
Chapter 42

"We have to tell everyone fighting. A meeting will be held in an hour. Spread the word." Isaac orders everyone. I look at him worried.

"I have no idea what game Sam thinks he's playing." I say. Isaac wraps his arms around me.

"Nothing else will happen." He says pecking my lips.

"Isaac, I don't know what his game is, but I know what I'm playing." I say my anger rising. Isaac looks at me with wide eyes.

"Why do you have that look in your eyes?"

"My wolf is pissed, and she is practically a killer." I say shrugging it off. Isaac chuckles kissing my head.

"That cupcake is another reason why we are mates. Our wolves are both bloodthirsty killers."

"But, I have better control of mine." I say kissing his lips.

I grab his neck squeezing the air out. I look into his worried eyes. "Stop! Don't kill me." I laugh in his face.

"Why not?" I ask through clenched teeth.
