joy.

"Another surprise!" Arianna said.

I'm sure everyone was wondering who it was, and when we all looked, in the doorway we saw none other than doctor Shimmer de Milo. Standing there under the moonlight, but with enough light for all to see her, she smiled brightly.

"Ma'am de Milo!" Iris gasped.