
Chapter 17

"Don't call me that!" I shout angrily at him. He laughs taking a few steps forward. I take a step forward too, but Isaac grabs my arm holding me back.

"Sam that's enough." Isaac warns.

"Why are you two here? Aren't your packs rivals?" He asks eyeing us then smirks. Isaac growls taking a step forward, and it was my turn to hold him back. "Oh so you're mates." He says. "Alpha Dean is going to love that."

"Sam, tell me what he wants with them before I rip your throat out." Isaac threatens. Sam laughs taking a few more steps forward until he is only four feet away.

"I'm just here for information, Dean hasn't told anyone what he wants with them." Sam says tilting his head looking at us. "Your mate here though Dean would love."

"I'm Isaac's." I growl loudly.

"Not for long. Dean would take you in a heartbeat." Isaac is ready to lunge at him, but I hold Isaac back.