
Destined to be Together: Meeting my Lover from a Past Life Again

Julie has accomplished everything in life she wanted. She lives her dream of living abroad and traveling all around the world and she prides herself for being strong and independent. The only thing that was missing in her life was a man. But she was never really interested in anyone and she already thought that she would end up being single forever. Then she met Gianni. From the moment she looked into his eyes she felt a strong pull towards him that she couldn’t explain. Soon it is revealed that she knows Gianni from a past life and that their love story ended tragically. The novel goes into detail about Julie’s past life story in the 19th century and how it is connected to her current life which also has its struggles. Julie has to deal with jealous exes and false friends to finally be with the man that her soul desires. Excerpt His lips moved skillfully against hers. It was like he knew exactly what she wanted. Julie never experienced a kiss like this. She didn’t know kissing could be that good. She felt a whirlwind of emotions as she could feel his immense love for her through the kiss he provided and a lone tear started to slip down her left cheek. Why was she crying now? Julie wasn’t sure. Was it because she was never kissed like this before? Or was it her yearning to be loved? No, it was so much more than this. Kissing him was like she finally found a piece of her soul that she didn’t know was missing and only now she became aware of the emptiness she carried in her heart.

White_Pearl24 · Urban
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25 Chs

Jade’s Investigation

Jade and Camille met each other at their favorite restaurant. It was a nice cozy place that offered traditional french cuisine and the location was convenient because it was close to Camille' workplace.

Jade thought the entire day about how to approach the issue with Théo and now that Camille was sitting in front of her, she didn't know where to start. Meanwhile Camille was excitedly talking about the new collection that was just this week delivered to the fashion boutique she works at.

It's not like Jade wasn't into fashion but in this moment the only thing on her mind was how to talk about the Théo issue, so she didn't participate much in the conversation.

"How are things going with Théo?" Jade wasn't she patient kind and she thought it was best to be direct.

Camille looked slightly baffled by Jade's sudden question but she quickly composed herself. "Fine. I mean, he is really busy with work and it's hard for him to find time for me but I don't blame him for that," Camille stated looking to the ground.

"How often do you guys see each other?" Jade asked curiously.

Camille shrugged her shoulders. "Twice a week at best but I hope I can move in with him soon. Then I can see him more often."

Jade was shocked. 'Moving in together?' How come she finds out about this just now? "Really, you are already planning to move together? Isn`t that a little too soon?"

"Well, Théo wanted to wait because we are not together for that long but I think our relationship should make the next step and I'm trying to convince him of that now." Camille said happily.

Her eyes were really telling that she was in love with Théo and Jade became doubtful. Can she mess with Camille's happiness? Maybe Camille hasn't noticed Théo's quirks because she sees him through rose-colored glasses. What if she burst her bubble? On the other hand it's better to burst this bubble now than in one or two years.

"Um Camille, did you ever notice that Théo talks quite a lot about himself?" Jade approached this cautiously.

"He does?" Camille thought back for a moment and realized that Jade was right. "Well, what about it?

"I just mean, he doesn't seem interested in what other people have to share."

Camille needed another moment until she took the hint. "Oh, I'm sorry. Did he upset you guys. I swear he doesn't mean it. He is just always thinking about his work and that's why he talks so much about it. Did someone feel offended by his behavior?"

Being self-obsessed was one thing but being straight out rude to others especially the friends of his girlfriend was on a different level. Jade doubted that Camille knows this side of him. Would she believe her if she told her?

"Honestly we all thought that his behavior was a little irritating," Jade stated honestly.

"Really? I'm sorry. I will talk to the others and ask them to be patient with him. I swear he does have his good sides." Camille pleaded. It was really important for her that her friends have a good opinion of her boyfriend.

Jade was glad to hear that Théo has good sides. Maybe he is a completely different person when it's just Camille and him. "Have you never noticed how he behaves around others?"

Camille started to shift in her chair. "Honestly, I kind of like it. He is really successful in what he does and I think he deserves to be a bit arrogant," she stated a little embarrassed but this was the truth.

"You think so?" Jade was completely surprised by this. Apparently her sweet and humble friend likes bad boys with a big ego but a part of her was still doubtful that everything was fine. "So you are really happy with him?"

Camille looked at Jade with wide eyes. "Of course, what kind of question is this? Why else would I be with him?"

Her tone suddenly became insecure and that's how Jade knew that something was off. Why would Camille become nervous at the most normal question?

She actually wanted to ask more but since Camille felt uncomfortable, she decided to stop digging. "Sorry, that was a dumb thing to ask. Of course you are happy with him. I'm just asking because I care for you."

Camille's wide eyes turned immediately into her usual big smile. "Thank you Jade, it's good to know that I have a friend who looks out for me."

Jade was in a dilemma. Camille's reaction gave her enough reason to believe that she wasn't completely honest. Her friend is not good at concealing her feelings and after years of friendship, Jade could read her like a book.

She was kind of disappointed that Camille didn't trust her enough to tell her the truth but she didn't want to jump to conclusions. Maybe she has a good reason.

Jade believed Pierre's and Lucas' story about Théo. Lucas told her in detail what happened after Pierre and Julie left the pub. The question is only if Camille ever witnessed this side of Théo or if she really was clueless about his true colors.

Jade was afraid that Camille wouldn't believe her if she told her what happened yesterday between Pierre and Théo. After all she is madly in love with Théo and she is definitely the kind of person who would turn irrational when it comes to love.

The best thing would be if Camille saw this side of Théo for herself. But how can they make this happen? 'It must be possible to set something up' Jade thought sneakily.

After their lunch, Camille went back to the luxury boutique she works at and Jade called Pierre to tell him what happened. Sadly, it wasn't much to share, since she still knows as much as before: That something was strange. But she told the others she would inform them since they are all worried about Camille.

Julie and Pierre spent their day at Julie's apartment watching TV. Even though the weather was good, Julie didn't like going out because she felt extremely tired and just wanted to relax.

Pierre was still wondering what was going on with her but he was afraid to ask her again. He has never seen her being angry at him and now he fears that he overdid it and messed up. Pierre told himself to calm down. After all, Julie is still his girlfriend and she didn't send him away. That was a good sign and just the fact that he could spend time with her satisfied him for now.

While they were watching TV, Julie sometimes dozed off and leaned her head on his shoulder but she would always wake up again after a few minutes struggling against the urge to sleep.

"You can sleep if you want. I don't mind watching TV alone while you sleep next to me." Pierre spread his arms signaling her that she can lean on his chest. He couldn't hold Julie last night, so he hoped he can hold her close to him now.

Julie wanted to sleep so bad and Pierre's chest as a pillow looked comfortable but she was afraid that she will have a bad dream again. How is she going to explain to Pierre that she has those kinds of nightmares where she sees dead people and always wakes up trembling and struggling to breathe.

Pierre was left disappointed when Julie stood up. "I'm hungry. I will cook us something for lunch, okay." She decided keeping herself busy was the best way to not fall asleep because in front of the TV she stood no chance.

Pierre gave her a tight smile trying to not show his emotions. He felt like Julie was pushing him away again but he didn't want to look insecure in front of her. He tried to console himself by thinking that he was reading too much into her behavior. She was probably really just hungry.

While Julie was cooking lunch Pierre got a call from Jade who informed him about her conversation with Camille.

Pierre put Jade on speaker so that Julie could listen along. They were both surprised when they heard that Camille actually likes Théo's arrogant behavior.

"Why would someone as modest as Camille like such an ass?" Pierre asked when Jade hung up.

"You know what they say, opposites attract and the good girl always falls for the bad boy," Julie joked while putting freshly cooked pasta on a plate.

Pierre sat down at the kitchen table while Julie gave him his food. "You think so? Do you think we are opposites as well in some ways?"

Julie smiled nodding. Pierre was so sweet and sensitive. He was always concerned with other people`s feelings especially hers. Julie on the other hand was more rational and it was hard for her to express her emotions.

Pierre managed to touch her heart with his kindness and empathy multiple times and she was sure that he will continue to do so.

"Yes, you are more social than I am and you know you are better with conveying your feelings." Julie looked to the ground for a second not being able to hold eye contact with Pierre.

"And you like that about me?" Pierre asked his insecurities showing. He was always afraid that he does too much. That he wasn't manly enough. That he should be more indifferent with girls. Just like his friend Lucas.

In the past girls would often use his kindness against him. He dated several woman who were just interested in his money and when he found out that they actually don't care about him he broke up with them. This kind of relationships never lasted more than a few weeks.

But Julie is different. She doesn't like it when he spends money on her and she was always overcome with shyness when he gave her a gift.

"Of course, I like that why wouldn't I." Julie couldn't believe that he doubted that.

In that moment Julie wished that she could tell him that she loves that about him, that she loves him but she couldn't bring herself to say those words.

Julie walked around the table and sat down on Pierre's lap. She put her hands on the sides of his face and as she looked into his blue eyes she was suddenly overcome with so much guilt.

She wanted to tell him something to ease his insecurities but she couldn't come up with anything good so she just kissed him.

She hoped the kiss would show her feelings and how much she appreciated him. Pierre responded to the kiss quickly and before it turned too deep, she detached herself from his lips.

"Pierre, I want you to know that you are doing everything right. I couldn't wish for a better boyfriend," Julie whispered quietly against his lips while he looked at her dreamily. And she meant that. Pierre was her first boyfriend and he treats her like a queen, so he deserves to be treated like a king as well.