
Destined For Destruction

"What if your destiny and your fate don't fall in line?" *** *** Katrin was a normal human girl, adopted into a family of witches at a young age. She had no recollection of her original family or where she's from and grew up trying to fit into her new home. But when she's sold off by her sisters for money; she finds out something about herself, something much more greater than being a simple witch. *** *** "Why? why does fate have to have our stars aligned?" Art appreciations>>>>> Cover from https://www.pinterest.com/luna_dreams_/ Katrin's art form https://www.pinterest.com/thena65041/ Ethan's art from https://www.pinterest.com/gaby_books/ Felix art from https://www.prompthunt.com/user/wiggly-goat662 Aeliana's art from https://www.pinterest.com/sethraknor/ Eldor's art from https://www.pinterest.com/alenaleo07/ Ruby's art from https://www.pinterest.com/ddolunay854/ Anna's art from https://www.pinterest.com/cragezy/

QueenAltair · Fantasy
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65 Chs

Chapter 12: Ambush In The Woods.

As the minutes stretched into a comfortable silence, Katrin's movements became more rhythmic, her fingers skilled and sure. Ethan's breathing grew deeper, his features relaxed, and it was in that moment that Katrin felt a curious connection between them - a shared vulnerability that transcended their roles as master and servant.

Eventually, Ethan stirred, his eyes fluttering open. He met Katrin's gaze, and for a fleeting second, the air between them felt charged with unspoken words and unexplored emotions. Katrin's heart raced as their eyes locked, and she found herself drawn into the depths of his sea-blue gaze.

Clearing his throat, Ethan sat up, his movements slow and deliberate. "Thank you, Katrin. You have a remarkable touch."

Katrin's cheeks warmed at his praise, and she quickly averted her gaze. "It was nothing, really."

Ethan chuckled softly, the sound almost melodic. "You underestimate yourself."

As they continued their journey, Katrin couldn't shake the sense that this encounter had shifted something between them. She stole a glance at Ethan, his expression once again guarded, but she couldn't help but wonder if there was more to him than met the eye.

The carriage rumbled along the forested path, the occasional shaft of sunlight piercing through the thick canopy of leaves. Katrin thought about how she had only recently been purchased from the slave house by Ethan, a fact that had left her feeling both grateful for her newfound freedom and uneasy about her new circumstances. As they traveled, she couldn't help but steal glances at Felix's carriage, which traveled not far behind. The camaraderie between the two was palpable, a testament to their shared history.

Suddenly, the tranquility was shattered as the distant sounds of rustling leaves turned into a cacophony of chaotic shouts. The carriage jolted to a halt, and Katrin's heart leaped into her throat. She could hear the clash of metal and the shouts of men. Before she could fully comprehend what was happening, Felix's carriage was beside them, careening to a halt with an alarming jolt.

The carriage doors burst open, and a group of hobgoblins, their brutish features twisted into malicious grins, swarmed the scene. These thieving creatures were a motley crew, their leather and tattered garments adorned with mismatched pieces of armor scavenged from various sources. Their eyes gleamed with greed as they brandished crude weapons, their wiry muscles tensed for battle.

Ethan and Felix wasted no time, drawing their weapons with practiced ease. The air crackled with tension as the two men faced off against the hobgoblins, their movements fluid and precise. Guards alighted from their carriage joined the fray, the clash of steel against steel echoing through the woods.

Fear gripped Katrin's chest, her hands trembling as she clutched Azrael's journal. As she looked around for a safe place to hide, her eyes fell on another figure in the workers' carriage - a young woman with fiery red hair and a determined glint in her eyes. She was the maid Felix had purchased, cowered in a corner, wide-eyed and terrified.

"Are you alright?" Katrin whispered, as she rushed over, her voice barely audible over the chaos outside.

The maid nodded, her breaths coming in shallow gasps. "I-I think so. My name is Lila."

"I'm Katrin," she replied with a reassuring smile. "We'll stay hidden here until the fighting subsides."

Katrin's gaze flickered to the battle unfolding outside, where Ethan and Felix fought side by side. She couldn't help but be impressed by the coordination between the two, their movements almost dance-like as they navigated the onslaught of hobgoblins.

As they observed from their hiding spot, a surge of awe washed over Katrin. She watched as Ethan's fingers traced intricate patterns in the air, conjuring bolts of lightning that arced toward their enemies - spells she had seen only wizards and sorcerers cast. Felix, too, wielded magic with finesse, his spells weaving seamlessly into the rhythm of the battle. Katrin's heart raced, her mind racing with thoughts of the untapped magic she herself possessed.

The battle reached its climax, the hobgoblins finally retreating in disarray. The guards emerged victorious, albeit weary and battered. Ethan and Felix approached the carriage, their expressions marked by sweat and determination.

Ethan's eyes met Katrin's, a flicker of unknown relief passing between them.

"I never thought I'd see the day when hobgoblins would dare to attack our carriages," Felix remarked, a hint of frustration evident in his voice.

Ethan nodded in agreement, wiping off the sickly green blood of the attackers that had stained his shirt. "Those thieving creatures are fond of biting off more than they can chew."

Katrin's gaze briefly brushed over everyone for any injuries before she turned her attention back to Lila to check if she was alright. Despite the chaos and danger they had just faced, Katrin couldn't help but feel a renewed sense of purpose. Her encounter with Felix and Ethan's magic had ignited a spark within her, and the prospect of learning and mastering her own abilities seemed more alluring than ever.

As the carriages continued on their journey, the events of the ambush lingered in Katrin's mind. The world she had known was expanding, revealing layers of magic, intrigue, and unexpected alliances. With each passing moment, her determination to uncover the truths that lay beneath the surface of her new reality grew stronger.

Katrin's curiosity piqued as she peered outside; a sense of awe washed over her while she watched the full moon that had fully risen over the trees. She couldn't believe that her life had taken sudden turns over two nights and a day.

The silence was broken when Ethan moved into a lying position, he tapped the space in front of him, signaling for Katrin. "You should take some rest; you'll need it for where we are heading."

Katrin peered at him, annoyance evident on her face. She eyed the situation before shaking her head, "No thank you, sir. I'd rather lay on the carriage floor."

She stood to her feet to act on her words, but a sudden jolt from the carriage caused her to fall, right into the space provided by Ethan.

Ethan's demeanor shifted, his shoulders tensing up as he tried to adjust away from the girl. Katrin stayed as stiff as a board, refusing to move a muscle.

With a subtle smirk tugging at the corner of his lips, Ethan teased, "Well, it seems you've found your way into my personal space after all. You are like a cat, denying attention but still coming back for it"

Katrin's cheeks flushed, and she quickly straightened herself, embarrassment evident in her expression. "My apologies, sir. It was not my intention."

Ethan chuckled softly, amusement dancing in his eyes. "No harm done, Katrin. Rest if you can manage it."

Katrin settled into a more comfortable position, her heart eat still racing from the close proximity to the annoying man. As the carriage continued its journey, she found herself drifting into an uneasy sleep, thoughts of magic and mystery intertwining with dreams of a future yet unknown.

Ethan too closed his eyes to sleep, but it is disturbed by a bright light that fills the carriage. He opened his eyes to find the girl in front of him glowing at her hands and in the middle of her forehead. A small smile graces his lips as he watches the light changes it color every few seconds. "I knew it, you do have something hidden within you. And i have my ways of finding it out."