
Destined love

An arranged marriage can love grow. A chance meeting will it be fated or doomed

Katie_Torres_3147 · Urban
Not enough ratings
33 Chs

2 surprise feelings

After Jun left Sun was feeling very confused. She could not understand the connection she had with him. What made him different than the countless others that came on to her? Why could she not control herself around him? She was a master at marshal arts she could have knocked him out in seconds so why did she allow that to happen? These questions were swirling through her head as there came a knock on the adjoining door . Her parents have arrived.

Jun went straight to the front desk. The clerk looked at his stormy face .

" mr president what is the matter is your guest room ok?" He asked quickly

" hmm you sent me to the wrong room. Can you explain to me how that happened?" Jun asks trying hard to control his anger.

" oh I'm sorry let me check to see why that was." The clerk hurried to the booking computer and was searching the room information. Once he had the information he returned.

" I see where the confusion arose. Ms. Lee checked in and asked if Mr Lee or Mr Jun Kim had arrived. I apologize for the mix up. I assumed she was the guest you were waiting for. " the clerk looked confused but apologetic.

" Are you sure she asked for me ?" Jun asked again wanting to be certain

" I not certain now because your father and mother just arrived with Mr and Mrs. Lee she could have been inquiring about your parents." The clerk replied quietly.

Jun ran his hand through his hair in agitatedly. His has more questions now than before .

" make sure you give the lady my personal information and do so discreetly. Make sure that there are no mistakes this time." He walks away to go to his real guests room to make plans to meet his father .

Jun knocks on the door of the correct room this time. A beautiful woman answers. " hey babe it's about time." She puts her arms around his neck and pulls his mouth to hers. Jun is surprised that he feels very let down by her kiss. None of the uncontrollable desire that he felt when he kissed Sun. Reaching up and pulling her arms from his neck he tells her " we need to go over the plan with my father. You know that you are here to help me stop this engagement from happening. " he walks over to sit in the chair by the window. He looks out at the ocean and his mind is filled with only Sun . He has never thought about a woman for more than a few moments . He can't seem to shake the image and the feel of her in the shower.

" so what are you wanting to do ?" She asks him

" we have to have dinner with my parents tonight so I need you to be on your best behavior. I need you to be quiet and reserved. Don't be over flirty or loud. " jun tells her . He looks at what she is wearing it a bright red dress with to much make up." I need you to wear what I bought you and down play your make up. It's to heavy for my fathers taste . I need you to fit in tonight . We need to show that I have found someone suitable for marriage . So that I can convince them to drop the arranged marriage. " Jun is second guessing his choice to try to fool his parents . He isn't ready to get married and definitely doesn't want to marry someone his grandfather picked out.

" don't worry I can do it . " she reassured him. She turned to get the clothes he arranged for her and headed for the bathroom to shower and change.

Jun continued to stare out of the window . Wondering what Sun was doing . If she was ok . Hoping he didn't hurt her to much earlier .

Sun finished getting ready for dinner with her parents . She to was having a hard time trying to forget about Jun . If she closes her eyes she can imagine his arms around her . She shakes herself back to the present. Reminding herself she needs to convince her parents she cannot get married to a stranger .

She leaves her room to meet her parents.

As she passes through the dinning room to meet her parents in their private dinning area she looks for Jun but doesn't see him . With a sigh of relief and disappointment she enters the vip dinning area. Her father stands with a smile and hugs her." How was your flight is your room ok?"

" it was long but fine . My room is just fine." They have a very pleasant meal . Sun is unaware that Jun is in the next room with his parents and things are about to get very interesting.

Jun walks his guest into the vip dinning area all the while looking for Sun as they walk through the dinning room. He was disappointed that he didn't catch a glimpse of her. When they enter the dinning room his father stands and has a very stern and angry look on his face.

" how dare you bring a woman to this dinner you know what we are here to discuss." His father bellowed. His mother puts her hand on his fathers arm to calm him " darling please not here and not in front of a stranger" she softly pleaded

" he pats her hand " ok dear I will try to stay calm." Shooting a harsh glance at his son.

"Thank you mother. This is Eve she is my girlfriend and I wanted you to meet her. "

Eve extends her hand to Jun mother " it a pleasure to finally meet you Jun speaks so highly of you both." With a shy smile waiting for them to take her hand. Neither did they just stared at her . Juns father waves his had for them to sit .

"I already ordered it will be here momentarily." Jun's father informed them

A very awkward silence followed. Then there was a soft knock at the door signaling the food had arrived. After the food was placed on the table . Jun's mother asked " Eve what is it that you do?"

" I am a waitress at one of the local clubs. It just while I am attending school. I plan to be an elementary school teacher after graduation." She answers her .

" really that's nice and what does your family do. " she asks her voice a little cooler.

" my mother is a house keeper and my father is a gardener at a local hotel." She answered leaving out the part that they worked at this hotel.

" mom it doesn't matter what they do the only thing that matters is that I like Eve." Jun told her with a very cold tone . Letting them know that this line of questions was not to continue.

"Yes dear I understand. " he mother says all the while looking at Eve noticing she hadn't touch her food. " Is the food not to your liking?" She asks her

"Well actually I am a strict vegetarian and I also don't eat any starchy vegetables or grains . Everything ordered has either meat, starchy vegetable or has butter in it . I will just drink for now and get something else later." She tells them quietly.

" if you are not going to then you may be excused that way we may have a private conversation with our son." Jun's father tells her harshly.

Eve stood up and bowed her head in respect " thank you for the dinner." She turned to leave

Jun stood up and took her arm . " we both will be leaving . I will see you in the morning there is no need for any discussion tonight." He nods to his parents as they begin to leave.

" Don't think you can avoid the conversation or skip out on tomorrow's meeting. Remember you have no choice." His father warns as they reach the door.

"Eve I'm sorry I was hoping that just by the sheer act of be bringing you here my parents would at least be polite and postpone everything. " Jim gives her a warm hug.

"It's ok ,it is not your fault . I know that we are just pretending so that you can get around the arranged marriage. I just wasn't expecting that everything my family has worked so hard for . To be made to feel like it is nothing. I'm proud of who I am and what my parents do. It's honest and hard work. I didn't appreciate have it looked down on." She looked at him with tears in her eyes. Jun held her tighter. Not wanting her to feel hurt.

" I am really sorry that you were hurt. I am more sorry it's because of me . " Jun lightly kissed her forehead.

They heard a door open and standing in front of them was the most stunningly beautiful woman Eve had ever seen. Jun's eye widen in surprise as the very woman who had been on his mind was standing in front of him.

"She nodded at them and quickly moved towards the regular dinning room. Sun wanted to avoid seeing him till she could face him without embarrassment. What she didn't understand was why did it make her so angry that he had another woman in his arm's. She knew that he was here with someone else.

Jun just looked after in wonderment . Not realizing he was staring. His heart pounding . The urge to run after her an explain was overwhelming.

Eve had never seen this look in his eyes before. Even though they had been pretending for the benefit of his parents. She was hoping that they could really make a go of it. Her hopes have been completely dashed . The funny thing is Jun doesn't even realize he has fallen for this stranger. Eve takes his hand " come on playboy let's go have some fun." She leads him out to the elevator and pushes for the floor the night club is on.