
Destined to be yours by Eeasharh

Nouran is a 21 year old girl, living with her parents and her elder brother. Ever since she finished school, every one has been pestering her about marriage. Anwar is a 27year old successful business man. An arrogant but kind person. Let's just say he and nouran aren't best of friends. They both have their differences. One bad past makes nouran to hate him and he tries his possible best to get her to forgive him. Will he succeed, find out....... Join in the intriguing story of romance and heartbreak. A story of two broken hearts.

Eeasharh · Urban
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18 Chs

Chapter 5

It was finally time for dinner and I'm very very hungry. I came downstairs after praying maghrib, went straight to the dinning area and asked Ammi what we are eating for dinner. Half way through dinner, Ammi's phone started ringing. I was seated near so I could see who was calling. Daddy is calling. Excitedly, I picked up the phone. As salamu alaikum daddy. How are you doing, when are you coming back, did you ge-- hold on princess, one question at a time. I'm fine Alhamdulillah, how are you all over there. We are fyn daddy. When are you coming back home? Oh princess, I will be coming back the day after tomorrow In Sha Allah. Now where is your mother, give her the phone. Alright daddy, take care.

I gave the phone to Ammi and continued eating my food. She looks soo happy. Once dinner was over with, I went up to my room and logged on my IG account. I had 5 new followers and was tagged in 11 posts. I got tired, logged off, said my isha prayers and went to bed.