
Destined Rebirth: Tycoon's New Beginning

In 1978. It was a time when the glow of success hadn't yet embraced Apple's iconic bitten logo. Hollywood still boasted eight grand giants. This juncture was a fusion of promise and potential—a period when technology poised on the brink of explosion and opportunities gleamed like scattered gold. But beneath the surface, a storm raged—this era was characterized by a ruthless pursuit of self-interest and a throne claimed by capital. Chaos reigned, a realm where dragons and serpents contorted in wild dance, and heroes emerged from shadows. The tale commences in 1978, set within the embrace of a modest fishing village along Xiangjiang's shores. Here, Xia Yu, a young fisherman born on a rain-soaked day, took a resolute stance atop a hill, proclaiming with unwavering conviction, "Oh mighty destiny, whether it's life or death, feasting or famine, I'll seize it all! In this lifetime, I shall rise as a TYCOON beyond measure!" NOTE : 3 CHAPTERS WILL BE UPLOADED DAILY Bonus chapter for every 30 power stones. Discord https://discord.gg/JzvSHPpDPJ Support me on patreon patreon.com/Darkheart37 Read upto 10 chapters ahead.

Darkheart_37 · Urban
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162 Chs

Xiangjiang's Resurgence

In the courtyard outside the simple bungalow, a long bamboo pole stood erect, holding a shiny silver fishing net. A family of five unraveled the small fish caught in the net.

Among the fifteen- and sixteen-year-olds, dressed plainly but unable to conceal their heroic spirits, one boy moved with agility and skill. However, the middle-aged woman beside him intermittently glanced at him, worry evident in her eyes.

Upon closer inspection of the boy's face, one would notice that something was amiss. His gaze appeared distant, and his attention was clearly not fixed on the fish-handling activity. It was hard to believe that he maintained such agility and precision despite his lack of focus.

This boy, named Xia Yu, was the eldest son of Chen Mei, the middle-aged woman. At sixteen years old, he had been a source of pride for his parents since childhood—a role model for his younger siblings and the pride of the village. He was renowned as a child prodigy in this small fishing village.

Originally, Xia Yu's name was different; he was initially named Xia Yu. However, this name was changed for reasons that had a certain air of mystery about them.

Throughout history, child prodigies have often been associated with unfortunate destinies, much like Gan Luo and Cao Chong. Xia Yu seemed no different. Since childhood, he had been plagued by intermittent headaches and a fragile constitution, seemingly destined for an early demise. Xia's parents were deeply concerned, and they had expended their resources on numerous hospital visits, yet no cause could be found.

Xia's father and mother were devastated.

Superstition held sway in Xiangjiang, ranging from the common folk to the wealthy and high-ranking officials—all believed in spirits and deities. Faced with this helplessness, Xia Dahai, Xia Yu's father, sought out a master for guidance. The master divined that Xia Yu was born under auspicious stars, destined for greatness. However, being born on a rainy day introduced moisture into his body, weakening his constitution. His name, too, was a factor—the name "Xia Yu" was associated with rain and weakness, thus impacting his health.

The master's solution was a name change, yet an ordinary name alteration wouldn't suffice. The master's calculations pinpointed that "Yu," which sounds like "rain," carried the potential to suppress rain. Moreover, it evoked the image of Dayu, the historical figure who controlled water. However, due to the influence of fate over the years, the process would take time, and an instantaneous recovery wasn't possible.

With a superstitious nod, Xia Dahai changed his son's name from Xia Yu to Xia Yu.

Remarkably, after the name change, Xia Yu's health began to improve. While the headaches persisted, their frequency diminished substantially.

This progress bolstered Xia Dahai's belief in the master's words, and the community expressed gratitude to the master. In addition, the master's insights into the Wenquxing star's influence spread widely. Furthermore, Xia Yu genuinely excelled in his endeavors, living up to his reputation.

For two years, Xia Yu remained headache-free, leading his parents to believe he was cured. However, three days ago, while working on a fishing net, Xia Yu suddenly collapsed into the sea during a bout of headache-induced unconsciousness. Luckily, Xia's father was swift to rescue him.

Though Xia Yu regained consciousness, he became reticent and often appeared lost in thought, unsettling his parents.

Thankfully, aside from this change, Xia Yu's behavior, appetite, and work remained unaffected, and communication posed no issues. His parents found solace in this consistency, though they remained perplexed by his tendency to drift into solitary contemplation.

Noticing his mother's concern and her occasional glances in his direction, Xia Yu offered her a reassuring smile. "Mom, I'm fine. I'm just pondering something."

"Alright," Chen Mei nodded, her expression softening. She returned to her task of handling the fish on the net. Taciturnity was her nature—a quintessential trait of a traditional Chinese woman.

With deftness, Xia Yu continued working with his hands. Despite the passage of three days, he struggled to fully fathom what had transpired.

Never did he think that the reincarnations and interdimensional journeys so common in novels from his previous life would manifest in his own experience one day.

Xia Yu had retained his name from his previous life. Born into a modest farming family, he was the eldest of three brothers. He managed to secure a university admission and became the family's beacon of hope. Yet, the burden of tuition fees and supporting his younger siblings in their education strained the family's resources. Despite his parents' sacrifices, affording his college education was an uphill battle.

Determined to break the cycle of poverty, Xia Yu juggled university, part-time work, and supporting his family. He transitioned from scraping by to being able to help his brothers financially.

Upon graduating, Xia Yu shouldered the family's responsibilities when his parents fell seriously ill. He toiled to ensure his brothers' education and medical needs were met.

Poverty often curtails ambition, but Xia Yu never gave up. Love wasn't a luxury he could afford; any romantic prospects fled upon learning of his family's circumstances. He devoted himself to nurturing his younger brothers, vowing not to let them tread his path.

Xia Yu came across the boasts of the wealthy on the internet. In response, he penned a satirical poem: "The richest, with naught to spare, laments Ali's Ma. Average Brother Ma, no wife or beauty claims, Liu Qiangdong remains."

Amid this, Xia Yu couldn't help but be dumbfounded by the fawning adulation online. He'd often muse on what he'd do with such wealth.

But it was a dream he considered unattainable—until a twist of fate.

Around the age of 28, both his brothers had completed their education. His parents' health improved. Xia Yu finally felt some relief. Bitcoin, a fleeting venture from his past, briefly captured his attention. He realized he possessed over a thousand bitcoins, now valued at a staggering 200 million yuan.

Taking swift action, Xia Yu sold his bitcoins and secured his family's future. He anonymously contributed a million yuan to support them, saving the rest for himself. He dared not reveal the true source of his newfound wealth.

A foreign trip seemed like a well-deserved break. While staying in a luxurious Davos hotel, Xia Yu encountered a strange phenomenon. Muffled sounds and tremors disrupted his slumber, leading to his disoriented state and the events that unfolded three days ago.

In these past few days, he had struggled to comprehend his situation—transitioning from his previous life to a teenager named Xia Yu. Memories fused, perspectives shifted, and Xia Yu's existence was radically altered.

He pondered the nature of this phenomenon: Was he truly reborn, with memories intact, sixteen years in the past? Or had he merged with the existence of a boy named Xia Yu? Uncertainty gnawed at him.

However, one thing remained clear: he had been bestowed with unparalleled knowledge. In this unfamiliar world, he possessed the skills, insights, and wisdom of numerous elite figures. Faced with this intangible treasure, tranquility was a distant prospect.

The melding of Xia Yu's and Yu's memories, paired with his propensity for analyzing information

, lent him an edge. His mind was akin to a computer, categorized and indexed like files. Expertise across diverse fields was at his disposal.

The collective memory of world leaders, accrued during the Davos summit, had become his. Fortune had smiled upon Xia Yu—by mere coincidence, he was in a hotel brimming with top-tier executives and influential figures.

Little did he know that on that fateful night, the explosion or earthquake that disrupted his sleep had claimed many lives—world leaders included. Xia Yu couldn't predict the global shockwave that would ensue; after all, the deceased were individuals of immense power.

What Xia Yu did know was that the amalgamation of memories had brought him an unexpected boon.

These accumulated memories, disparate yet interconnected, were a treasure trove he could barely fathom. He found himself constantly absorbed in thought, unable to detach from the incredible wealth of knowledge.

Grasping at these recollections, Xia Yu's life journey became a tapestry woven from myriad lives. He was humbled by his luck and the chance encounter that had shaped his destiny.

Now, he embarked on an unprecedented chapter, melding his newfound insights with the life he had once known.