

"Don't you just look so ravishing?" With a smile on her face, she teased the young ger. "Y-you……………" With a hot face, the young ger failed to say anything as he glanced at the shameless fermar who happened to be his partner. "Can't you see that he is so shy, Lord husband?" A melodious female voice joined in with a giggle, then others joined in. "We should let the youngest feel comfortable otherwise he will run away before the honeymoon phase comes to an end!" "Do you think that after receiving **** from our Lord husband, any one of us will just pack up and leave?" The room was filled with laughing, the peace was palpable, and even the young ger who had just been teased felt at ease. Who can escape the grips of Alita, a foxy, sneaky fermar? Growing up in a new world, a new era where things were not the same as they were before. The intergalactic age began after the apocalypse that devastated the planet and reduced it to ashes. Growing up on a little star just big enough to be a city, Alita had a grandiose goal to go and live on Eartha, the new Earth after the catastrophe, marry a lot of wives, have a stadium full of kids, and most importantly, let her family live comfortably. And the opportunity to make that dream true was given to her when she finally …..... Read the book to find out more....

GEEGEE · Urban
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232 Chs


She didn't want this at all, sitting on a garden chair looking at the people walking up and down in the road, Alita was just so depressed.

Alita was once a single child and was raised by her mother Tanya Rogers who raised her beautifully. Alita never lacked anything when she was growing up. Her mother was a businesswoman who dabbled in many things.

Despite living on a small star named Reqox, Alita's family can be considered to be very rich. They lived in a two-story house, hired people to clean the house and all.

They lived a high life and many people were envious of them. Her mother wasn't a native of Reqox but she came from Eartha, a place Alita wanted to visit one day.

She didn't ask much about Eartha as she could tell that her mother was

uncomfortable with the topic. She also believed that her father was there and if he was really alive, she wondered why he didn't want to raise her and ditched her mother to live by herself.

Alita went to school until she was sixteen years old. She didn't go to college as she was not interested in wasting her years by learning when the education of small stars like hers wouldn't get her a low-paying job in Eartha.

So instead of wasting her time with that, Alita became a hustler. Wherever there was money, she would go there and try her hands. Working on Reqox didn't bring a lot of money in so she joined an adventure team that went to surrounding stars to scavenge for anything and then sells it.

It took her a long time to be fully pledged and no longer green, and Alita made a lot of money through this. They would find anything saleable and bring it to Greitos, the capital city of the ten stars in the neighboring area to sell for some quick cash.

They would share the proceeds and go back home. When she was not out scavenging, she will be busy buying and selling goods from different stars for a quick buck.

Before she finished school, she would do some part-time jobs that earned her some cash to spoil herself. Her mother gave her an allowance every month so she never really lacked any money.

Her mother married when Alita was eight years old to a loving businessman who owned a hotel and a restaurant. Julius Merik is a loving man, father, and husband and Alita found no fault in him so she never went against this union.

Julius had three children in his previous marriage with his dead wife. Unlike men who marry many wives, Julius had one before he married Tanya Alita's mother.

As much as Alita praises Julius for his monogamy, Alita was someone who wanted to have a harem and be served by many wives. And she knew that this kind of lifestyle required a lot of money and she was working too hard for it.

Tanya and Julius have two children, Trinity a female who is currently fourteen years old, and Alex a ger who is ten years old. Alita loves her younger siblings and spoils them whenever she has time for it.

Julius's children in his previous children are all old and have their own families and they are not always in the picture so Alita doesn't mind about those three.

Alita is married to a beautiful kindergarten teacher who is two years older than her and they have a beautiful girl called Kimberly. It wasn't in her plan to marry when she was twenty.

Alita wanted to enjoy her youth and bachelorhood before she tied the knot but that one night changed everything. And since Sanyah was pregnant Alta being responsible as she is, married the other and started a family.

So, with two mouths to feed, Alita had to work harder than before while fulfilling her dream of visiting Eartha as she wanted. in order to gain entry in Eartha, one has to have a permit, a bank account with enough money to last the visitor for at least six months and it should be in Eartha Planetary dollars.

1 EPD was equivalent to 100-star coins, the currency that their star uses and this conversion were just crazy. In Reqox, 100-star coins can buy a lot and make someone grateful but this was practically different from Eartha which is why Alita did the best she could to raise a lot of money.

In her quest of gathering and saving money, Alita had been making visits to some unexplored and abandoned stars to scavenge with her team. And she was at such a visit roughly over a month ago but things didn't go as planned.

It took them two weeks to reach that abandoned star, and Alita searched every corner and cave she could find for over a week and managed to pick three big energy stones that if she could have sold them, she could have earned enough money to get that permit and a quarter of her living expenses when she goes to Eartha.

But who knew that from nowhere a meteor shower happened and Alita who had watched this scene for years managed to get hit on the head by a falling rock and blacked out?

When she woke up, it was already two weeks later and she was on a spaceship returning home. What made her angry was the fact that her energy stones were nowhere to be found which meant that she didn't make any profit for this visit.

Alita who had never eaten such a huge loss was very low and returned home empty-handed. It felt like she was being told not to go to Eartha as her mother wasn't fond of her idea.

Tanya even refused to give her a hand so Alita was forced to save her own money so that she can fulfill this dream of hers. So, for weeks now she was home and she didn't even have any strength to go out and hustle as thinking of those three energy stones she lost made her feel troubled.

Because she was planning on not telling the gang about her finding these stones, she didn't even ask them if they saw the stones, otherwise, she was going to be in trouble.

Not only did she spend money on medication, she even got scolded by her mother but she also ate a huge loss. How can she not be doomed?

There was going to be another trip to an unexplored star and the remuneration was tempting and if she went there, took the risks she would be able to cover the loss.

But after everything that had happened, Alita didn't have much faith in herself anymore and she was afraid that something bad will happen and that she may lose her life for real this time.

She didn't want to die that early when people in this era could live up to 300 years. She wanted to make her mother live in a big house, drive a hovercraft, and go shopping everywhere she wanted. she had not done that yet, so dying was out of the picture.

She also wanted to spend time with her daughter and wife.