
Destined for each other

Cara Winston always had a happy and easy life without any major accidents happening in her life. Well, minor difficulties are always present in every body’s life. So she always considers her life to be an easy. But when she and her best friend had passed through a dark alley. Where they see a body lying in a corner. Cara being a kind person couldn't leave the body alone. There life changes. Cara Winston : an extremely kind person when she wants to be, good at heart, always believes in her instincts, definition of good girl, talented at almost everything. Male lead: (description hidden) You have to go through the story to know it.

Minha357 · Urban
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6 Chs

Dark alley

'Why did we take this route, again?' she asked her best friend once more who was walking beside her.

'I said to you already that this is the shortest route that lead to our house' her best friend Hannah said to Cara. 'I had came from this alley before. I'm familiar with it'

'But that's different. It is night time now. You came at a day time. It looks so creepy. I'm having a feeling like somebody would jump out of nowhere' Cara said shivering slightly from fear.

The alley they were walking in was dark and there was litter either side of the road. There were very few street lights and that too dull. Which gives a dull yellow light and was reaching only a half meter radius. The alley was so thin that if a car drives in then another cannot pass through. There were some abandoned buildings along the road too.

'Cara!' Hannah scolds her. 'Don't say stuffs like that'. Hannah starts to doubt her decision. 'But, what– what are we gonna do if we encounter wasted person' she says in fear.

Cara glares at her. 'You said me not to say stuffs like that and you are saying it yourself'

She looks at her guiltily. 'sorry'

Suddenly two green eyes shines in the dark. Cara's gaze lands on it. Her heart starts to beat fast even though she know it is a stray cat. What else can it be. She forcefully ignores it and walked faster dragging Hannah along. After some seconds when they didn't encountered any creepy stuffs both of them relaxed.

The two girls walking through an dark alley wearing beautiful dresses. They were coming back from a party and half way through the road their car broke down. And there were no cabs as it was now midnight. The only option was to walk.

'Hey Cara, didn't you find him handsome? The one who proposed you a toast. What his name, again?

Cara rolls her eyes. 'No! He was ugly!' she says making a face. 'And I don't remember his name'

'Oh come on! He was not bad. If you keep saying that when will you get a boyfriend?'

'I will. When my time comes'

'And when will your time come?' Hannah says narrowing her eyes. Cara shrugs in response. Hannah sighs.

Hannah has a boyfriend. So if she find any handsome man she keeps suggesting them to Cara. And Hannah boyfriend was out of town today. So she couldn't ask him for his help.

'Have you ever tried to get a boyfriend?' Hannah asks in exasperation.

Cara looks at her for a second then shakes her head. Hannah face-palm herself. Its not like she had never had a boyfriend. She had a boyfriend when she was in high school. They broke up when they joined college. After him she didn't date anybody. She doesn't like to throw herself on men.

The alley seemed longer than usual. Some minutes past and they still didn't reach their destination. Cara suddenly halted, her face slightly paling.

'Hannah' she calls quietly.

Hannah stops in her track and looks at her and then moves her gaze to where Cara is staring.

'Are you seeing what I'm seeing?' Cara whispers. Hannah gulps and nodded. A person was lying in the corner looking lifeless. Is it a person or a corpse? That was hard to identify.

Hannah starts to tug Cara to move away hastily. Cara stops her.

'Hannah wait' when Cara looks properly, she was able to see a man with lean body. But he was in mess. She stepped closer cautiously. Hannah tugs at her again. 'Don't'

But she didn't listen to her. Her instinct was telling her to take a look closer. She couldn't stop. When she reached closer but a foot distance away she could see a young face which was covered in sweat.

His hair was sticking to his face. There was scratches on his face. But the main thing that caught my eye was a huge gash on his abdomen. His shirt was torn along with his skin. The cloth around his wound was soaked fully in blood.

Cara's gasp was like a scream in silence. And Hannah gags. She felt revolting looking at the wound. But Cara doesn't fear blood. She is just shock looking at the wound.

'Hannah, don't look here'

'No, I will not. And you will not too! Come on Cara let's go. He looks creepy'

'No I cannot' she says shaking her head. 'What if he has a chance to live'

She slowly squats down and look at him closely. His eyes slowly flutters. But didn't open up. The man tries to breath but stops due to the pain in abdomen and groans instead.

Cara's heart starts to beat faster. 'He's still breathing' she whispers turning towards Hannah who stood a foot away. Hannah nodded and came only a step closer.

'But, what if we lands into trouble?' Hannah says worryingly.

'Hannah! Saving a one person's life is like saving a whole humanity and killing a one person is like killing a whole humanity' Cara said slowly, remembering her mother's words which she always used to say.

So she cannot back out now when she is getting a chance to do so.

'Ok then. I will not stop you. But I cannot look at blood' Hannah says reluctantly.

'it's fine. You don't have to do anything except helping me carry him' Cara looks at her friend expectedly.

Hannah gulps then gave a large nod.

Then Cara turns towards the man and quietly calls him.

'Excuse me! Excuse me, can you hear me!'

The man groans in response and tries to open his eyelids again. He forcefully opens his eyes. But his eyes could only open up slightly. He moves his head towards her but couldn't look at her. She was struck by his handsome features. He tries to breathe again painfully.

She started to panic. It looked like he could lose his life anytime now. She needs to stop the blood. Yeah, that is what she needs to do first. But how? She doesn't have anything with her which could stop the blood. She has tissues. But how will small tissues help to stop so much blood.

'Cara! Why don't we call ambulance?' Hannah shouted.

Cara looked at her and felt stupid for forgetting the obvious. Cara smacks herself on forehead for making a mistake. Hannah removes her phone for making a call.

'No' a sudden hoarse voice which come out like a source was strangled attracts both of theirs attention. They look at the source in shock.

'What do you mean no?' Cara asks the man quietly. Doubting that she heard wrong.

'Don't. Don't call!' he said struggling for breath. Even in this state he sounded cold.

'Go! Leave me!' he said forcefully opening his eyes fully. He looked at Cara straight in her eyes. His eyes shocks Cara. A man whose hair and lashes which are so dark has an amber eyes. The dull street light directly shines in his eyes making his eyes more golden.

Cara looks in his eyes enchanted. Then his words struck her. She shakes her head at him.

'No, I will treat you myself. We will not call ambulance. But you have to explain everything to us later'

He shakes his head slightly adamant on them leaving him. He clutches his stomach and closes his eyes in pain.

But Cara was not going to back down now. Once she thought of doing a thing. She will do it. She looks down at her dress and decides to tear it to stop the blood. But the material of her dress would not help much to soak the blood. And how is she going to tear it. The material was strong.

She won't be able to tear it with bare hands. She looks for the sharp object around.

'Hannah, help me find any sharp object. I need to tear my dress'

Hannah understands her and look for it. Till that time Cara tries to remove some blood with tissue. The whole tissue pack finishes up but the blood still doesn't stops.

'look' Hannah hands her a broken glass piece.


Cara carefully holds the broken piece of glass and then holds the hem of her dress. Her dress was reaching just above the knee and she was wearing a leggings inside. She cuts the flair of her dress carefully trying not to harm herself. Hannah helps her too.

Hannah's dress material was not at all likely and she didn't wore a leggings. Cara quickly went into action. She took the cloth which she torn from her dress and put it on his wound.

She slowly lift his body to wrap the cloth around his wounds. He winces but doesn't protest. His breathing starts to get heavy. Which makes her work faster. She securely wraps the cloth around his wound with shaking hands.

'Hey don't lose conscious. You have to stay awake' she says softly.

'mhm' he says in response. His consciousness wavering.

'Hannah come on. Help me lift him up. Our house is not far away, is it?' Cara asks Hannah hopefully.

'I guess not. We should be near now' Hannah said coming towards her to help her lift the man up.

He was heavy. Off course any person would be who don't have strength in them. Cara places one of his arm on her shoulder and Hannah places his another arm on hers.

He puts some weight on his own feet. Which makes them easier to walk him.

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