
Chapter 1 I'm now Maylene Xing

A little girl was seen running around the house wailing and a woman chasing her. Zinat Xiofei a ten years old girl was running away and pleading with her wicked mother Ning Xiofei to stop hitting her "mum please I'm sorry I didn't mean to push her she was disturbing me I'm so sorry please spare me" she pleaded still crying " you wretched ungrateful brat how dare you hit your sister one week in the basement" her mother Ning said. Her pleas fell on deaf ears as she was still thrown into the basement.

Zinat sat there crying,since she could remember, she had always been maltreated by her own family. Her father Duan Xiofei, her mother Ning and her sisters Zarah, Zaria who was a year older than her and Zona the youngest. She sat there shivering from the cold, smelling the yucky basement filled with rats and with no food.

Finally, one week went by and she was brought out, her seven friends Liyang, Baina, Natalie, Jasper, Jackson,Ivy and her brother Davy we're all there to meet her. She was so happy to see all of them and smiled wryly at them. The toture she was getting didn't hide her true beauty, Zinat was a girl with Jade-like skin, dark emerald green eyes,a pointy nose, pink-redish mouth, golden blonde hair and pink long and clean nails. Her friends would always complement her saying that if she was so beautiful now imagine how she'll be when she gets older. Baina rushed to hug her"oh my darling zi'er we're so sorry we couldn't get you out of there" she said hugging her tightly. "well we did try but we were thrown out by your parents" Liyang added. "heartless how can they be so cruel to their own daughter" Ivy commented angry. "ok chats aside zi'er is hungry look we brought you your favorite chicken noodle soup with ham and chicken breasts" Baina said and showed the food to Zinat who gulped it down hurriedly."listen guys I didn't say anything because I didn't have the strength to talk and now I do I just want to say that no matter what I may pass through as long as I have you guys I'll get through it all i love you"she told them emotionally "we love you too"they all chorused.

They chatted throughout the day and later left in the evening, after seeing them off Zinat took her bathe and went to bed. She knew it will be pointless asking anyone in that house for food, besides she still had baina's remaining chicken noodle soup with her which she'll eat tomorrow. For the first time in a week she slept rather peacefully on a bed than on a cold floor. Due to this fact instead of waking up by 5:00 she ended up waking up by 11:00 an ice cold water did the trick. "useless idiot you're so lazy look at when you're waking up I'm fed up with you, you're leaving this house today" Ning said and dragged the now awake Zinat to the parlor "honey what wrong" Duan asked his wife "this useless brat is becoming too lazy for my liking she's leaving this house today" Ning said with an air of finality " yes you're right she has to go" Duan added. Zinat was too shocked to comprehend anything,all she could do was cry and beg"please don't send me away I have nowhere to go you're my family I'm your daughter not a maid" she pleaded with them but her pleas as usual were not heard"daughter my foot" was all Ning said as they carried her and put her in the trunk of their car.

She was dropped off at another different town, she watched as her parents car sped away till it was out of sight and continued crying. "why just why do they treat me like I'm not their child" little did she know that they were all jealous of her beauty and well other reasons too. she sat there for an hourand decided to end her life "why should I go on living when my family doesn't even love me"she thought then she sighted an abandoned house that was in a poor state. She walked towards there but paused I her tracks "why should I kill myself that will just mean accepting defeat no I'll fight and reach the top I'll show my family that I can survive without them" she said determined. "from now on I'm no longer Zinat Xiofei I'm now Maylene Xing I hate that family and anything that has to do with them" Maylene said, she sighted an orphanage not far and went there she told the owner her life story and they compassionately let her in. "here starts my new life this time I'm in charge" she told herself.

Author's note: hi guys hope you'll like to