
Desperate Code

Clark was pleased with the child's reaction and looked at the crystal ball in his hand. Come, let me see your talent. I promised your father to teach you, but the prerequisite is that you must have magical talent, otherwise... Duwei lifted his head. "What should I do? "Put your hand on the crystal ball and grip it tightly. Then, try to think of something in your heart, whether it's joy or anger. In short, stir up your emotions in every possible way," Clark replied in a cold tone. "Let me see your talent.

DaoistuNtHJ7 · Fantasy
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36 Chs

Chapter 22 The Monster Incident in Banjiao City

Solscaya's laboratory was located in the southern region due to his research focus on fire magic.

The hot climate of the south indicated a richer abundance of fire elements in nature. Otherwise, delving into fire magic in the icy landscapes of the north might seem a bit masochistic.

Duwei made a swift decision, and action followed suit.

Solscaya was immediately released from the dungeon, his magician's robe, along with his equipment, bottles of powders, magic crystals, and parchment scrolls of spells, were returned to him.

Of course, a new magician's robe was tailored for him.

The castle's old steward was initially surprised that such a young master could recruit a magician as a subordinate. However, upon learning that Solscaya was merely a first-level magician, the steward understood... So that was it.

When Duwei proposed his plan to travel, the steward couldn't refuse such a request. Furthermore, he suggested that Duwei visit some of the family's estates and industries within their territory. It would be more enlightening than staying in the castle and poring over dull account books.

Soon, the carriage, horses, and luggage were all prepared. This time, the arrangements made by the steward were much more lavish compared to the modest setup when Duwei traveled south from Yenjing. After all, if the young master of the Roland family traveled in a shabby manner within their own territory, it would be rather embarrassing.

Madde remained Duwei's accompanying steward, but this time, he was accompanied by ten servants from the castle, tasked with looking after the young master throughout the journey.

Within the castle's guard unit, two cavalry squads were assigned to accompany and protect Duwei. Additionally, the deputy captain of the castle guard, a skilled and legitimate knight named Robert, would personally lead the escort. Robert was a certified knight recognized by the Knight's Association, adorned with an authentic fourth-level knight emblem.

One cavalry squad consisted of Robert's direct subordinates, while the other squad was composed of the individuals Duwei had handpicked from the group that had accompanied him from Yenjing.

Robert, the fourth-level knight, appeared tall, sturdy, with broad shoulders, and a square face, exuding an aura of integrity. He showed great respect towards Duwei, his young master, displaying a straightforward and honorable demeanor. Duwei held a favorable impression of him.

In addition to these individuals, there was also a female knight among the entourage, none other than Joline, Duwei's first direct subordinate whom he had recruited.

As they journeyed southward from the castle, Robert diligently fulfilled his duties, meticulously arranging advance scouting and maintaining vigilance during stops. Occasionally, when Duwei expressed a spontaneous desire to camp outdoors at night, Robert readily agreed without objection, silently nodding in approval. He would then meticulously organize the night watch and guard duty arrangements.

Duwei assessed Robert as a typical military man, undoubtedly having served in the armed forces. Given that the Roland family was renowned for its military prowess, many of its knights had military backgrounds.

Compared to the somewhat disagreeable old steward, this loyal and conscientious knight was undoubtedly much more pleasing to Duwei.

Seven days passed.

Traveling and observing along the way, it took Duwei and his party a full seven days to reach a town at the southernmost tip of the Corte Province. Further south would take them beyond the boundaries of the Corte Province, meaning they would depart from the territory of the Roland family.

Overall, Duwei was highly satisfied with the Roland family's territory. In this geographically favorable region of the Roland Plains, all he saw were vast farmlands, prosperous farmsteads, and contented farmers. Even when passing through larger towns occasionally, it was evident that the people here lived quite well.

As their caravan traveled along the road, they often passed by one or two farms, where farmers would stand by the roadside, waving their hats in salute upon seeing the knights bearing the Roland family's banners. It appeared that the Roland family was quite beloved in this region.

Robert also noticed that their young master wasn't actually out inspecting any family estates. He seemed more like he was out for a leisurely excursion.

However, this was not surprising. Considering the young master's age, Robert didn't expect a thirteen-year-old boy to manage any family estates. Such matters were not his concern; his role was to fulfill his duty and act as a good protector.

When, on this particular day, they arrived at the small town at the southernmost edge of the Roland family's territory, Duwei suddenly proposed continuing southward. While Robert found this request somewhat curious, he did not object.

Anyway, since the young master was interested, they might as well continue southward following his lead.

Moreover, once they left the Corte Province and headed further south into the Lir Province, they would be under the jurisdiction of the imperial governor, who was known to be very friendly and respectful towards the Roland family. Therefore, the young master would surely receive some care and attention even in the Lir Province. There was nothing to worry about.

Duwei quickly grew fond of this obedient knight. He also noticed that Robert was quite popular among the cavalry. Often, during their encampments, some of the younger soldiers would seek his advice on martial skills.

Robert's martial skills were quite impressive, at least in Duwei's eyes. He wielded a massive broadsword with astonishing strength! When instructing the young soldiers, seven or eight of them couldn't even get close to him.

Even Ifrit, Joline's attendant and the formidable bull warrior, was quite impressed by Robert. In one sparring match, Robert effortlessly knocked Ifrit down with just one hand on his sword.

A fourth-level knight, indeed formidable in combat.

Under such circumstances, Duwei couldn't help but feel a little curious and requested to learn some martial skills from Robert. Robert was somewhat surprised by the young master's request. According to the family's tradition, someone like Duwei, the son of the family head, would typically seek instruction from the knights with the highest martial skills in the family, not a mere captain of cavalry like himself.

Nevertheless, Robert readily agreed. After all, he practiced the same Qi cultivation method taught in their unit. It wasn't some great secret. However, after a brief period of instruction, Robert had to inform Duwei that he truly lacked talent in martial skills.

Duwei wasn't particularly discouraged. He didn't expect to become a master; he simply felt it was necessary to strengthen his body. Even if he couldn't become a great warrior, improving his physical fitness would still be beneficial!

Thus, under Robert's guidance, Duwei began learning some basic martial skills, mainly focusing on methods to strengthen his physique. However, this slowed down their journey southward.

On the ninth day of their journey southward, the group arrived at a small city called Halfangle City, located in the northeast of the Lir Province in the southern part of the empire.

The name of the city was peculiar because it was situated beside a valley that resembled a half-angle shape.

This small city was situated along an important trade route in the northeast of the Lir Province, making it quite prosperous. Surprisingly, Duwei and his companions even spotted a group of about twenty mercenaries in the city! They were escorting a caravan heading northward, coincidentally staying at the same inn as Duwei and his party.

The Lir Province was not a territory of any noble family but a directly administered province of the empire. In such a small city, there were no high-ranking officials, and Duwei had no desire to deal with local officials. Staying at an inn provided them with more freedom. Therefore, their arrival did not attract the attention of local authorities.

During lunchtime, Duwei and his companions were in the inn's hall, while the other caravan was on the opposite side of the hall. Suddenly, the sound of urgent hoofbeats could be heard outside, followed by a commotion. The inn's door was pushed open, and three knights clad in the standard armor of the local garrison entered.

The leader wore a knight's medal on his chest, indicating his status as a fourth-level knight. His armor and military emblem marked him as a senior officer of the local garrison.

He strode in, surrounded by his subordinates, and approached the caravan. In a loud voice, he announced, "Everyone! I am Knight Span, captain of the Second Cavalry Squadron of the Halfangle City Garrison! Under the Imperial 'Local Military Preparedness Law,' I am officially requisitioning your escort teams! Due to our current shortage of military strength, we need your escort teams to assist us in a mission outside the city in the Halfangle Valley. According to imperial law, you cannot refuse."

His voice was loud, his demeanor resolute. He glanced at the mercenary guards of the caravan and continued, "I understand that you are all mercenaries. I am now requisitioning you to join my unit for this mission. You will be compensated afterward. You have half an hour to prepare your equipment and horses! Half an hour from now, I need everyone to assemble at the inn's entrance."

Although the hired mercenaries acting as guards for the caravan were somewhat reluctant, they knew they could not refuse due to imperial law, and there was compensation to be had.

However, the caravan, seeing their hired guards being requisitioned, became anxious. Immediately, a shrewd-looking individual approached, attempting to negotiate with the officer.

"No!" The knight refused decisively. "I'm sorry, but your journey will be delayed. However, I assure you it won't take too long. By this time tomorrow at the latest, your escort personnel will be back. You can choose to stay in this city for an extra day, and the military will cover the accommodation costs for your stay at this inn. Please stop insisting. This is a military task, and I cannot be swayed. Also, I must ask you to retract your offer of payment. Attempting to bribe an officer is a serious offense!"

With that, the knight left the caravan leader and turned towards Duwei's group. He had intended to announce the requisition of Duwei's attendants as well, but as he took a few steps forward, he suddenly noticed the attire of Duwei's entourage and Duwei himself. More importantly, he saw Robert and the others behind Duwei!

Robert's armor was not standard-issue but rather resembled the equipment of a noble's private militia.

Requisitioning a noble's private militia was a level of authority beyond that of a mere captain of a local garrison!

Knight Span glanced at Duwei and hesitated for a moment. However, with no other manpower available to him and the urgency of the task at hand, he finally gritted his teeth and strode towards Duwei. He bowed respectfully as befitting his knightly status and then spoke in a low voice, "Respected sir, I..."

At this point, Span's voice suddenly choked up. He hadn't noticed before, but now he saw clearly!

The insignias worn by the guards behind Duwei were unmistakably those of the Roland family!

Originally, he had intended to use some means to borrow the attendants from the other party, but how could he possibly borrow personnel from one of the most renowned imperial noble families with just a word?

Damn it! Members of the Roland family? How did members of the Roland family end up in Halfangle City? And why was there no prior information...

Span sighed helplessly in his heart.

"Please continue, Sir Knight," Duwei said with a smile as he raised his cup and took a sip. The taste of this light wheat beer was quite pleasant, reminiscent of the rice wine he had in his past life.

"Well, esteemed sir, forgive my presumption, but may I inquire if you hail from the esteemed Roland family?" Span's tone grew even more respectful, and he unconsciously inclined his body slightly.

"Indeed. We are from the Roland Plains," replied Robert as he took a step forward, his sturdy figure towering over Span by half a head. "This is my master, the eldest son of Count Raymond of the Roland family, Master Duwei."

Span immediately bowed again. The son of the head of the Roland family held such a status that even in the presence of the provincial governor, he would be regarded as an equal.

"Sir Knight, may I ask if you have encountered any trouble?" Duwei asked with a smile.

"Yes..." Span hesitated for a moment, then decided to be honest. "I have just received an urgent mission that requires about a hundred soldiers. However, it is currently the traveling season, and most of the garrison soldiers in Halfangle City have been deployed two hundred miles south for spring maneuvers. At present, I have less than twenty men under my command. Therefore, according to the Imperial Local Defense Law, I can only temporarily requisition local warriors to serve the military."

Duwei nodded. "Ah, I see. So, you also intend to requisition my escorts?"

"No, no, not at all!" Span exclaimed, startled. He had indeed considered it, but after recognizing the other party's identity, how could he dare to do so?

Count Raymond was a significant figure! To requisition the escorts of his son? If anything were to happen to this young master due to a lack of protection, even if he chopped off his head a hundred times, it wouldn't make up for such a grave offense.

"Well then, what exactly has happened?" Duwei asked with curiosity. "Since we are here now, if something has occurred, please inform us so that we may be prepared."

Span pondered for a moment before speaking, his expression showing both helplessness and distress. "It's a peculiar matter indeed. The Halfangle Mountain outside Halfangle City has always been peaceful. The mountain isn't tall, and the woods aren't deep. In the past, there weren't even any large wild beasts. Even if there were, our local defense forces would go hunting on the mountain every now and then, and they would've cleared them out! But just yesterday, out of nowhere, a... monster appeared!"

Duwei's eyes lit up!

A monster?

"Yes, although we can't confirm exactly what kind of monster it is, one thing is certain: it's a big fellow. Hunters from the mountain saw its footprints with their own eyes. That's undeniable. It's just puzzling because monsters generally don't live near human settlements. Even if they do, it should be in the wilderness near the southern border of the Empire. Moreover, there hasn't been any news of monsters appearing in the entire Liel Province for decades. It's unclear where this thing came from." Span sighed in frustration. "My men and I were ordered to hunt down this creature in the mountain. But according to my estimate, to kill such a big creature, we would need at least twenty soldiers. And with Halfangle Mountain being so vast, if we want to trap it inside, a hundred men wouldn't be enough."

sounds quite intriguing.

Duwei couldn't help but feel excited.

In fact, ever since he found a glimmer of hope to learn magic, he had developed a keen interest in anything related to magic!

To think that in the heartland of the Empire's south, there appeared a rare monster! How could he miss out on such an opportunity?

"Excellent! I have forty guards with me, each one a elite rider of the Rolin Family, and this captain of mine is a Level Four Knight. I'm willing to let them accompany you to Halfangle Mountain to carry out this task. After all, it's against my moral principles to stand by while a monster rampages." Duwei stated with a sense of righteousness.

Span was taken aback. "Are you saying... you're willing to lend me your guards..."

"Master, that won't do." Robert voiced his opposition for the first time. "You can't be without protection. If you must go, I'll take twenty men with me."

Robert was eager to help. After all, he was a legitimate knight, devoted to the knight's code.

"No, no need to worry about me being unprotected." Duwei smiled. "Because I will go with you. I believe staying by your side would be the safest option, wouldn't it?"

Now both Robert and Span wanted to object.

Especially Span! He regretted why he had told the young master of the Rolin Family about this matter!

Taking him along? It wasn't just about capturing the monster anymore! If anything even slightly unfortunate were to happen to the young master on the mountain, he would truly be in trouble!

"You don't need to object." Duwei decisively made his decision. "Don't worry about my safety. Don't forget, I have an outstanding magician by my side!"

He gestured towards Solusca.

Solskjaer felt somewhat helpless. Although he couldn't be considered exceptionally powerful, his identity as a mage was indeed genuine.

Sparks lit up in Spann's eyes!

A mage? If they could have the assistance of a highly skilled mage, then this mission should be no problem!

However... the safety of this young master...