
Chapter 34

"Daddy, look!" Caiden squeals excitedly. He points to the water and Mervin follows his finger. "Watch." I watch him as he opens his palm and raises it. The water starts to rise too. I look to Mervin who has the same look I think I had. His eyes are wide as he looks back to our son, who is grinning widely. Gabriel looks a little upset by the attention on his brother.

"Daddy, look." He says. Mervin looks at him as he does his fire trick again. That doesn't make Mervin happy, he looks at me nervous.

"Boys let's finish with your bath. Get in before the water goes cold." Mervin says sternly. The bow their heads listening. I put them back in. Mervin puts Ashton down and helps me wash the boys.

After they are all clean we put them for their afternoon nap. I tuck them in giving each one a kiss and go to turn the light off shutting the door behind me.