
Desperate Fighters

What would you do if someone kidnapped you and threw you into a high stakes betting game of survival? Could you manage to do what it takes, or would you hide and pray for a savior? Dawn is about to learn the type of person she is. One that needs to learn to survive a deadly game where the price is your life. What Dawn learns might be her ticket to keep living, is by giving their inhuman participant what he wants. Dawn is willing to pay the price with Lucian, even if that means capturing the heart of a killer who will never let you go.

Lee_C_Conrad · Fantasy
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42 Chs

How Little We Are

Dawn was completely shocked when Lucian caught up to her carrying an unconscious Colbalt. She looked at him and then Lucian. Lucian fed from Colbalt then gave to her and checked her wounds seeing to the one on her thigh. Which was scabbed and healing now. They were deep in the woods, but they could hear dogs not to far away.

"Why is he alive?" She asked and Lucian met her gaze.

"Information, Debutaunt will not stop Dawn. No matter how long it takes. We will get information from Colalt and then we will kill him." Dawn stared at him for a moment and then down at Colbalt and all the things he'd done to her. The emotionless way he'd handled her and forced test on her… she felt no remorse. Dawn held her hand out for the bag he was carrying.