
Despair of the Living

Diana's first day back to school, she was in her classroom with her friends early in the morning waiting for everyone else to arrive when a foreign exchange beauty entered the room, she had heard rumors of her having a nasty attitude and how wealthy her family is. Diana was bewildered by her looks and couldn't help but stare. She wanted to get closer with her so during lunch she followed Noelle to ask her to eat with her and her friends. Surprisingly she was cornered by the teacher?! That teacher had also made Diana and Noelle stay afterschool to clean. While Diana's friend tease her about this they reluctantly left. Time had passed and the school had became completely quiet, no one was around anymore. While cleaning they heard a growling noise from outside... that growl didn't sound human like. So Noelle opened the door to see what it was, she immediately shut the door and yelled at Diana.

_Spacegirls · Sci-fi
Not enough ratings
6 Chs

The Quiet School

Diana can hear some rustling noises next to her. Sunlight peeked through the curtains hitting her face, she covered her eyes with her hands and continued sleeping. After awhile Diana felt a hand nudge her shoulder,

"wake up."

"mmmm… go awayyyy~"

Feeling too tired to open her eyes she grumbled at the tugs.


"i'll be up inna muinnhte…"

mumbling her last words, she feels a cold hand touch her back.


Another cold hand covers her mouth seemingly foreseeing that she would scream.

"Shhh, you gotta come see this."

Noelle gesturing her to come to the windows next to the door. Diana finally gets up but very slowly.

"Ish this a dream.. *yawns*"

Noelle too busy to care examines the hallway.


The air turned still and Diana had become fully awake as she joins her. Diana's complexion darkens as she sees the hallway. It has a railing since the middle of the school was open, so you can see below or above. Since they were on the second floor they couldn't see all the way to the fourth floor but can see a bit of the third and second floor. While examining each floor there would be lingering zombies. It appeared the zombies mostly had student uniforms but there were some zombies who seemed to be dressed professionally which indicated they were staff.

Diana observing this scene felt like puking. It felt surreal, as if she was in a never ending dream.

"Seeing them close up is worse than seeing them afar…"

"Mhm, it seemed we were lucky"


"I heard some screaming last night."

"What? When?"

"It was around 4am, I heard some shouts too. There were still some students here I'm pretty sure for after school clubs."

"Huh? I thought we were the only ones at school. So does that mean there might be people here still alive?"

"That… I don't know."

Diana wide awake turns and looked at Noelle, She was surprised to see Noelle had glasses on and her mask was off, revealing a large scar on the bottom right half of her jaw ending near her cheek area. She wanted to ask about it at first but it felt too personal so she questioned where she had gotten those glasses.

" I was looking into the cubbies in the back and saw a pair of glasses. I decided to take them, the prescriptions are pretty similar to mine."

"I forgot we had cubbies, did you find anything to eat or drink?? I'm dying of-"


A hard splat could be heard and the continuous grumbling from zombies became louder.

"w-what was that…"

"It seemed someone slipped off the railing."


Before she could yell Noelle shot a glare which had frightened Diana making her freeze.

"s-sorry habit…"

Diana scratches her head in embarrassment, Noelle batted her eyes and continued talking

"There was a few snacks and some waters. I stashed them back to where we were sleeping."


Diana slowly tip toed over to the corner and saw a beef jerky stick. She grabbed it and walked back. After she arrived in front of Noelle she split it in the middle eating one half. She motioned the other half of the jerky to Noelle.


"It's not fair if I ate this all. So here!~"


Diana feeling annoyed that she might be rejected shoved it into Noelle's hand and sat down looking away.


As she thanked Diana she walks over to the cubbies to see if she missed anything. Noelle felt her face was rather cold. She touched her mouth and realized her mask she was wearing yesterday wasn't on her face. She hurriedly went to the makeshift sleep area to find it laying next to where Diana was sleeping at. Feeling embarrassed she quickly shoved the jerky in her mouth and knelt to the floor picking up the mask and putting it on. Diana who was staring at Noelle saw this scene unfold.

"Why are you putting it back on?"


"If it's about your scar I don't mind."

Noelle slowly turned to Diana to see her with a gleaming smile almost angel like. Feeling heat tickle her face and the embarrassment of being caught she turned her head darting her eyes in a different direction. Diana saw this reaction and her smile turned wider. She quietly tip toed over to Noelle with her hands hovering above her head, Noelle feeling a shiver go down her spine looked up and saw Diana towering over her, Too late to move Diana pounces onto her. Noelle was shocked and she grabbed Diana's wrist slamming her against the floor.

"Ow, ow, ow, ow!!! I'm sorryyy let me go~ it hurts!"

"I surrender, I surrender let me gooo~!"

Noelle blushed from the sight and quickly let go of her wrists. Unfortunately for Noelle, Diana took this opportunity to try and grab her mask again. Noelle backed up with Diana following suit until she accidentally falls making a loud thump noise.


Diana face became hot the next second feeling something touch her chest. Noelle held Diana up while she slammed onto the floor. While holding in her tears her hand felt a warm and soft sensation. Her eyes shot open and seeing Diana's bright red face. Noelle felt heat forming in her ears and quickly retracted her hands. The lingering feeling of the soft touch stayed on her palm. Diana got up, went back to her seat and pretended that it never happened. Noelle also did the same as to not cause any awkward conversations. Noelle took a glance at Diana seeing her ears still red.


Noelle was astonished that Diana apologized since she was the one who defiled her.


"Do I have explain it to you?!?"

With an annoyed face Diana turned around with tears forming in her eyes from embarrassment and glared at Noelle. Noelle found this sight pleasing and wanted to tease her. She nodded while looking at Diana with a straight face. Diana grumbled and said a quick reply

"…for trying to take off your mask… I just thought you looked more pretty without it. Is that good enough! hmph!"

Swiftly turning around avoiding her stares


Not knowing how to respond to a sudden compliment Noelle just nodded her head.


A loud slam against the door interrupted the awkward moment. Diana not knowing whether to be glad or scared from the perfect timing it had. After it got louder she started sweating in her seat. The noise had a spine-chilling feel to it.

"L-let me in! Please!"

Noelle took a quick glance towards the door then directed her gaze to Diana. Diana's eyes were glued on the door

"They're coming please open the door! I'll do anything!!"

The voice sounded very feminine and had a desperate plea to it as well. Muffled grunting noises could be heard from afar.

"I know someone's in there! Please let me in!"

Loud bashing noises continued and at some point Diana got up and rushed towards the door.

"Diana don't! What if she's infected!"

Instantly a loud 'errrrr' sound rang in the room. Diana had moved the desk and slid the door open without any hesitation. A girl who was wearing a freshman uniform fell onto the floor. Diana slid the door back but after closing it a huge thump crashed into the door.


"mph- Noelle help!"

Diana locked the door after struggling a bit and a quick gust of wind flew towards Diana and another scratching noise invaded her ears. Noelle was moving the teachers desk back into place.


Diana quickly got out the way and leaned her back against the wall.

"Pheew~ I think I almost peed my pants this time…"

Slowly sitting down wiping the cold sweat on her face

"Uhm… thank you…"

A girl whose eyes were dark red seeming lifeless stared at both of them. She had a scar on her nose and a slouched posture. She looked like the shy introverted types. Her uniform seemed tattered and her skin and hair were white as snow.

"Ah… it's fine!"

Diana smiled brightly. The girls face distorted and became hostile for a split second. Diana didn't notice the change in face though

"My names Diana, I'm a third year. This is Noelle she's also a third year."


"Hm? What'd you say?"

"Call me aria."

Shooting sharp daggers towards Diana. 'Ehh? Why does she sound mad, everyone I meet have such bad tempers… first Noelle now her!

o(〒﹏〒)o' she thought to herself

"It seems you're a first year. Do you know what happened out there?"

Diana was curious on how it was outside since she was too scared to venture out herself.

"She looks like she doesn't want to talk."

Noelle stares at Aria examining her face then traveling downwards. She was checking for any wounds but Aria took it the wrong way and blushed a little from the feeling of her gaze. Diana tilted her head. Suddenly Aria stood up and walked over to Noelle. A confused look plaster on Noelle's face. She backed up but a warm embrace enveloped her arm.

"H-hi… uhm do you remember me?"


"Do you not remember?…"

A sad look were evident in her face


"We met during orientation, you helped me out. Do you remember now?"

Noelle took a good look at her while tugging her arm free from her embrace. A look of disdain when she whips her hand on her shirt.

"Can you refrain from touching me."

"S-sorry, It's just… I was just happy to see you again. I thought you-"

"Well you reek of blood, so please don't come near me."


From the turn of events Diana was caught in a confused whirlpool of emotions. 'Why is she acting so nice??' Her attitude took a 360 once she was talking to Noelle making Diana quite jealous.

"What do you mean she helped you?"

Diana chimed in from the previous topic. She was curious what Noelle done to make a first year act so coquettish around her. Aria didn't turn around to acknowledge Diana or her question.

"I'll take off my clothes then, it seems the stench stuck onto my uniform."



Diana making a small noise instantly turned her head after seeing Aria lifting her shirt up. While Noelle was caught off guard


Noelle quickly pulled her arms down before she took her shirt off fully.

"Oh, okay…"

Aria evidentially sad that she couldn't take her clothes off decided to go up to Diana.

"Hey give me your clothes."


"Didn't you hear me? Take it off."


Noelle blissfully ignored the both of them.

Aria inches closer to Diana with bloodlust in her eyes.

"AAaa Noelle helllppp!!!~"

Diana quickly got up and ran towards Noelle but tripped on a chair,


Rubbing her head that bashed into a desk, she didn't notice she was laying on top of Noelle. Before she could register anything she felt a harsh jerk making her fly across the room hitting her head again but this time she became dizzy. She could hear a distant conversation and blurred images of people standing above her

"Are you okay Noelle?!"

"…What are you doing!"

"…I didn't think she was so light…"

"Why did you…"


Slowly the voices faded out and Diana's vision turned black.


Diana felt a cold hand brush against her forehead. Causing her to scrunch her face a little.


Hearing a slight laugh Diana turned her head. All of the sudden she felt a cold shiver go down her spine. She opened her eyes and saw Aria sitting on a chair watching her, as if she was staring at someone she had deep hatred for. Diana turned her head again and looked up seeing Noelle staring back at her. She felt heat slowly surface to her face. Noelle's breath was tickling her skin while she observed her.

"Are you okay?"


'Did she just ask about my well being?!'

"Uhm yea I'm okay."


"If you're okay get off then."

Diana body went numb from hearing Aria's chilling tone. She quietly moved away from Noelle sitting awkwardly.

"Hmph, Noelle my head hurts too!"


Noelle didn't bat an eye at Aria and continued observing Diana's head.

"Diana, tomorrow me and Aria are going out."

"What why?"

"Aria told me that they're other survivors in school. They didn't let her in so she was running away from those things. She told me while she was hiding she came across the teacher lounge which had vending machines inside. We're going to loot it before the other group does."

"and you're going without me?"

"I don't want to risk it. We need someone to guard the classroom and you already have a head injury. So we'll go instead."

Noelle shot a glare towards Aria which made her look in another direction in blissful ignorance. Noelle looked back in Diana's pouting face and couldn't help but grin a bit. Pinching Diana's cheek and said,

"You'll be fine."

"Owwww!! okay okay fine."

Diana distracted from the angry person behind Noelle, didn't get to see her slight smile. Ignoring it she slip Noelle's hand away.

"What time is it?"

The sun was long gone, the full moon was the only light source in the city.

"12:43 a.m."

"Mm I'll keep watch then since I already slept."


Diana stood up and walked over to a desk and started fiddling with her fingers out of boredom. While Aria quickly followed Noelle to the beds.

"Goodnight Noelle…"

Aria whispered it quietly so only she could hear


After 20 minutes the room became silent. Until a grumble disrupted the peace


'ahh my stomach keeps rumbling. I really have the use the bathroom…'

Diana looked around to see where she could use as a substitute bathroom but seeing as there was none other than the window she had no choice but to go outside.

'…my dignity… or my life…'


'MMPH- oow ow I need to go!!'

'…Ah forget it! I'm going to the bathroom!'

Diana carefully and steadily went to the door.

'…wait wouldn't it be dangerous if I leave it open? hahhhh  ̄Д ̄=3why is it so complicated!'

"What are you doing."


A small white hand covered her mouth before she screamed.

"A-aria? Phew, you scared me!"

"Answer my question, what are you doing."

"Uhmmmm… ermmm… well you see it's kind of embarrassing to say…"

"You need to use the bathroom right."

"Eh?? How'd you know!"

"Well you're at the front of the door why else would you be here."

A scowling gaze was shot towards Diana

"Ah… true!! Anyway It's urgent I really have to go can you keep watch? The bathroom is right next to here so it should be fine! I didn't hear any zombies for the past 20 minutes"


"Oh, I didn't expect you to accept it so fast! Thanks you're a life saver."

Slowly Diana moved the desk to not wake up Noelle and went outside carefully. Her heart was beating wildly but her stomach couldn't take it anymore. She stealthily went to the bathroom right next to them.

After she was done she was debating on flushing or not, she didn't want to cause any zombies to come over here. She thought if she flushed and washed her hands quickly and ran towards the room it should be fine.

Diana quickly flushed the toilet and washed her hands in a matter of seconds. She rushed out the bathroom and when she was running towards the classroom she hears a loud thud.


The classroom door closed right in her face. It wasn't a quiet shut rather a slam. She heard the door click and a desk moving.

"EH? ARIA! It's me! I'm not a zombie open the door please!"


Zombies had started running towards the loud noises but were still somewhat far.

"h-huh…? a-aria please open the door! Hello?!!"

Diana slamming the door in panic.


The growls were getting louder and heavy footsteps could be heard getting closer.

"Ah! please I'm sorry what did I do! please open! Aria this prank isn't funny.."


Diana turned her head and saw 5 coming towards her running down the hallway. Fight or flight kicked in and she ran down the hall as fast as she could.



Seeing a staircase and elevator up ahead she was determining which would be faster.

'the staircase seem like the best choice… i don't even know if that elevator works!!'

'Ah fucking hell! That b—— left me to die!!'

Once she reached the stairs she started climbing up to the third floor. Seeing as there weren't many zombies on the higher floors because they fell down on the first nights. While rushing upstairs she accidentally tripped twisting her left ankle. She didn't notice the pain because of the adrenaline. She continued until she reached the third floor in haste. She saw a classroom up ahead which had the door open not thinking straight she was about to go in until 3 more zombies popped out the room hearing her heavy footsteps. Now she was cornered, they were in front and behind her, without much thought she thought jumping to the second floor seemed like the best option.

Before she was about to jump she felt something grab her and pull her in a classroom.