
Destination of two sect

Between demonic and righteous sect encounter a love destination. The female lead and male lead encounter a lot of trouble. In their tenth lifetime, they get together and remember everything. their destination becomes a lot of trouble for those who want to rule the world. Separation. sacrifice and love made a true love.

Tamenur_Islam ¡ Fantasy
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3 Chs

Chapter three: Crisis of the village people, part ---2

At night, ling Jing village,

Liuli kneels and Suzi waves a fan in Infront of her the whole day. Madam did not dare to disobey the order. Her brother Livan waits for her with some food. This is the situation of the magistrate house.

At that time,

Lord, Lord !!!

What happened Buqi? ( Buqi is a personal staff of magistrate Babor)

Madam, some people came here from star valley.

Greetings madam...we are from star valley.

Star valley? Are you here to help our village?

Yes, we are.

Aha..then why are standing here, come to our house.

We are truly sorry for disturbing you.

That doesn't matter. come here ..Buqi ready house for them. Dear, dear, do we have a guest?

Lord Babor, came out from his studies room and take a glance at his daughter.

Greetings lord!

Eran leader send you? how I can address you?

Yes, My name is Jihad, her name is Zibo, my sister, and these are our 3 sect disciples Zelda, Rocky, and Rid. You can call us by our names.

You all look like my children. Then I will call you by name. Dear, go get ready for the food. Buiqi shows them the way to the guest room. They need to rest.

Ok.. dear...

They enter the house and Jihad takes a look at the house.

House is not so bad Two ways of out. one may be a secret path. I need to check out. A girl is kneeling, she is maybe the magistrate's daughter Liuli, and someone waving a fan. she is maybe her maid Suzi, And on the other hand, Someone waits for her with food. He is maybe young lord Evan. In this house, ten or more maids live. Everyone's face is filled with happiness. Looks like their lord is a good one.

Wait, take your daughter's room and tell her don't make trouble for me.

Dear, she.....

ok..ok..go. I have a lot of work done.

Get up. No need to kneel anymore ...

Did he say something....?

He says if you make trouble again., you will be grounded.

Where do I make trouble? I want to find an herb for antinode...

I know it, does your father know that? You need to take permission first to do anything.

He just wants to punish me...

Enough, Suzi takes your young lady ready for dinner, we have a guest.

Ok.. madam.

Suzi, Do you think I am a bad person?

No, if you are a bad person, you never help those poor people. So., my lady is a good person. Lord angry at you because you did dangerous things.

Oh, Who comes, Suzi?

Star valley disciples, They will help the lord to find the demons...

Star valley ?? A group of hypocritical people, always talk about demons, demons, They didn't know their heart is a demon...

Lady, don't talk like that. They are good people

Then I asked you, what is a demon and what are good people??

lady, how can I?

If a person pretends to be good but he is a bad person, what do you do?


Listen, In this world, Everywhere is a bunch of good and bad people. we can see everyone but do we know who is good, and who is bad? We need to use our brains and see clearly who is bad with our hearts who is bad?

Lady, you are right...

Help me, wear a dress.

Suzi ,,,,,


I need to go outside, can you manage outside?

Lady, if the lord will know,

Don't worry about me...I will be alright. I also know kung fu...

No, No. Lady.. you can't go outside.

ok...ok...I don't go.

Go found out, How is dinner?

ok. Lady...

At dinner time,

Everyone at the dinner table except Liuli.

Dear, where is your daughter?

she coming...Suzi hurries up.

No need ask me ,,, I am here...

Mother, She is already here...

Sit here, They are the people of Star Valley.

Greetings, Everyone...

Liuli takes a look at them.

(4 boys,1 girl. The first one is a beautiful face .he has an ancient sword. This sword looks different. Maybe I see it. oh... I remember. He is maybe a famous disciple of Jihad, the next silly girl her sister Zibo. She is good at business. other three disciples.)

Star valley all disciples look at her gracefully without blinking as if they never see beauty.

Sister, you are so beautiful. but outside people tell you are ugly...I thought

You thought I look like ugly... Remember appearance is not at all.

Sister Liuli, you are right ..oh...I will call you sister, do your mind??

I don't mind, you can call me.

Then Liuli's sister,

Zibo, stop talking...

Sister Liuli, this is my brother Jihad and they are Zelda, Rocky, and Rid.

Greetings...How can I address you?

You can address us by our name.....


Stop talking everyone, first eat dinner... tomorrow can talk to everyone...You guys have a long journey.

Dear, you are right...

Eat more everyone..no need courtesy, eat as you can

Everyone, Finished their dinner, Star valley people go to the guest room to rest, Tomorrow morning they will discuss the village crisis.

Jihad brother, It's time for you to make a sister-in-law.


Yes, don't you think Liuli's sister is more beautiful in our valleys women?

She is indeed beautiful and different. but

But ....what brother??

Don't you think she hides something?


First she hideout his beauty. Make an ugly face then look at us differently.

Brother, you think too much.

I wish I think too much. Let's go to sleep. we need to leave for tomorrow.

ok... brother ..you too rest early

Zibo left the room to sleep.

Zelda, I walk sometimes...you all go to sleep.

Brother, don't tell me you are going to investigate this girl.

Who says I investigate Liuli?

I didn't tell anyone's name.

Ok. Ok...go to sleep...I will walk around this house outside.

ok.....then come early...

When Jihad wants to leave home secretly, A hand behind touches him.

Ahhh.....where are you going?

I had to turn around to see Liuli.


Then Liuli and Jihad secretly left home.

Mr. Zihad, where are you want to go?

I want to look around.

Look around 🤔🤔 I think you want to investigate the villagers... I am right???

Then, I ask you why are you here, tell me.

I want to also investigate. ..

I never think you will admit this fast.

Why I don't admit. If I did it, done it. why need to lie?

You are quite honest.

of course, I am...Hawaii, your swords look nice. Can I see it??

Do you know it??

Of course..this is a legendary" Star "sword.

Not many people know about it...It seems you are quite...

Shhhh. Liuli stops his mouth with his hand...

I had to look at her eyes... eyes with blue eyes look different beauty...after a second he realized, she makes a sign with his hand, There is someone...

They quite follow him.....