
Chapter 7 Hey, isn't this...

At this time, Penny Scott squatted down and faced LeonardJoy, with a very soft and gentle voice: "babies, today's auntie's baby did something wrong, and auntie will definitely blame her when she gets home. This time auntie apologizes for her and you ."

Leonard Joy glanced at each other.

Lily Hart sighed: "Mother Nina, I really don't need to apologize, it's normal for children to fight and fight, it's okay."

"Mother Xingxing, please add me on Whatsapp. If there is any place where I can help in the future, I will definitely help." Penny Scott took out his mobile phone and said.

Lily Hart couldn't refuse, so she took out her phone and added her as a friend.

Then she nodded slightly: "If it's okay, we'll go first."

She took the two children and turned to leave, but out of the corner of her eye, she caught a glimpse of a Rolls Royce approaching slowly not far away.