
Destined to be Supreme God: Dual Cultivation

[Warning: Mature Content, R18] ~~~~~~~~ Dai Tao is the martial arts expert in Beijing, and after he died, his soul got Transmigrated in 13 years old young boy Named Xu Fang's body (Single son of the Emperor). Then his new Journey on different planet started. ~~~~~~~ "I didn't die?" The realization struck him, and a cascade of questions flooded his mind. "Oh wait, the big question is where am I?" "What?" "What the f**k." A burst of laughter escaped him as he beheld his reflection, realizing that the old man had metamorphosed into a 13-year-old child. ~~~~~~~ "Where am I?" I said in a low voice. A few minutes later when I sleep, I feel something is not right and open my eyes then look around, and see a boundless blue sea with nothing in my surroundings. "This is a dream?" "Hello, how are you?" I heard a sweet tone of female. "Who?" I asked back when I heard that voice. "Who are you?" "My name is Yuan Shuren and you already know me as the Goddess of Light and Wisdom." ~~~~~~~ The narrative takes a profound turn as Dual Cultivation becomes the cornerstone of his journey, marked by glimpses into realms both serene and tempestuous. The pivotal moment arrives when he inherits the legacy of the Supreme God of Flames, bestowing upon him control over all Heavenly Fires. ~~~~~~~~ "Destined to be Supreme God: Dual Cultivation" is a saga that transcends worlds, where the essence of Qi binds reality, and the Xu Fang's evolution is intertwined with the cosmic forces. Join this odyssey of self-discovery, where the Heavenly Flames of destiny burn bright, and the path of Dual Cultivation leads to realms unseen. ~~~~~~~~ Note: Art is not mine. Source: Generated by AI and Edit and Title added by me. ~~~~~~~~

Master_AD · Eastern
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06- Study Test of Xu Fang by Zheng Yu

Within the majestic walls of the Ledal Empire's castle, my mother, Zheng Yu, and my elder sister, Xu Min, leisurely walked back from the ancient hall after Xu Min's triumphant Elements Qi Awakening ceremony. A proud smile adorned my mother's face as she engaged in a conversation with Xu Min.

"Min Er, I'm so proud of you," Mother expressed with genuine joy as we made our way back.

"Thank you, Mother," Xu Min responded, her smile echoing the achievement she had just unlocked.

"Starting tomorrow morning, your study and cultivation training will kick off. Dedicate yourself to hard work to grow stronger," Zheng Yu advised, her maternal pride evident in her words.

She continued, "You'll commence your studies alongside Xu Fang, who's been at it for three months already. He'll assist you in grasping the basics until I arrange for a dedicated teacher to guide you further." Zheng Yu concluded her instructions, turning her gaze toward me with a warm smile.

"I heard from Elder Ji that you've almost completed your studies in the history section. Would you be willing to assist your elder sister in starting her studies?" Mother inquired, seeking my cooperation in guiding Xu Min.

"Mother, I'd be more than happy to help my elder sister kickstart her studies," I responded with confidence and genuine joy.

Turning her attention to Xu Min, she asked, "Do you have any reservations about your brother aiding you in your basic studies?"

"No, Mother, not at all. I'd be delighted if my little brother could assist me. Besides, I've missed spending time with him these past three months; he's been immersed in his studies all the while," Xu Min replied, her gaze shifting toward me.

I offered a sheepish smile and innocently scratched my head, fully aware of the time I'd devoted to studying, cultivating, and martial arts training over the past three months. My mother couldn't help but smile at our exchange and convey to us,

"So, it's settled then. You'll assist your sister for the next few days until she secures a teacher for her practice and studies," Mother declared.

"Understood, Mother," we both responded simultaneously.

"Alright, both of you can return to your rooms and take a rest," she suggested to Xu Min, giving her a tender peck on the forehead.

With a smile, Xu Min left the room, leaving my mother and me in the throne hall.

"Xu Fang, would you like me to find a teacher for you as well?" Mother inquired as we settled into the grandeur of the throne room.

Seated beside her, as we conversed, the throne hall bore witness to the continuation of 'Zheng Yu's' reign, my predecessor's mother and the current Empress of the Ledal Empire, following the passing of my predecessor's father, 'Xu Wang,' the former Emperor.

"No, Mother. If and when I need a teacher, I'll let you know." I responded with confidence.

"Learning without a teacher can be challenging. Having one can significantly ease the learning process." She expressed concern.

"I understand, Mother. When the time is right, I'll consider it." I reassured her.

Over the past three months, my mother has persistently quizzed me, her questions seemingly repetitive and her insistence growing stronger each time.

'I need to address this. I can't keep answering the same questions repeatedly,' I thought to myself, pondering a way to break this cycle.

"Mother, if you're concerned about the effectiveness of my self-study, feel free to quiz me on the history I've already learned," I declared with confidence.

Continuing, I said, "If, for any reason, I can't provide satisfactory answers, then you may arrange a teacher for me as you see fit. However, I assure you, I've absorbed the material you've been testing me on more thoroughly than you might think."

With that, I fell silent, allowing my proposition to hang in the air. I attempted to convey that while I appreciated her concern, I was confident in my ability to grasp the subjects without the need for immediate external guidance.

"How about this deal?" I proposed to her and met her with a curious gaze.

I offered this deal not out of defiance but to ensure that my plans for personal growth faced no unnecessary hindrances. Confidence surged within me as I knew I possessed the ability to succeed in this deal I put forth. What they witnessed was merely a fraction of my true capabilities; I deliberately displayed a modest façade in front of others.

While appearing as a diligent 13-year-old in the public eye, I unleashed my full potential when left to my own devices. Once alone, my reading speed and comprehension soared beyond expectations.

When I swiftly completed my first book and requested the second from Elder Ji, he was astounded. According to his estimate, the first book should have taken me fifteen days, yet I finished it in just three. When he inquired if I read the entire book, I craftily replied that I focused on the essential aspects, not necessarily every word. This response dissipated any doubts, and he continued to provide me with more books upon request, no questions asked.

I preferred solitary study, aiming to make the most of my time before the imminent Elements Qi Awakening ceremony. My intention was clear: to avoid wasting post-awakening time on basic studies and direct my focus solely towards cultivating, mastering techniques, and ascending to greater heights in the realm of cultivation.

"Done. I'll ask you five questions. If you answer three correctly, then we'll consider the deal fulfilled. However, if there are incorrect answers, I'll arrange a teacher for you along with your sister. Alright?" Mother proposed after a brief contemplation.

I chuckled internally at the notion of needing a three-out-of-five margin, as if I were a child who might be disheartened by failure.

"Deal," I replied, nodding my head in agreement.

"Let's begin. Are you ready?" she asked, preparing to present her questions.

"Yes," I affirmed, poised to respond.

"The first question is: How many total power elements are there, and what are their names?" Mother inquired, setting the stage for our deal.

Mother deliberately started with a seemingly simple question, not wanting my initial response to be incorrect. Her ulterior motive, however, was to set the stage for my perceived failure, allowing her to proceed with the plan of arranging a teacher for me.

I maintained a composed demeanor, ready for whatever questions she threw my way.

"There are a total of eight power elements: Fire, Water, Wind, Earth, Light, Darkness, Lightning, and Nature," I confidently responded.

"Excellent," she acknowledged, moving on to her second question. "How many cultivation realms are there, and can you name them in sequence?"

Her second question aimed to test my knowledge at a deeper level, recognizing that recalling the realms in order could prove challenging for someone relatively new to the information.

"There are a total of 9 realms after Qi Meridian (Qi Disciple), each consisting of 9 stages, before reaching the 'Godly Realms',

1. Qi Initiate Realm (Qi Practitioner)

2. Qi Channeling Realm (Qi Master)

3. Elemental Attunement Realm (Qi Grandmaster)

4. Qi Harmonization Realm Warlord 

5. Ethereal Fusion Realm (Qi King)

6. Celestial Integration Realm (Qi Emperor)

7. Transcendent Mastery Realm (Qi Ancestor)

8. Cosmic Enlightenment Realm (Qi Venerable)

9. Nirvana Attainment Realm (Qi Saint)"

I answered, hoping to maintain my streak of correct responses, deliberately taking some time to answer while wearing a thoughtful expression. I wanted to convey that I wasn't effortlessly recalling the names and sequences of all the realms.

But as I answered her question, I noticed a change in her expression. Her eyes widened, and she looked at me with surprise, as if I were some kind of prodigy. After a few moments, her expression returned to normal, and she proceeded to ask the next question.

"The third question is: In which cultivation realm can a cultivator walk on air without the aid of techniques or wings?" Mother inquired.

I knew the answer to this question, 'Transcendent Mastery Realm (Qi Ancestor).' However, considering her expression after the previous question, I decided not to reveal the correct answer this time.

"Sorry, Mother, I don't know that," I replied, feigning a sad expression. She seemed unaware that my response was not genuine.

Her expression shifted to relief upon hearing my claim of ignorance. I now had two correct answers and needed just one more to fulfill the terms of our deal.

"Don't worry, my son. You have plenty of time ahead to learn these things. You know that, right?" She comforted me, and I nodded in agreement.

"Thank you, Mother. Please proceed with the next question," I urged, ready for the next challenge.

"Next, tell me about the rare elements, those that seldom appear, and the cultivators possessing them earn great respect," Mother presented her next question.

A sense of triumph filled me, knowing that I had already secured the deal. My expression shifted as I contemplated the answer.

"Light and Nature are considered rare elements. Holders of these elements are revered because they possess healing powers. In the cultivation world, anyone with healing abilities is treated with great respect. Additionally, some water element holders also have healing powers," I confidently responded after a brief moment of consideration.

Mother acknowledged my answer with a nod, and I couldn't help but revel in the satisfaction of having fulfilled the terms of our deal. The test had become a learning experience for both of us, reinforcing the understanding that my knowledge surpassed what I had chosen to reveal.

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