
Destined Soulmates

A world where soulmates are determined by the symbols in their eyes...they would have special symbols in them that says they are soulmates. This way soulmates can easily find one another. “Just because we’re soulmates, doesn’t mean I love you so stop trying to get along with me.” “Don’t.touch.me!” But who knew siblings could exchange soulmates with each other if they wanted to with a spell that they would only know...either for the worst or the best, who knows... “I’ve lost...” “We’re not soulmates anymore...?” “What are you talking about? we were never soulmates...” Their story begins there and on, what will happen to them will there be heartbreaks and tears along the way? Will there be rivals to make their little love story thorny and break? Find out more from this story as it all begins... ————————— ♡ ————————— WARNING : There may be some profanities in some chapters and further more, there may be mature contents in some chapters later on. *Note* : The photo isn’t mine, I just changed the hair colour and eye colour so credits to the original artist of it!!

dinoriii · Teen
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35 Chs

Chapter 20 : A trip back home (2)

♡ Zeke's POV ♡

I took the lollipop from my table and kept it inside my pocket while looking at the note Clover attached to it.

Looking at it makes me wanna laugh, how annoying...does she think she can please me like this so I will like her?

All the girls that are up onto me, wore either nearly revealing clothes or short skirts which disgusted me, not until that day where my dad suddenly found my soulmate. Even though she didn't wear revealing clothes like the others.

She's might just be no different from that girl in the classroom, always acting nice but deep down behind their smiling faces, its just the evil. They want the fame and money, thats what I hate about this stupid society, is that why she was so kind to me when we first met?


I got to school early like always and went to class. I set my bag on my chair and sat down, I stared out the window. Sudden thoughts of Clover flooded in, she just left the house without saying anything, early in the morning.

Pfft, she listens well, just like a dog would..., lets go and freshen up so I can stay awake for lessons. I stood up from my seat and went out of the class, heading to the bathroom.

After some minutes of me doing my business in there, I washed my hands and face before going out of the bathroom. As soon as I took a few steps away from the bathroom, a girl came up to me smiling.

"Hey...can I talk to you for a while privately?"

"What is it that you want to say?" I asked, she was wearing a short mini skirt and a off shoulder top, which was against the dress code. Teachers have the guts to tell us to pay attention in class and yet they don't pay attention to this...

Without any reply, the girl pulled my by the hand into a non used classroom, which was looking the same as the one Clover was in. The girl made me seat down on one of the tables and closed the door.

"What do you want to talk about, I don't have time for your nonsense." I started to get annoyed, she wasn't saying anything ever since we got to this room.

She slowly walked over towards me, using her hands to direct mine onto her waist and then wrapping her arms around my neck with her face close to mine.

"You know...I think you and I make a good match. Don't you think?" She smiled, I wasn't really surprised, girls will always be girls...

"Your wasting my time-"

"But I like you...your just my type~" Her hands slid down from my neck and slipped under my shirt as she pulls it up...while touching my body. I was about to push her away, when I heard a noise coming from behind the door, is someone there?

The girl turned her head towards the door but the sound stopped, then she turned back and continued what she was doing until someone opened the door with a loud bang.

I glanced over at the door and there was Clover, what is she doing here...did the teacher come already?

"What do you want little girl?! Can't you see that we are having our time here? Now shoo shoo!" Dang, this woman needs a chill pill, what kind of fun time is this? This isn't a zoo, which zookeeper let her out?

Clover ignored the girl's words and walked over to her, shoving her harshly aside, pulling my shirt back down and looked at me in the eyes. Why is she here...even though this is none of her business.

"What are you doing here? Let's go back to class." she grabbed my wrist and tried dragging me out the random classroom but that girl stopped her by the arm.

"Hands off my boyfriend!" Someone come claim this madwoman, I'll really appreciate it. I'd rather die than being that girls boyfriend! Clover suddenly grabbed her by her cheeks and looked at her.

"Ahh...your boyfriend? I'm sorry, you must have been mistaken but his mine and..." I stayed silent as I watched Clover do her thing. I was never hers and never will I be but I'll be thankful to her for saving me this once.

"You definitely need a change of clothes miss...you don't have to go walk around the school trying to seduce boys looking like a stripper...Now if you'll excuse me." Clover let go off the girls cheeks and shoved her away, dragging me along with me back to class.

I didn't know what to say to her so I just kept quiet until we reached class. Her hand was warm and soft...that feeling only lasted for a while before it disappeared as she let go.


"Hey um, wanna go for lunch?" Clover stood up from her seat and asked me politely, without looking at me.

"Whatever." I stood up and went out of the class to the cafeteria without her. I hated her presence, who knows she might be just like the other girls.


♡ Clover's POV ♡

I didn't know where was Zeke going, maybe his going to the cafeteria? I followed behind a while later and he was indeed going to the cafeteria, he sat down with Millie at the table.

"Did something happen between you two?"

"Huh? Oh no no, we are fine...~"

"Your not fine! I can see that!" Matteo cupped my face, making me look at him directly into his eyes. I could see myself in his eyes, which seemed so clear...I snapped out of it and pulled his hand away.

"We are fine and so am I, you don't need to worry about me too much~"

"How can I not..."

"Hmmm? Did you say something?" I stared at him with one of my eyebrows raised but he shook his head.

I thought I heard him say something before...maybe my ears are starting to be more attentive since yesterdays incident.

"Let's go, we shouldn't keep them waiting for long!" I signalled for him to start walking, we went to where Millie and Zeke were at and sat down. I looked down at my hands, fidling with one another

"Did something happen?" Millie whispered lowly to me as she was staring at Zeke, who had his eyes focused on his phone. I smiled to myself and sighed.

"Nothing happened, everything is fine~"

"Well, I'll go get some food do you guys want anything?"

"I'll get a cookie~" Matteo replied as Zeke and I shook our head, not wanting anything. I didn't feel like eating anything, though I could use some sweets now...but I left them all in class.

"You- whatever..." Millie rolled her eyes and went off to get the things for her and Matteo while I sat in silence with my hands on the table, laying my head. My eyes unconsciously drifted towards Zeke, I know I shouldn't brood about it but I can't help it...

While staring at Zeke, I felt something hit my leg, I looked at Matteo as he extended his hand out, holding onto a chocolate candy bar. I looked at him, pointing to myself to see whether if it was for me or not and he nodded, smiling.

I took it from him with no hesitation and mouthed him a small 'thank you'. I know Matteo is kind and is trying to cheer me up but...my heart doesn't feel at ease...

Somehow I have a bad feeling...a very bad feeling...It might just be me being insecure since Zeke and I aren't on good terms as of now...Maybe, that might be it.

♡ After school ♡

When lessons finally ended, Zeke packed his bag and left the class without a word. I sat at my spot and clutched my heart. It definitely feels empty without him...

"Is someone sulking about Zeke still~?" I turned around and a finger poked my cheek. Matteo smiled as his face was a few inches close to my face.

"Who says so?"

"You are~! Look at you, your mouth says no but your eyes shows!" It does...? I glared at him, taking my bag and left the class. He tagged along and walked beside me.

"I know you put Zeke as your priority but you also need to take some time for yourself you know..." I tried replying but no words left my mouth...I know I should but I can't help it.

"Since he doesn't care for you, why do you need to care so much about him?"

"It's because of love..."


"It's because I love him...that's why I care, his special to me and I know...I don't wanna lose him. When you get your soulmate or someone you truly love, you'll understand~" I smiled, petting Matteo on the arm.

"Took you both long enough to get here...what were you guys talking about?" Millie crossed her arms and I noticed that Kevin was with her, he was lovingly back hugging her.

"You didn't have to wait if you wanted to have some time together~" I winked at Millie but got a slap on the arm in return. Even though Kevin is busy on some days, he makes the effort to accompany Millie which I found sweet~

"You two can have fun~ I'll just get going with Matteo, see you tomorrow Millie and bye Kevin, do take care of her for me!"

"Will do!" Kevin waved as I dragged Matteo away, onto another pathway.

"Well, aren't those two cute~? Hahah, I'll get going home then. See you tomorrow and get home safely!"

"Yea they are, okay you too...bye." Matteo seemed troubled, was it because of what I said earlier?

"Don't worry, you'll find the right one for you one day~!" I exclaimed before making my way home, I didn't want to make Matteo feel bad because he hasn't found his soulmate.

I wonder how is it like without a soulmate, without someone to love...would there be no problems? As the thoughts flowed in one by one, I reached my house minutes later.

I took out the keys and wanted to open the door but it was already unlocked...is Clara home? I carefully opened the door and it was just like what I said.

"Welcome home Clover..."

"What are you doing here?"

"I'm just taking a trip back home to see how's my precious little sister doing, can't I?" I didn't respond, it was unusual for her to come back home just to check up on me.

Whenever she came home, she either wants something from the house or from me but it isn't always a good thing. Is there even any good thing about it?

"Spill it, what do you want"