
Chapter 9

I shift tackling one down ripping their throat out. One grabs my leg and I whimper in pain. I look around seeing more rogues poor out of the woods. This is no fair fight by the looks of it they want us all dead. I turn to the one that has my leg and bite down hard on their neck. The wolf whimpers releasing my leg. I twists it's neck and let go when I hear it crack. I howl as loud as I can hoping someone would hear me and help us. I know we don't stand much of a chance without help, but who would help.

A rogue grabs me by the throat, but Hunter grabs his ripping it out. I jump towards another rogue only for them to grab my shoulder. I grab their ear, and tare it clean off. He whimpers loudly letting me go, and I take that time to pin him to the ground holding his throat.