
Chapter 64

Annalisa POV

"Gabriel what's going on? Who's there?" I hear Caiden, before he comes to the door and joins the hug. He growls too as he pulls back to take in my appearance. "I'm going to kill that son of a bitch." He growls.

"Annalisa!" Elijah shouts happily joining the little reunion. That gains the attention of our parents.

"Oh my goddess!" Mom cries as she hugs me tight.

"Mom, he's going to come for me." I say before I break down.


"What happened?" My dad growls. I look up to him wiping my tears.

"Me just marked me and left. He marked me without me telling him to... He just did it." I say. My brothers and father growl at that, and I can see their eyes going black. Suddenly the wolves on patrol howl letting us know we have visitors.