
Destined To Be With My Ex

Agatha Woolf dated Simon Cunningham, the most popular guy in the University. They only dated for a month before she realized he was betraying her. Agatha's parents agreed to let her marry the son of their business partner in an arranged marriage. She had no idea that after all these years, she would run across her first love again. Will they be able to reunite? ''They will be together if they are intended to be together. It's destiny.''

annhyacinth · Urban
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11 Chs

9 New Life

The day of graduation for all colleges is today. Everyone is eager to get their degrees and honors. Their parents attend the most momentous day of Agatha and Phoebe's lives. Everyone is excited and happy on this day.

''Oh my God, We are finally graduating" Phoebe exclaimed.

''Yes, Phoebe, we will be starting a new chapter of our lives'' Agatha replied.

When Agatha is ready to get her diploma, she finally approaches the podium. Everything made her feel appreciative. With her parents in view, she smiled. At last, she succeeded. She is currently advancing into a new phase of her life after four years of studying.

Phoebe and Agatha congratulate one another. They gave each other firm embraces. Both of them are contented and fortunate.

''What are your plans?'' Phoebe inquired.

''Maybe I'll go on vacation to the US'' she said.

Phoebe informed her that she will miss her dearly. She had intended to travel with Agatha, but her parents dissuaded her from doing so. It will be the first time they are separated from one another. They are saddened by it.

"Agatha...don't forget me," Phoebe said to her.

"Of course, I won't forget you," Agatha answered and embraced her friend.

'They bid each other farewell and headed home.'

~ A Week After~

Agatha's luggage is already being loaded onto the vehicle by the servants. Her departure from the nation is scheduled for today. When her mother called, she answered the phone and went inside the car.

{"I'm on my way to the airport already." }She said.

["Thanks, Mom."}She added.

Agatha arrived at the airport. She said goodbye and thanked the driver. She felt bad leaving her native country. But she'll return there eventually.

'' This is the final call for passengers Agatha Woolf and Tyler Caulfield booked on flight **** to the USA. Please proceed to gate *** immediately. '

When Agatha heard it, she was surprised that Tyler is also going to the US. He was the guy in the restaurant and one of Phoebe's friends. She didn't know if Tyler still knew her. She prefers to sit beside the window and it was also her seat number. She wears her headphone to listen to her favorite songs.

' Agatha doesn't know that Tyler sits beside her. She falls asleep while listening to music.'

'' Agatha right?'' Someone asked her.

She didn't know that someone was sitting beside her. The guy keeps looking at her. Agatha was surprised when she saw Tyler sitting beside her.

'' Tyler.'' She unexpectedly said.

'' Hi Agatha, I'm also surprised when I saw you earlier.'' He replied.

They discuss their destinations and Agatha learned that Tyler's family also owns a restaurant in the US. Additionally, Tyler extended an invitation for her to dine at their restaurant. As a friend, she enjoys Tyler. When they arrived at the airport, Tyler also helped her carry her luggage.

"Agatha."The lady calls out,

Agatha, glance in the direction from which the voice is coming. then she noticed her Aunt waiting for her.

''Thank you so much!''She waved at Tyler.

'Agatha gave her Aunt a warm embrace. She genuinely missed her aunt.'

"I really missed you." She said and hugged her aunt.

''I also miss you, Agatha. '' She responded, giving Agatha a cheek kiss.

The car is opened for them by the driver. Looking out the window of the car, Agatha is in awe of the stunning landscape. She was more awestruck by her aunt's beautiful home.

" So this is your new house?" Agatha asked.

'The lady smiled at her.'

" Yes, it is" She replied.

'' I just want to ask who's the guy you are talking with earlier?'' Agatha's aunt asked her.

'' He's my schoolmate and a good friend of mine'' She replied.

Her Aunt bring her to the bedroom and told her to rest for a while. Because later she will bring her to the restaurant. Agatha slept for about an hour. She took a bath when she woke up. She also wears a dress and puts on some makeup.

" Are you ready? " Her Aunt asked.

" Yeah," She replied.

Her Aunt drives the car up to their restaurant. And Agatha was amazed to see the cozy restaurant.

" It's beautiful Aunt," She said with amusement.

" This is what I've been working on for so long, You know before it was just my dream but right now it is more than a dream," She remarked.

Agatha's aunt introduces her to the employees and other staff. They welcomed her and someone tour her around the place.

" It's nice to meet you, Ma'am," She said to Agatha.

" Call me Agatha, I don't want special treatment just because the owner is my Aunt," Agatha said to the girl.

"You're so kind and very humble," The girl said to her.

Agatha observed the kitchen area. Next week she will be starting to work here. She feel excited and a little bit nervous.

[ Phoebe calling...]

{" Hello, Phoebe...I miss you so much"} She said in another line.

'She put away her phone to her ears because of the loud voice of Phoebe. She really misses Agatha.'

{" I miss you more... I will go there soon"} She said to her.

They talk about many things and their plans. Their friendship is very genuine. Agatha put her phone inside her bag after the call. She barely misses her friend and parents. Agatha was called by her Aunt to take a rest in her office. She sat down and leaned on the couch. Agatha receives a message from an unidentified number. She ignored it because she didn't know who it was.

"Agatha, are you all right?"Her Aunt questioned her.

'She was unaware that her aunt was already present at the office. She was surprised when she heard her talking.'

''I'm alright, ''She said in response.

Her aunt informed her that she is occupied with running her business. Additionally, she admitted to Agatha that this is the only reason she hasn't been married.

'' Is it true that your ex-boyfriend left you because you don't have time for him? '' She questioned her Aunt in an unexpected manner.

'With her question, Agatha made her Aunt laugh.'

''Who told you that? Your Mother?'' She smiled and asked.

'Agatha only gave her a simple nod and a smile.'

'' Never mind about it, I am now happy and contented'' She said.

Her aunt takes her to a well-known spot in this nation. They enjoyed their time together. Agatha thanked her aunt sincerely for everything. She is only here to visit, but her aunt offers her a job. Her parents concurred, as well. Agatha also wants to improve her culinary abilities that's why she grab this opportunity.

~ After A Week~

Along with her aunt, she exits the car. The employees welcomed Agatha after she was introduced to them. On her first day, she feels nervous and extremely excited. Before going inside the kitchen, she puts on PPE and washes her hands. It's crucial to maintain cleanliness at all times. Because handling food requires that it be both clean and safe.

"You already marinated these?" She asked the girl.

''Yes, Chef,'' She responded.

Agatha looked over the other foods they are cooking. She is extremely vigilant and meticulous. The restaurant is really busy at the moment. There are always a lot of people coming here to dine and buy food. Even famous people and influencers are spotted occasionally.

She comes to the office during her break time. She doesn't want to leave the kitchen, so it will only take a few minutes for her to rest.

''You're very gorgeous, Chef! '' One of the workers said to her.

'She simply grinned and instructed the man to get back to his work.'

When they returned home, it was late. According to her aunt, the restaurant occasionally closes around 11:00 since special occasions are being celebrated there. The restaurant typically opens at 8:00 am and closes at 9:00 pm.

{"Mom...I really enjoy my first day working in the restaurant." }Agatha said in another line.

They will be coming here a week from now, her mother informed her. She is overjoyed about it. They are sorely missed by Agatha.

{"See you soon, be safe, love yah!'' }She said before ending the call.

She sat on the bed and did her skincare routine after changing her clothes. Agatha is thinking about something while she lies in bed. She closes her eyes and goes to sleep.

~ Next Morning~

Agatha slept well, having vivid dreams of lovely things that she believed to be true. She is awoken by her alarm and she bathed and dresses for work. Since she would only be in the kitchen, she didn't apply any makeup. Agatha looks lovely even without makeup. Everyone gets attracted to her simplicity.

"I'm leaving you the restaurant because I have a three-day business meeting.'' Her Aunt informed her.

''You take care of it,'' She continued.

"Yes, Aunt, stay safe!" She said.

Agatha waves to her aunt as the car partially disappears. She enters the kitchen and checks everything that has been made. Each member of the kitchen staff is kind and diligent. Agatha handled them without difficulty.

"After five minutes, you can drain these," Agatha instructed the staff.

When she approached the cashier, she was greeted by the other staff. She advised them to reach out to her if they had concerns. Everything goes nicely for Agatha today. Once the restaurant has closed, the driver sends her home.

When she got home, she unlocked the door. Her aunt doesn't have any servants, therefore she is all by herself. She switched on all the lights because she was scared. Fortunately, she hasn't noticed anything strange.

I appreciate you reading this chapter thus far. I'm hoping you'll stick with me until I finish the story.

I apologize for the incorrect grammar; my English is not very excellent.

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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