
destined to kill my mate

The moon princess was the stubborn daughter of the moon goddess.During her life experience, she met Conri Emrys, who would later become immortal demon wolf emperor.Despite the evil prophecies, she defied her mother and the high priestess, their moon oracle, and chased after Conri, helping the abandoned and rejected wolf prince to take back his birthright, using her immense powers and Conri's unfathomable gifts.However, the heart of men are wicked and tricky.In a greedy bid for more power and driven by ambition, Conri killed the moon princess and extracted her immortal powers for his selfish and greedy purposes, on their wedding night nonetheless, thereby killing her.The moon oracle managed to preserve the last vestige of the moon princess and turned her into a flower waiting for reincarnation.****200 years later, the moon princess reincarnated as Rona Garcia, daughter of Alpha Burke of Silver moon pack.However, fate is mischievous and tricky, bringing her back to the immortal demon wolf emperor who had turned into a nightmarish terror, wreaking havoc on the world.But fate is very cruel, not planning to give them a chance to be together, nor does it plan to give the confused Conri, a chance to choose love and good this time.They are destined to be each other's bane, cancelling any chance of love between them.But fate and destiny seems to bend under the powers of higher forces, causing chaos.It remains to be seen if destiny can be bent or rewritten, and how?

Daoistx24xB2 · Horror
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5 Chs

Chapter Five- Rona Garcia's Pov

My heart shook in fear as he looked towards our direction.I wanted to turn on the relics of invisibility.But it will not work on him.It will rather draw his attention.He has this uncanny ability to detect things that came from immortals.Besides, if he captures us, we will have more chance of survival if he thinks that we are mere lower ranked wolves.I hid all my manuals, relics and weapons in my storage bracelet. No one can unlock or find them. I only have the bracelet, pendant and hair pin on me. However, I can invoke anything I need from the bracelet in the blink of an eye.Ara held my hand tightly, preparing for flight.One half of the immortal demon emperor's face was covered in a mask, but the other half looks so handsome.His long hair which was peeking out of his black cloak looks so shiny and beautiful.How can someone so wicked look so attractive?He's the demon himself, the devil, the evil fiend, the terror, he's everything wrong.I wonder why I feel like I know him.I wonder why I feel so sad and heart broken whenever I look at him.But I have never met the immortal demon wolf emperor, Conri Emrys ever before!He was still looking at us, we stayed still, not moving any part of our body, hoping our green and black camouflage dressing would make him think that we were leaves, boulders or perhaps trees."If he approaches us, run with all your might while I stay here to distract them" Ara whispered, looking at him in fear."And please, once you escape, gather our things from the inn and run straight home", she said firmly."Rubbish! I'm not a coward! I will not let you take the fall for my own mischief. You didn't want to come here but I forced you to. If anything, you should run away. I will hold the rear!" I instructed."Why must you always be so stubborn, princess? For once obey and save your life!" She whispered impatiently.I kept quiet and drew my lips into my signature stubborn expression.No one has been able to persuade me into changing my mind.So, Ara should stop wasting her saliva.I feel confusing emotions while looking at the demon emperor.I think he saw me.He can see me, but just like me, he seems to be frozen, like some sort of deja vu.Someone bowed before him, drawing his attention.One of his generals maybe.In that moment of distraction, I grabbed Ara and we made a run for it.******We sat in the forest floors, devouring the salted pork and roasted beef, in addition to some nuts and bread.I sighed as I gulped down the water.It's almost midnight, and midnight is the best time to break into anywhere.They would have just changed the patrol and guards, worse some of them will be so weak and sleepy, even though the demon emperor's men are the most trained soldiers in the world.They don't get tired or get caught unawares.But I'm the princess of mischief, there's nothing impossible for me to do.I ate the last cashew nuts and waited for Ara to pack our bags and tether our horses.We were already dressed in our warrior garbs.I didn't forget to wear my veil and silk cloak.We breathed in and entered the camp, sneakily avoiding the soldiers and knocking unconscious anyone that sees us.Soon we got to the cell.I smiled and shot a potent sleeping pill into their mug of ale which they were sharing to chase away the chill.Soon every one of them drank it.We met only a final barrier which we easily eliminated by slashing his neck.Ara quickly unchained the wolves, but they were looking at us in fear."Damn! Hurry up! The moon goddess sent us to save you all from that evil" I said angrily.That seemed to do the trick and they quickly stood up, their eyes shining with trust and adoration."Lead them away. I will hold the rear. Wait for me in the forest behind the inn" I quickly instructed Ara who nodded and led them off through the hole I made in the wall using my super sharp dagger.I quickly replaced the slab of stone which I had cut off, ensuring it looks intact to avoid anyone seeing signs of foul play and following them into the forest.I smiled and ran off towards the way we entered."Fools! Why are you sleeping?" I heard someone roar.The emergency bell immediately rang, making me laugh triumphantly and divert into a corner.I hid in the dark corner waiting for my chance to disappear.The hairs on my skin suddenly stood on edge and I was filled with a sense of foreboding.Cold sweat ran down my body and I was immediately filled with fear.I frowned at the feeling.I felt a presence behind me, but before I could turn around, I felt his hand on my neck, holding me in a vice-like grip."How dare you, sneak into here, you little girl" the immortal demon wolf emperor whispered into my ear, coldly, filling me with fear.*** He threw me on the rugged floor of a room and I immediately went down on my knees."You have some nerves freeing my prisoners. I won't ask for your accomplice because I know you will refuse to hand whoever it is over" he said coldly, making me look up at him.His side profile looked so dangerous and yet, immensely handsome.He was the devil himself."I'm talking to you and you're still covering your face! That veil on your face is not ordinary, it's not letting me search you. Remove it immediately or die!" He said coldly.My heart immediately shook in fear and I was overcome with distress.I suddenly had this feeling that he would kill me immediately he sees my face. I sense intense fear from him, as if he's my bane.Worse, I feel so much sorrow and pain while looking at him.Immediately, the need to never let him see my face overwhelmed me.But this room is a spiritual prison. I can't teleport."Fine, I will remove it myself!" He said angrily, walking towards me.

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