
Destined To Love Only You

Having met Anisha more than a decade ago, Dylan never had a chance to express his feelings to her; and due to hidden acts by a person close to him, Dylan lost the girl. He tries in vain to find her; until one day, under unfavourable conditions, they meet again. While they are both fighting for their lives, without knowing whether or not they will see the light of the next day, they also try to get to know each other well, as their hearts fall in love. Coming from totally different worlds, the two have to fight all the obstacles that come their way. When Dylan is forced from all angles to leave the woman of his dreams, he finds himself caught in a corner between pleasing the people that he loves dearly, and keeping the love of his heart. He almost loses her again more than once, but sometimes destiny has an answer to the battles of the heart.

Ethel_Manyeruke · Urban
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199 Chs



One morning, when something crossed my mind, I called Valentina and asked her to give me the names that I had asked her to keep during the time that I was in hospital.


The image of Pastor Everdeen pleading with us to look for Amelia came clearly in my mind. Although I had very slim hopes of ever finding the woman, I decided there was no harm in me trying to find out. A little search was all I intended to do. It felt like the right thing to do. After the Pastor's pleading, my heart told me that it would be rude and highly inconsiderate to utterly ignore his request. The heart would be more at peace if something was done, even if the search yielded nothing. It was not going to be in vain, for whatever the result of the search, it was going to bring peace. A sense of accomplishment.

"I will do my best to find her, pastor Everdeen. I can't promise you much, but I will search on social media and who knows, I might find her." I spoke out aloud.

With his eyes wide open, little Liam stared at me and broke into a wide grin.

"I'm talking to myself….you're surprised to see Anisha talking to herself?" I smiled and tickled the little boy. He laughed even more and started jumping up and down in great excitement.

I searched on social media for Amelia Reshell, but there was nothing. I told myself that maybe the person led a very private life, as in she did not have accounts on any social media platforms; or she used a different name, or maybe she was already dead? I shuddered at that thought. Brushing it aside, I immediately gave a call to Greenrod Electrical, back in Lakeworld, asking them if they ever had Amelia Reshell working for them. The lady asked me to call later, and when I did call, she confirmed that Amelia Reshell did work for Greenrod Electrical at some point.

"She was laid off, during the days that Greenrod was having a very tough financial crisis," the woman explained.

I proceeded to ask for Amelia's address, and the lady hesitated. She needed to know who I was, and I explained that Amelia's late friend had asked me, on his death bed, to look for Amelia and deliver a message. Reluctantly, she gave me an address.

When Dylan called me, I asked him if he had time to spare, or better still, to ask someone to go and check out the address that I was given. He did not get back to me on that issue, until the day when he came to Hallowcave. He was coming to take me and Liam back home. Although I insisted that we were able to travel by ourselves, he insisted on coming for us. That time, Pete was not with him.

It was a Sunday afternoon, and I went to meet him at the hotel where he was staying for just one night. Valentina offered to stay and babysit Liam. Dylan, upon seeing me, smiled his angelic smile, and I instantly melted. My mind told me that it was a sin for someone to be that handsome. It was just too much. I quickly looked away and did my best to avoid his eyes.

"Come give me a hug," his arms were wide open.

After hesitating, I walked closer and hugged him, my body instantly stiffening and I felt seriously uncomfortable. I should have brought Liam with me.

The man was dressed in casuals, a pair of faded jeans and a white t-shirt. How could someone look that amazing in just a jean and t-shirt? I proceeded to the room and sat on the edge of a chair.

"You are very tense," he commented. Oh no! Did he have to comment on that?

"I'm not," I denied in a low voice which suddenly betrayed me by becoming not only husky but shaky as well.

My phone suddenly rang. Thank God! I quickly answered the call.

"Are you at the hotel yet?" Valentina's loud voice pierced into my ear.

"Yes," I said calmly.

"Well, how is he? Have you seen him yet?"

"Yes," I said.

"What's with the one word answers? Just tell me everything!" she snapped.

"Not now, Val. We'll talk."

"Ok." She ended the call.

I fidgeted in my seat, feeling the warmth next to me, because Dylan planted himself very close to me. my heartbeat was surely racing. This man! What on earth was he doing to me?

"I…I need to use the bathroom," I lied, standing up. Once I was alone in the bathroom, I sat on a stool and sent a message to Valentina:

Anisha: Why on earth would you call me when you know that I am with Dylan? You're making everything so awkward!

Valentina: What were you two doing, anyway?

Anisha: Nothing, I have just arrived.

Valentina: Did he kiss you?

Anisha: Why would he? Val, we're just friends!

Valentina: Really? Ok, I'll let you go. You'll tell me when you come back home. Go to your 'friend'.

I suddenly started to feel stupid. Why was I feeling so tense in Dylan's presence? Initially, him and I talked to each other well. OK, the truth is, from the first time I ever knew him, I thought he was the most handsome person on earth, and because of his status, it was enough to dare having a crush on him. During the kidnapping, I still thought he had grown even more handsome, and with that smile of his, yet still, I told myself we were from different worlds. But when we started to get close, as he showed me a lot of care and concern, I failed to understand us.

What are we? Are we friends? What does he want from our friendship? Will he ever say anything to me….like….will he ever….is he in love with me? Will he…why won't he say or hint at anything….I cannot wait for him to say something. For I am helplessly in love with this man…

I slowly opened the door and went to sit back on the sofa, feeling embarrassed about the amount of time that I spent in the bathroom.

"You're really tense. Tell me, how is Ms Meyerton, Val and the little man?"

"They're all fine," I smiled shyly.

I wanted to gather the courage to ask him. I wanted him to say something….just an answer to WHAT ARE WE? Dylan, say or do something please.

"Come here, Anisha, I brought you something," he pulled me closer to him and threw his arm around my shoulder.

"Are you hungry? Can we eat something first before I show you what I brought you?"

"I...I'm not hungry…I mean, I would like something very light," I stammered.

Dylan ordered some food for us, and he handed me the gift. It was a very beautiful classy set of earrings, a necklace and a bracelet. From looking at the set, I figured I probably needed to work for an entire year before I could afford it. I thanked him whole-heartedly, and he took the necklace and helped me wear it. His hands brushing off the hair on my neck, his steady breathing behind me, the warmth of his body touching mine…did he really have to come that close?

"I …I will do it myself!" I moved away.

"I'll help you," he continued to do what he was doing, paying no attention to my words. When all of the jewelry was on me, which seemed like after an eternity, I looked at myself in the mirror and I loved everything. Dylan lay on the sofa with his head resting on my laps. Tense. Tense. I felt seriously tense. He was talking, but I honestly did not hear what he was saying. My heart wanted to run my fingers through his hair, but my hands refused to move. I wanted to relax and be myself, yet the more I thought that way, the more tensed up I became. I found the strength to lift up my hand, and it instinctively drew back to me. Dylan was still talking some small talk, and I only realised that I was totally mesmerized in admiring him that I missed his question…

"…is that fair?" he chuckled.

Hmm? Fair? What's fair? What's not fair? I shifted a bit and said, "umm, sorry I didn't get the last part."

"I'm saying, do you think it's fair?" he repeated.

"I…I'm sorry my mind was on something and I missed what you were saying." I confessed in shame.

"What is troubling you?" he sat up and pulled me into an embrace.

"Nothing. It's nothing serious," I said and quickly smiled at him, so that he would quickly dismiss the issue. Although Dylan tried his best to get me to talk, there was no way I was ever going to tell him what was on my mind. How on earth was I going to say 'Dylan, I have fallen hopelessly and desperately in love with you." What if he did not feel the same way? What if he only saw us as friends? What if he already had a girlfriend? He had told me about his ex girlfriend Harper, but he never mentioned anything about his current status. The more I thought about it, the more anxious I became.

The food came, it was just some salads and juices. I loved it. I resorted to asking Dylan about his work, and any other topic that would shift my mind from thinking about me loving him.