
Despair of the Living

Diana's first day back to school, she was in her classroom with her friends early in the morning waiting for everyone else to arrive when a foreign exchange beauty entered the room, she had heard rumors of her having a nasty attitude and how wealthy her family is. Diana was bewildered by her looks and couldn't help but stare. She wanted to get closer with her so during lunch she followed Noelle to ask her to eat with her and her friends. Surprisingly she was cornered by the teacher?! That teacher had also made Diana and Noelle stay afterschool to clean. While Diana's friend tease her about this they reluctantly left. Time had passed and the school had became completely quiet, no one was around anymore. While cleaning they heard a growling noise from outside... that growl didn't sound human like. So Noelle opened the door to see what it was, she immediately shut the door and yelled at Diana.

_Spacegirls · Sci-fi
Not enough ratings
6 Chs

Despair of the Living

"Eek, you have a spider on your head!"

A group of students messing around in a warm classroom where the sun was barely peeking out. Turned into a frightful scenery. One girl who had a small body and an innocent face screams while jumping out of fear pointing at another girls hair.

"H-huh? Where, where?!"

Her bright pink hair made the spider extremely noticeable and her rosy cheeks which were laughing just moments ago instantly turned pale hearing her friend utter the words "spider." Staying as still as a statue, she gestures over to her friends to help her.

"Ah get it off, get it off quickly!!" tears rushing down her face out of pure panic

"Diana it's fine the spider isn't venomous. It'll get off you by itself"

A tall and skinny student said to Diana with a hint of amusement. She had jet black hair with a face full of makeup. With an intimating aura surrounding her. The friend who pointed out the spider hurriedly agreed with Amelia.

"Ehhh! You're only saying that because it's not on you! Uwahh someone get it off me!"

Diana weeping didn't notice the spider had already left and was pitifully embarrassing herself without knowing. Her friends didn't tell her since they were too busy laughing at the distress Diana. Her emeralds eyes became foggy and her eyelids puffy. With snot going down her face, both her friends had calmed down and told her that the spider was already long gone.

"And you tell me that after I bawled my eyes out! You little scoundrels I'm not buying you the special today don't even think about begging for forgiveness!"

This time her friends understood that they took it too far and tried persuading her.

"Me and Iris tried to but you were crying too much to hear us! Right?"

Amelia stated while giving Diana her best puppy eye face to make her reconsider. Instantly Iris nodded and went to hug her to make it more convincing. While joking around a student giving off a dark and icy atmosphere came into the room. The group of friends stared at a fair skin and gloomy girl who suddenly interrupted their conversation.

It was the first day back and rumors had already spread of the new exchange student who came from the UK. She was rumored to be extremely ruthless and bad-mannered. She would ignore others who tried to befriend her and would give them a cold stare scaring them away. Diana didn't really believe the rumors but after seeing her Demeter she felt like she understood to some extent. She was taller than Diana by a few inches and had very pale skin making her look ghostly. She wore a mask covering most of her face and glasses which made her white eyes look mesmerizing.

Diana thought to herself that it was a shame such a pretty girl was so gloomy. While staring at the new exchange student, she realized she was also being stared back at but hostile eyes were burning through her instead. Instantly embarrassed she turned her head and started talking with Amelia and Iris again. While they chatted amongst themselves.

"Isn't that Noelle Jones? I heard her family are extremely wealthy, it's too bad shes a otaku and I heard she has a terrible personality. I would've invited her to hang with us if she wasn't so scary looking."

Iris shrugged and spoke with condolence in her voice. While they were chatting about the new exchange student, the classroom began to get more flooded with students. Each with their own set of groups and claiming their seats. The once peaceful classroom became loud the next second. Many students came and greeted Diana and her friends as they were well known within the school and were called the top beauties in room 12A last year with Diana being called a saint for her heavenly looks. With such a reputation many people flocked towards them and since they were usually very welcoming they had no issue with making friends.

The only person who stood out the most in this chatty atmosphere was Noelle, many tried talking with her but to no avail they were cruelly ignored causing some disdain to develop in their hearts. Noelle had already noticed the looks she was receiving but paid no heed to them and would only coldly stare at others if they were talking too loudly about her. After some uncomfortable moments the door in front of the classroom slid open.

"Good morning, how was everyone's summer? I'm going to be your home room teacher. You can call me Mr. Kan"

A old and plump man walked into the classroom to the front of the class. He was balding severely but had comb over the last remnants of his hair over the top of his head. He gave a warm smile and told everyone to get seated. He walked over at his computer on his desk and swiftly turns his head looking at Noelle. After Mr. Kans arrival the classroom had become quiet. He walked back to the front of the class and stated for Noelle to come up and introduce herself.

Noelle could feel the stares on her increasing after Mr. Kans call out to her. Feeling annoyed she stood up and went to the front of the class.

"Okay class, as you might know Noelle is an exchange student from the UK. Her family is a good friend of the principal so I hope you can all treat her well. Go on Noelle"

With his arm around Noelle's shoulder he gave a slight push for her to introduce herself.

"Hello. I am Noelle. Nice to meet you."

With a short and quick introduction she walks back to her seat and pulls out a manga. Diana who was staring at her the whole time was really amazed at her beauty and the cold air she was extruding outwards. Noelle was sensitive to gazes and once she looked up at the main culprit she gave Diana a deathly stare. Spooked Diana accidentally leans back into her chair causing her to fall. Noelle grabs her hand to stop the fall and was a bit flustered at how she almost fell from one stare. Since Diana and Noelle were sitting next to each other at the back of the classroom the teacher didn't catch what had happened and continued with the syllabus for the class year.

"Ah… sorry, haha"

With a nervous giggle Diana looked at Noelle with an embarrassed smile and bright red cheeks plastered on her face from the sudden tug. Noelle nodded and returned to reading.

Amelia who sat in front of Diana turned around in discreet and teased Diana for being such a klutz. Diana puffed up her already red cheeks had ignored Amelia's taunts and stared out the window watching the traffic from below. Diana's classroom was on the third floor and the school was built next to the city which meant the scenery on the outside differed depending on which side you were on. Diana's classroom was on the left side of the school and was face outside towards the city. So she could see the the bustling streets and shops not too far away. The other side of the building had the parking lot but other than that it was all empty land. So Diana was glad she was able to be on this side of the school.

Lunch finally came along, Diana turned her head and was about to ask Noelle to eat with her and her friends but before she could open her mouth, Noelle abruptly stands up and walks out. In determination Diana tells Amelia that she'll be back and to not eat without her. Amelia nonchalantly agrees and continues talking to a group of students that started surrounding both her and iris.

While running to catch up with Noelle, she unexpectedly caught a disturbing scene. Mr Kan was kabedoning Noelle. Mr. Kan had slammed Noelle up against a wall on the stairs blocking her way of escape. His face inching closer to Noelle mumbling something Diana couldn't hear. As Mr. Kan got closer Diana can see Noelle trying to shrink down to avoid the old mans face. Being brought back to reality Diana instantly struts over to them.

"Hey what are you doing?!"

Mr. Kan jumps up and away from Noelle after being caught in the act. He stumbles a little before giving a clear answer. He said he was talking to Noelle about being more friendly towards her classmates. Noelle eyes had darken and was facing downwards reluctant to look at Diana. Mr. Kan easily took this opportunity of confusion and told both of them that he had a meeting, leaving as fast as the wind. Diana quickly rushed up to Noelle, examining her to check if she was okay.

"Hey what happened?? Did he touch you! If he did I'll cut his manly hood off!"

Mr. Kan felt a bad omen and shudders while he was in the hallway. Noelle started twitching after Diana had said that.

"Huh? Did I say something wrong?! I swear I will beat up that man! I can't believe he would pin his own student against a wall!"

Diana said confidentially, as she was trying to comfort Noelle not knowing what had happened. While confidentially boasting how she'll beat up Mr Kan, Diana heard a small giggle that had escalated to a cackle. Shocked Diana located the laugh which was coming from Noelle.


Confused Diana was wondering how a girl could laugh at a situation like this.

"Puahaha! Y-you're so funny! The look on your face. You know you can't take him on he's twice your size."

Diana was stricken with even more confusion. The quiet and gloomy girl had a much happier face contrasting her outfit, it was indeed a beautiful sight but Diana was too confused to even think about that, currently she was wondering why she was being laughed at. Feeling heat spread from her cheeks to her ears she looked at Noelle with an embarrassed stare.

"Why are you laughing! I know I couldn't take him down but… I couldn't just leave someone who might be in danger!"

Noelle stopped laughing and regained her composure after hearing Diana speak again.

"And? I didn't ask for help. He can't touch me you know? Stop being an idiot."

Dumbstruck Diana had just been laughed at and now being ridicule for being stupid. Her face bright red she quickly exclaimed

"I'm not an idiot! Why was he all over you then?"

"You don't need to know that."

With a glare shot right at Diana, she felt like she was being ripped apart from her glance.

"Why did you follow me."

With an abrupt question coming from Noelle, Diana was caught off guard, only replying to her after a few seconds

"I… wanted to invite you to lunch."

"Hah?… No thanks."

Diana felt sad in being rejected so soon but still wanted to be friends with Noelle she gave her a sandwich.

"For you, throw it out if you want. Hmph!"

and walked away dejected. Noelle took the sandwich and walked away as well. She was in a happier mood than Diana.

I'll post second chapter later since I'm going on a trip just want your thoughts on this novel though!

_Spacegirlscreators' thoughts