
Destined Soulmates

A world where soulmates are determined by the symbols in their eyes...they would have special symbols in them that says they are soulmates. This way soulmates can easily find one another. “Just because we’re soulmates, doesn’t mean I love you so stop trying to get along with me.” “Don’t.touch.me!” But who knew siblings could exchange soulmates with each other if they wanted to with a spell that they would only know...either for the worst or the best, who knows... “I’ve lost...” “We’re not soulmates anymore...?” “What are you talking about? we were never soulmates...” Their story begins there and on, what will happen to them will there be heartbreaks and tears along the way? Will there be rivals to make their little love story thorny and break? Find out more from this story as it all begins... ————————— ♡ ————————— WARNING : There may be some profanities in some chapters and further more, there may be mature contents in some chapters later on. *Note* : The photo isn’t mine, I just changed the hair colour and eye colour so credits to the original artist of it!!

dinoriii · Teen
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35 Chs

35. Attempted murder

"Your one hella crazy girl, look who's trying to murder me here huh?" I scoffed at Jake, I know he's low and dumb but I didn't know he was that low till he had to be in cahoots with Clara.

"Clara told you didn't she?" Since she would be the one to know that I sprained my ankle and hurt my head because of her. She probably told Jake about it that's why she wants to take advantage of this and kill me.

Pretty smart of Clara to use someone to do all the dirty work for her while she sits back and enjoys. So if the police found out, they'd arrest the person who helped her do her biddings instead of herself...what a woman.

I sometimes do wonder how I'm related to Clara by blood when we are complete opposites of each other...

"So she was right, you're a crazy person. You murdered your mom and tried to kill your dad and blame him for her death didn't you?!"

"Hah...my dear...please. Your dumb and I understand that but hey...those things you heard from Clara are all lies and false information." I glared at Jake, clenching his wrist harder under my grip.

"If you believe her then...you should be glad I didn't straight out stab you in the chest and maybe even slice this ugly-looking face of yours, making it even uglier."

I lifted the scissors up and traced his jawline as he stared at me with fear in his eyes. I wonder where did that fearless him go to?

"If you dare, you won't get to see the daylights of tomorrow!" Jake yelled with anger but I smirked instead. How pitiful, coming into the house of someones with just one order from Clara...what a loyal dog.

"You can try...but I think your wrist will break before you can even touch me, my dear~" I twisted his wrist even more that he started to groan and fell onto the floor from the wrist pain, how weak...

"Let me go, you crazy woman!"

"Oh my...what a fierce dog. No wonder you're doing the dirty work for that woman."

"I'm not a dog you b*tch!" I kicked him in the stomach as he held onto his side waist from the pain of the kick.

"You know I do have a name right?" This guy has no manner, oh dear...I guess it's normal for bad people to not have manners, oh well. I glanced around my surrounding, I know that it is starting to get dark out but I don't think Clara would be watching, would she?

"Where is she?'

"Why the hell would I tell you that?!" I sighed, this guy is so resistant...what did Clara give him to keep his dumb mouth shut? Money? Her body?

"Either you tell me or lose your wrist. Now, what is your choice?"


"Then I'm guessing I'll take your wrist then."

"Wait, no! Fine, I'll tell you, just let my wrist go."

"Why should I let go? What if I did and you attacked me again hmm?"

"I won't I won't, I promise..." I hesitated for a while before letting go of his wrist and he grabbed it while rubbing it. I rolled my eyes, it's not as if I broke his wrist.

Then suddenly he stood up and charged up to me, grabbing me by the neck, strangling me. It made me drop my scissors on the ground as I held his hands tightly, I wanted to speak but I couldn't as the air in me started to run out.

I struggled to free myself and fumbled my legs on the floor. Then I thought of something, I kicked him in his groin hardly and he let my neck go as I tried gasping hard for air to fill me. I picked up my scissors and went over to Jake, glaring down at him.

"Right...you won't huh? Which part of that was a won't?!" I bent down, grabbing him by his hair, making him face me.

"You know what is that called...? It's called attempted murder...what if I reported you? Would I opened the scissors and slid them down his cheek but not too hard so it wouldn't leave a mark even though I would love to.

"Just tell me where the heck she is on this earth, is that so hard to do?!"

"She is over at someone's house, it was noisy and that's all I know."

"Friends how? How normal, how did you guys meet?"

"We just met in school as I and my pals were walking down the hallway and she came up to us, asking us to help her with some things."

"And you guys pathetically agreed to it? Even if the thing she told you guys to do would cost your lives? Now isn't that the easiest task I ever told you to do huh?" I scoffed, I glanced down at the knife and stepped on it.

"Don't try taking the knife, I'm not that dumb as you think. My house, my things. Now get out of here and I don't wish to see your face here again, if I do, it wouldn't just be your wrist, you'll be seeing jail bars too."

Jake got up and ran out the door of my house, finally someone who knows how to use the door. I sighed and fell to the floor.

That was the first time I ever nearly got killed there...god, people in this world are crazy. Either they are normal or they are just sick in the mind.

I stood back up on both feet after I calmed down a little and hissed as I felt a sharp pain on my foot.

"Dammit..." I lifted to see my foot and there was blood dripping down my foot from stepping on the knife from that small fight earlier. Great, another injury to a poor soul like me...

I picked up the knife and slowly made my way to the kitchen. I placed the knife into the sink and I looked around in the kitchen drawers for a first aid kit.

I do remember having many extra kits at home since I'm always getting myself injured here and there.

Once I found the kit, I immediately took out some bandages and some ointment to remove any sorts of bacteria on the cut itself.

I got a cotton cloth and wiped off the blood gently before I poured some ointment onto a cotton bud and started gently wiping around the cut.

I hissed in pain as the cut was kinda deep from that frantic movement of my legs earlier, maybe I should have stayed put and this wouldn't happen.

After doing that, I started bandaging my foot up so that it will help with my movement better.

"There, all done." I smiled at my bandages up foot, clearing away the first aid kit, and placed them back into the drawer, where I had first found them.

"Why can't I have peace for once with Clara, I don't resent her since she is my flesh-blooded sister but she hates me like crazy," I complained to myself as I rinsed my kitchen knife in the sink. It had some blood-stained on it from me.

After rinsing it, I headed off to the kitchen toilet and got a mop, to mop away the blood trails that I left.

"This looks like a crime scene of someone running away while being injured," I told myself, looking at the drips of blood on the floor. Imagine if someone saw me from outside and noticed that I'm wiping a bloody trail.

"I think they'd think I murdered someone probably." Shaking my head, I went to the toilet and washed off the blood from the mop so that it'll remain clean.

I got out of the toilet and went up into my room for a little rest, it wasn't that late and I probably will have homework assigned to me.

What should I do about Clara, I can't possibly confront her in school, well I can but she'll just make her ugly acting scene there, making herself look like a victim.

Speaking of Clara, I wonder what that bastard has been up to these days? Probably found some new place that he can call "home"...I sighed upon thinking about him. I wonder where it went wrong for a family that was once happy to become this broken and thorn.

I jumped onto my bed and felt the pain in my left foot. Right, I probably shouldn't go jumping around like some idiot here now...getting injured on the same leg as my sprained ankle, isn't a good sign whatsoever.

I laid on the bed staring up at my ceiling, I wonder how's my little plant doing. Hope that Zeke is doing a good job at watering the plant, that's like an easy job said and done.

"My life's pretty boring huh...other than trying my best to get Zeke and trying to get Clara off my tail, everything else is just the norms." I talked to myself, it was like a daily thing that I do since I don't have anyone that I can speak to physically...

"Maybe I'll head over to Zeke's to see my baby plant tomorrow. It's too late for me to be wandering out in the streets this late at night. Someone might even be as crazy as Jake and kidnap me."

I guess I could make an effort to go over, oh well. I should get some sleep otherwise my eyes would give up on me halfway through lessons. There's even two periods of math tomorrow along with science...

"How exciting haha..." I sarcastically said to myself, laughing at it before getting up from my bed again just to make my way to my bathroom and get ready for bed.

Once I was done with doing my night business, I hopped onto my bed again and laid down comfortably.

"Tomorrow will be a long day...I don't even know if I should go to school like this, oh well. I shall see in the morning." I yawned out before turning off any lights, closing my eyes, and went into wonderland...

Finally back with a new chapter! Hope you all are doing well and how are you guys liking the story so far? Hopefully, it’s enjoyable and lovable~

I’ll see you guys soon with new chapters, have a good day/night to all, and most importantly stay well~!

dinoriiicreators' thoughts