
Destined Rebirth

When Lucas tragically perishes, he’s unexpectedly reborn into his favorite novel, “Echoes of Destiny,” as a side character—a role often overlooked and disposable. But as the world faces imminent doom, Lucas must grapple with his newfound purpose. Despite being deemed expendable, Lucas finds himself drawn into the heart of the conflict. As he witnesses the heroes’ bravery and the devastation wrought by impending catastrophe, Lucas must confront his fears and choose between standing up or fading away. Caught between loyalty to his friends and self-preservation, Lucas navigates treacherous alliances and deadly adversaries. In a world where choices carry weight, Lucas must summon the courage to defy fate and carve his own path, even if it means sacrificing everything he holds dear. “Destined Rebirth” is a tale of bravery, redemption, and the resilience of the human spirit—a reminder that even the smallest of characters can make a difference in the grand tapestry of destiny. ***** Reader disclaimer There are two MC in this novel Original MC of novel and the reader Who transmigrates in the novel The MC may come off as someone very weak in start with no ambition in the beginning, but as the story progresses, it will change and there will be a character development for MC and side characters sometimes there Will be Info -dumping At the beginning of novel and yes, this novel is little bit inspired from many other novels you may see a lot of similarities in beginning, but for future chapters, the difference will start to become more apparent. I hope you manage to sit through it .

Shresth_Srivastava_8768 · Fantasy
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18 Chs

Challenge in World

In the quiet solitude of the cave, boy was starting break as his mind is now Registering his situation That he is now in this new world without anyone at his side .

He whispers softly to himself, his voice barely audible in the dimness.

"I miss you, Mom... Dad... Sis," he murmurs, the words carrying his longing into the darkness. "I wish I could go back, be with you again."

Tears well up in his eyes as he speaks, his heart heavy with the weight of his loneliness. "I never thought I'd be so far away from home," he continues, his voice trembling with emotion.

Lucas takes a deep breath, his mind swirling with memories of home and the warmth of his family's love. With a heavy heart, he begins to speak softly to himself, the echoes of his voice mingling with the silence of the cave.

"I miss Mom's cooking," he murmurs, a wistful smile tugging at the corners of his lips. "The way she'd always make my favorite dish, just the way I like it."

He pauses, imagining the comforting aroma of his mother's home-cooked meals filling the kitchen, and the sound of his sister's laughter as they watched their favorite TV show together.

"And Sis," he continues, a pang of longing in his voice. "She'd always want to watch that show with me, even if I'd seen it a hundred times before."

A sigh escapes his lips as he thinks of his father, the steady presence who always seemed to be lost in his own world with the TV.

"Dad, too," Lucas muses, a hint of amusement in his tone. "Who knows what he's up to with that TV of his. Probably trying to fix it again."

But as the memories of home flood his mind, Lucas knows that he can't dwell on the past. With determination in his heart, he reminds himself of the task at hand.

"I'll find a way back to them," he tells himself firmly, his voice filled with resolve.

John's heart skipped a beat as the status screen again illuminated before him, casting an eerie glow in the otherwise dark cave

=== Status ===

Name : Lucas Reohart 

Race : human 

Bloodline: ???

Rank : G 

Strength: G 

Agility : G 

Stamina : G-

Mana: H

Luck: F 

Charm: G-

[ profession] 

Swordsmanship level : 1 

[ Skills ] 


[ Arts ]


[Bloodline ability] 



Now what should I do about this status screen?

As He scrutinized his status screen. disappointment and frustration welled up within him.Why was his status so lackluster compared to the even a common man.

In this world of novel, everyone has this status screen. It is not something special. It is given to humans by gods for them to check their power level and their progress.

But in my status, there is nothing special . I don't know why i didnt get something special like all other MC who are teleported inside novels . like a taking system 

Looking at my stats i am now sure that some one is punishing me 

They all are Extremely low ...His Mana stat, in particular, stood out as the lowest of them all, marked with a mere (H) indicating an unawakened state. .when human are unawakened they have(H) and when they get awakened there mana stat goes to [G-] 

looking at his other stats i am sure the he is awakened but why is his mana stat [H]

I looked at this body, i am quite shocked to see its condition 

Observing my current state, If one would notice the stark prominence of his bones, as if they're pleading for attention. His body appears alarmingly frail, with the rib cage starkly visible, almost demanding notice. Such profound emaciation suggests a level of weakness that transcends mere physicality. It's a state that speaks volumes about the dire condition of his health

Seeing the state of this If a person just looked closely he or she can count his bones.

but from lucas memories he was never neglected as a child or should i say he is overfeed and pampered alot

so why is his body like this 

"was there a problem with his awakening "

As i was thinking about his body condition. my mind again went to the brightness in this dark cave. The Status screen 

Lets deal with This body later 

For Now what should I do about this status screen? will it always be infront of me no right ..... right ?

"Status Close "

I said thinking its will close but Nothing happens I tried few more times still nothing happed 

Frustration welled inside me

" how to close it do I have to live my life with this thing in front of me??let's try again"

he gazes intently at the glowing status on the screen, his mind racing with possibilities. With a determined gleam in his eye,

"Okay, let's do this," he murmurs to himself, closing his eyes and focusing all his energy on visualizing the status disappearing from the screen.

In his mind's eye, he imagines reaching out and touching the status, feeling the weight of it dissolve beneath his fingertips. With each passing moment, his concentration deepens, and he can almost sense the virtual presence of the status beginning to fade away.

"Disappear," he whispers, his voice barely audible in the silence of the cave. "Just… disappear."

He did the same process few more times and succeed in opening and closing it

After that he slow stands up but his body is not moving as he wishes his limbs are not in proper control of his mind but slowly gaining control again I started moving to exit of cave

As He started to move out of the cave, surrounded by the darkness , a wave of unease washes over him. The unknown fears lurking in the shadows start to creep into his mind, stirring up a sense of disquiet he hadn't felt before.

He takes a deep breath, trying to calm the rising tide of anxiety, but it's then that he realizes something is wrong. 'Too calm', he thinks to himself. How could he be so composed in a situation like this?

His mind races with thoughts of his family, their faces and voices flooding his senses. He remembers his mother's gentle nagging, his father's comforting smile, and the countless moments they shared over the years. The weight of his absence from their lives bears down on him like a crushing weight, filling him with guilt and regret.

"I can't believe I left them like that," he murmurs to himself, his voice barely audible in the stillness of the night. "I didn't even properly say goodbye this morning… What have I done?"

Tears well up in his eyes as he confronts the reality of his actions, the weight of his guilt threatening to consume him. "I'm sorry," he whispers, his voice choked with emotion. "I'm so sorry."

As he stands alone in the darkness, Lucas grapples with the overwhelming sense of loss and regret, knowing that he can never turn back time to make things right. But amidst the turmoil of his emotions he knows what he has to do is survive