
Chapter 13 She Becomes a Stranger

Ivan Kramer stared at the woman's tall and slender back, his eyebrows slowly furrowed.

In the past, Lily Hart was obedient to him, as well-behaved as a puppet, without her own consciousness, and her only consciousness was to love him.

But now it has changed completely.

She became strange to him, and very unaccustomed.

Heaving a deep breath, Ivan Kramer walked out the door and saw Milo looking around for him: "Mr. Kramer? Why are you here?"

"What's up?"

The next second, the phone in his pocket rang.

While answering, Milo quickly said what he was going to say: "Mrs. Kramer just came out from here, you..."

After receiving a cold glance from Ivan Kramer, he paused and silently swallowed the second half of the sentence.

It was so easy to say before, but I forgot today.

Penny Scott on the other end of the phone vaguely heard the word "Mrs. Kramer", and was stunned for a moment.

Ivan Kramer's ex-wife...