
Destined To Love Only You

Having met Anisha more than a decade ago, Dylan never had a chance to express his feelings to her; and due to hidden acts by a person close to him, Dylan lost the girl. He tries in vain to find her; until one day, under unfavourable conditions, they meet again. While they are both fighting for their lives, without knowing whether or not they will see the light of the next day, they also try to get to know each other well, as their hearts fall in love. Coming from totally different worlds, the two have to fight all the obstacles that come their way. When Dylan is forced from all angles to leave the woman of his dreams, he finds himself caught in a corner between pleasing the people that he loves dearly, and keeping the love of his heart. He almost loses her again more than once, but sometimes destiny has an answer to the battles of the heart.

Ethel_Manyeruke · Urban
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199 Chs



"You will have to give your notice with K JNR PRODUCTIONS. There is no way you can continue working so hard while you're carrying our child."

I already knew that was coming, so it did not shock me much when my husband said that.

"Let me go for one more month; just until the national film awards. I have worked too hard for them."

"No. I'm sure KJ can now fully stand on his feet. He has Val to hold his hand."

"I know, my love, but I really want to reap the fruit of my sweat. Please."

"No, please Anisha."

"Dylan, I need to prove to the world that I can do this. I don't want to appear like some girl who just came to reap where she did not sow. I also can do something. I need to…"

"I understand, but you really don't need to prove yourself to anyone. You are more than worthy to me, and I know what you're capable of. I don't want you to overwork yourself while you're carrying our child."

I would have responded but my man kissed me, making it impossible for me to say anything more, for I was already melting in his kisses. Him and I had been married for close to four years, yet each time he kissed me, I melted. Each time we made love, it felt like a new experience. He knew how to treat a lady; and I was glad to be that lady. He was kissing my tummy and whispering some sweet messages to our baby. That on its own sent shivers right through my body. The handsome man had me as putty in his hands. He could do whatever he wanted with me; for I was his; and wholly so. He was mine too; and I was more than happy in his embrace.

It was after our very steamy session, when Dylan was trailing off to sleep, his face buried in my hair, that I asked him,

"May I just go back for one more month, so that I push the company until the national film awards?"

"Ok," the man mumbled before trailing off to sleep.

I knew that I had tricked him, and sure enough, once he was fully awake he was going to reverse that. Thinking of that, I started to plan in my mind on how I was going to handle the last one month before resigning from K JNR PRODUCTIONS.

I was in the process of applying for my own film producing company; for I truly loved that job. But all the same, I needed to bring home the awards for K JNR before leaving.

I planned a lot in my head, calculated and recalculated, shuffled this and that, and when sleep began to take over me, I closed my eyes, only to feel my husband's hand trailing and massaging me.

"You're awake," I commented.

"Umm," he mumbled again.

Just when I thought it was time for us both to fall asleep, he became fully awake, and started to touch me all over again.

"Dylan?" I laughed, acting as if I wanted him to stop. The truth, however, was that I wanted him to go ahead. How on earth could I have said no to the world's greatest man; the man that I loved with my everything?

"Hmm? What have I done wrong? If a man wishes to make love to his wife, can he be blamed?"

"No, he cannot be blamed!" I laughed heartily, and just when he thought he had the upper hand at that moment, I flipped myself and was on top of him, taking control of the ride.

"Now you're talking," he smiled. It was that same old beautiful smile.



In shocking news, after 2 years of drowning, K JNR PRODUCTIONS has come back with a bang. The film producing company, under the leadership of Mrs Anisha de Milo, managed to scoop ten awards at this year's national film awards ceremony; thus silencing everyone who had doubted the lady. K JNR PRODUCTIONS landed on first position for the Best Picture award, the Best Director award, Best Original screenplay award, Film producer of the year award, Sound editing, Editing and visual effects. The best actor and best actresses of the year awards go to Juan and Gwen, both of them contracted by K JNR PRODUCTIONS.


Tears welled up my eyes while I held my registration certificate. Ani-Lan Music and Film Producing Company. I was doing it! I was opening my own! Keith Junior was strong enough to stand on his feet and take over KR. I felt happy and satisfied. I had done it! I had done exactly what I needed to do. I had proven myself to the world; that no; I was not just a number. They called me 0028, but I proved that I was more than just a number. I was way more than just a number. I wanted to tell the whole world. I wanted to show Ms Meyerton too; and tell her look mamma; the girl that you raised has done it. I brought the gold home, mamma; and I am starting my own company too.

I sobbed and started to wipe off the tears. He walked into the room and froze by the door, staring at me. "You're crying?"

My tears fell freely as I stood to my feet and held out the certificates to him.

"Congratulation, my love." He said to me.

"Thank you for believing in me at a moment when no-one else did. You took me from being a nobody, and you made me a somebody. I was just but a number; an orphan worth nothing; but you made me worthy. Today everyone is talking about me, celebrating the achievements made under my leadership. I would not have done any of those without you, my love." I cried with my entire soul.

"Shh, it is well, my love. It is all well. Don't make it appear like I did more to you that you to me. Not in any way. You and I were destined to be together. You deserve me as much as I deserve you. We are supposed to be right where we are." He said to me.

"Oh Dylan, thank you so much for loving me the way that you love me."

"I was destined to love only you, for I cannot imagine ever loving any other woman as much as I love you. You are the only woman for me; the one who knows the way to my heart. I love you Anisha. Anisha Meyerton Everdeen de Milo."

"That's a long name," I smiled even though the tears were still running.

"It is. It's the name of the woman that I love; the woman who was destined to be mine forever." He said.

My tears of joy continued to flow. I was very happy. I had made it. I had risen beyond the tribulations thrown in my way by life itself. I had proved them all wrong.

"Now don't cry, my love, You deserve it. You deserve everything that's coming your way". He hugged me tight.

I cried my heart out for a long time. Too many memories came to my mind. I never thought I was going to become that big. I was opening my own music and film producing company, and that was more than enough to make me cry. I helped K JNR PRODUCTIONS to bag ten awards. Of course it was not by my own efforts. It was team effort, but all the same I felt that I had put in a lot of work in it. All the staff; and KJ himself, confirmed it. They all appreciated my hard work. I was happy and at peace.

When I heard little footsteps coming, I quickly calmed myself down and waited for our son to come in.

"Mamma I don't like the fruits that Ms Iris is giving me!" he was about to throw a tantrum.

"Well you will have to eat them, my dear son. We know what's good for you, and those fruits are more than good for you." I responded before planting a kiss on my son's forehead.

He looked up at his father and with hopeful eyes said, "daddy, Ms Iris said I should finish the fruits; but I don't want them!"

Liam waited eagerly for his dad to support him as he always did, but his little face fell when Dylan said, "sure, and you should. Go and eat everything, and come show me your empty bowl."

"Daddy, but I don't like them!" the little man protested.

"They're good for you, my son. Go and eat everything." The father said. "Or better still, bring your plate and I will feed you."

He laughed and said, "mamma said I am a big boy. I will eat by myself."

"If you say so. But show me your empty plate once you're done," Dylan smiled at the little boy.

"Will you come with me, daddy? Will you come to sit with me while I eat?" Liam asked.

Dylan left the room with our son, and I remained there, kneeling down to pray to God, thanking Him for the blessings bestowed upon me. I was seeing them all, and I was grateful for them all.

About ten minutes later, I went to join my family in the dining area, but they were not there.

"Where did they go?" I asked Iris.

"They're in Liam's suite," she told me.

I went there, and in Liam's bedroom, I could see my husband on all fours, looking under the bed. Little Liam was kneeling close by, holding a torch for his dad.

"What are you two doing?" I could not help but laugh.

"We're looking for Liam's toy train. He lost it again!" Dylan responded.

"Daddy said when we lose toys we don't buy new ones. We look for them until we find them," Liam updated me.

"Oh yes, daddy is right," I winked at my husband, who was kneeling and looking up at me.

Seeing the multi-billionaire on all fours, searching frantically for a lost toy, made me realise what love can do. Love will bring a person to do anything and everything for the one that they love. Love brought him to admire and want to be with the poor girl at the orphanage; the girl who was usually in the worn out sky blue dress, with a badge written the number 0028. Love made him see beyond the worn out sky blue dress. It made him see beyond the number. It was love that made him offer to adopt Liam, just so as to bring the child closer to me. And that same love; the love for his family, was causing him to be on all fours; searching frantically for a lost toy. A maid could have been tasked to do that; but he chose to do it himself. That is what love does. Love sends multi-billionaires to go down on all fours, even if they are able to pay ten thousand maids to do the task. Love makes them do it themselves. That was what I loved most about the man that I called mine.