
Destined to fall in love with, my Enemy

Whatever is meant for you will come to you. It always finds it ways...and that is called destiny. You cannot run from it.

Hina_Saeed · Fantasy
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33 Chs

I Have a Heart of a Lion and Needs a Lioness to Rule it

King Aaron now had been ruling the kingdom for almost two decades with a stone heart but it doesn't made him a bad ruler.

He was always involved in all the royal affairs and never leave them on his royal ministers.

He strengthened the royal army and made sure the kingdom's gate was always gaurded heavily.

He made sure no one in the kingdom is illiterate. He built sorcery schools so that everyone could learn about spells and portions.

He also made sure that all his people were trained well enough to protect their families without all the time relying on their sorcery abilities because there was a magical forest near the kingdom where magical creatures lives that tries to break in the castle once in a while.

He also made sure no one in the kingdom was involved in any wrong doings and if so he or she was given capital punishment and that is behead in the public. Because of this the kingdom became crime free.

People were too afraid of the king and especially of his red eyes that reminded them of hell fires.

That was the blessing given by the magical flames to the unborn king Aaron when his mother protected it. When someone will look in his eyes with good intentions he or she will see passion in his eyes otherwise the person with bad intentions will witness fear of being burn alive.

Hunt for the Queen

As eastern region was immersed in the preparations and celebrations of their new queen, the western kingdom was shortlisting girls for queen's title.

All the families with young girls were invited to the castle which was also called the devil's cave.

As they were entering the castle, King Aaron was looking them from his room's window.

He said to his royal advisor who was standing behind him in a harsh tone "You really think that actually one of these girls have all the qualities to become my queen and more importantly to rule the kingdom in my absence...Do you really think that?"

"But Your Highness you surely has to marry one day not for you but for the sake of your kingdom. So why not you go and see yourself if there is a girl among them who stands out to you" said his royal advisor in a shaky voice.

After giving some thoughts to it king Aaron said " Very well..I will meet them and after finishing all the royal matters in the morning I am free this afternoon and don't have much to do".

In the castle's hall all the families were waiting anxiously except for the girls as they were too afraid of the devil king and so were their families but they have come in a hope that if their daughter will be crown they will enjoy all the luxuries of life.

As king Aaron entered the hall, all of them stood up and greeted Him. After sitting on his throne, his bellman announced "Welcome all the families who are gathered today in the hope of finding a queen of the kingdom of Eternal Flames. Please come forward with your family when I will call out your name".

One by one all girls and their families came and greeted the king but no one had a spark that touched the young king's heart.

All the girls were too afraid of him to ask him something as he was asking them.

Upon seeing this he signaled the bellman to end the meeting and he said to them in a loud voice " Thank you everyone for coming today, but this meeting is over for now and you can all go back".

Hearing this all of them quickly rushed out of the castle as they were waiting for someone to tell them to leave.

My dream girl ("QUEEN")

After the short meeting which seemed liked a long one ended, king Aaron went to his room. His royal advisor followed him. "Are you ok, your Highness" he said.

"Yes! I am fine. Didn't I told you that neither one of them had a ability to stand beside me and rule over the kingdom" said the king in a sad voice.

"Then may I ask what you are looking for in your future wife" said the advisor after gathering much strength to ask the king.

"I...hmm... maybe.... I am looking for a girl whose eyes...sparkle when she meets me not filled with fear instead. She could fight with me when I am wrong or even over desserts...I wouldn't mind that. She could be my strength. She could look after the kingdom like her own family and I can rely on her. She could cheer me up when I am feeling down. She just let's me cry instead of telling me....Kings don't cry. She could tell me it's okay to say I am not okay and I could tell her I don't want to be alone again. In short I am a lion king, so I need to marry a lioness..a bravest one".

"I am amazed to hear your thoughts about our future queen, I hope you can find one" said the advisor with a smile on his face while wondering why king don't let others see this side of him.

"I hope that too" said the king with a light of hope in his voice.

Is Queen Amber who herself is now dancing on the tunes of her mother and her kingdom will become a lioness to marry the lion king? Will young king find a perfect match for him? Will destiny rule over their hearts?