
Desperate Code

Clark was pleased with the child's reaction and looked at the crystal ball in his hand. Come, let me see your talent. I promised your father to teach you, but the prerequisite is that you must have magical talent, otherwise... Duwei lifted his head. "What should I do? "Put your hand on the crystal ball and grip it tightly. Then, try to think of something in your heart, whether it's joy or anger. In short, stir up your emotions in every possible way," Clark replied in a cold tone. "Let me see your talent.

DaoistuNtHJ7 · Fantasy
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36 Chs

Chapter 6 Beginner

Clark was very satisfied with the child's reaction. He looked at the crystal ball in his hand and said, "Come on, let me see your talent. I promised your father to teach you, but the prerequisite is that you must have magical talent, otherwise..."

Dovi lifted his head and asked, "What should I do?"

"Put your hand on the crystal ball and hold it tightly. Then, try to think of something in your heart, whether it's joyful or angry. In short, use everything possible to stir up your emotions," Clark replied in a cold tone. "Let me see your talent."

Dovi fell silent for a moment, then walked up and placed both hands on the crystal ball, gripping it tightly. It felt cold and smooth to the touch.

"Concentrate, now begin... think, try to think of the most memorable thing to you. Whether it's anger or joy..." Clark's serious voice echoed in Dovi's ears.

Dovi closed his eyes and began searching his memories...

Clark watched as the crystal ball in his hand gradually emitted light, starting dim but quickly becoming brighter!

The proud magician couldn't help but show a hint of surprise on his face as he looked at the crystal ball in his hand, then glanced at the small Dovi in front of him, unable to help but utter a sound of acknowledgment.

But Dovi didn't feel too good at the moment. He felt excited inside, vaguely recalling past events... his inexplicable arrival in this world, and how everything he had before, his ideals, dreams, life, pursuits, everything, had become void! As he stayed longer in this world, his memories of the past gradually became blurred... Although it's normal for human memory to fade, it still made Dovi feel very sad, really sad...

Am I living in a butterfly's dream, or am I dreaming of a butterfly?

Dovi's breathing became increasingly rapid, and the magical power within the crystal ball seemed to magnify his inner emotions. His heartbeat pounded, giving him an indescribable discomfort, as if his chest was being squeezed...

Finally, a cold hand pressed against his head, followed by a cool sensation rushing down from his forehead, forcibly cooling down his already overheated head.

"It's okay, my child," Clark's voice was cold, but he changed his address from "kid" to "my child," indicating that the magician was satisfied with Dovi's talent.

"Not bad... I must say, quite good. You're just a child under six years old. But your magical talent is already comparable to that of a magic apprentice. Your mental power is also almost twice that of an ordinary person. Considering your age... I'm very satisfied with your talent," the proud magician even showed a hint of a smile.

Powerful mental power? Dovi inwardly chuckled. Perhaps this was because he had undergone a "rebirth" but still retained memories from his previous life. It's like having the mental strength of two lifetimes.

Clark the magician put away the crystal ball, then gestured for Dovi to sit down. "Now I need to test the second talent. I will teach you some basic magic, and I need you to meditate deeply, feel the natural forces around you, then tell me what you sense."

Dovi listened attentively to Clark's instructions and memorized the simple and ancient incantation, which carried a sense of mystery.

"You need to concentrate and meditate. This is a crucial step. Whether you can become a magician... Many people with better talents than you have failed at this step," Clark explained.

"What do I need to do?" Dovi frowned.

"You don't need to do anything. You just need to silently recite the incantation and let your mind think freely, feel your surroundings, whether it's cold, hot, or sounds, anything will do. It's not difficult."

Dovi did as instructed. He sat down naturally, adopting a cross-legged posture. This posture seemed fresh to Clark. Then the magician took out an hourglass from under his gray robe and placed it aside to measure the time...

The fine sand flowed, and Dovi sat quietly for a long time. Finally, he opened his eyes, hesitated for a moment, and said, "Mr. Magician..."

"Oh? What did you feel?" Clark asked.

"I... I feel hungry," Dovi said somewhat helplessly.

Clark was somewhat disappointed by this answer. Obviously, although this child had outstanding magical talent, he lacked a sensitive heart to perceive the natural magical elements around him.

While the magnitude of magical power was important, it wasn't the only criterion. Mental power could also be gradually enhanced through meditation. Those with superior mental strength were just starting a bit higher than others.

However, whether one could perceive the magical elements in nature was the most crucial step!

Clark had taught several magic apprentices before, and even those with less magical talent than Dovi had turned out to be talented individuals. One of them, during this initial test, sat for less than half of the hourglass time before standing up and conjuring a flame on his fingertips. Later, that student specialized in fire magic.

Another apprentice, during this test, could already hear the sound of wind in the sky. Later, that child specialized in air magic.

Clark's most outstanding student, during this test, caused all the water in a vase in the room to float up, condensing into a fist-sized water ball that didn't disperse!

In short, truly talented individuals who could become magicians would have various visions during this initial test! However, Dovi, who seemed to have natural magical talent, didn't show any signs of awakening.

This could only mean... he was simply not suited to be a magician.

"Alas, it's a pity to waste his innate mental strength. If he could pass the test, with his mental power, he would start higher than others," Clark felt regretful in his heart, but soon, the proud magician immediately dispelled his inner regret.

Humph, what's the use of a slightly higher mental power! It's like in a fight, the stronger person might not necessarily win against the weaker one. For example, although a bull is strong, it's no match for a leopard.

It's just... a pity.

When Clark, with a gloomy expression on his face, walked out of the room, the count, who had been waiting outside for a long time, already knew the result.

As expected...

"Your Excellency, I'm sorry. Your son