
Desolate Fate

On the day he first met a cultivator, Yaan’s life was changed forever. All that he cared for was ripped away from him. He was forced into a despair-inducing situation, but he endured, he fought, he refused to give up. But why did he persevere, what drove him to go on? With nothing to return to, his hatred and rage fuelled his will to survive… But hatred begets more hatred and the flames of rage are extinguished with time. He was desperately clinging to any thread of meaning that he could find, but heated emotions do not last forever, and ambitions are rarely easily achieved. A person changes over time, often into that which they once despised… Life…is a struggle. A struggle against the world, a struggle against our own nature, and a struggle against fate. This is the tale of a lone person’s struggle through a twisted world, and his desperate attempt to resist his desolate fate.

SpicyDaoist · Fantasy
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420 Chs

Body Tempering Elixirs

"Old devil…maybe we should change the rules again…" Old 4th spoke wryly to the devil spirit, who sighed and nodded his head.

"I did not expect him to hole himself up like this. If this training lasted for a short period of time, it would be no matter, but looking at him now…he has no intention of leaving for a long period of time."

"And he still has five elixirs remaining. He definitely plans to use them all before even going outside." Old 4th sighed.

"Mm. Luckily, he started with the weakest, shortest lasting elixir. The effect lingers for 30 days, once that time is over, we can force him to enter the 7th pagoda."

"Oh!" Old 4th's eyes lit up, nodding in understanding. "Good idea. There's no reason to actually change the rules, we can simply tell him to enter the 7th pagoda, or else we will remove him from the 7th level and send him back down to the 1st. Normally, Rank 5 cultivation is needed to enter the 7th level - he can't enter on his own according to the usual rules, but even if he gains that qualification, we could just alter the rules to prevent him from entering."

"Right. It's a bit forceful, but no matter, master would understand."


Two months had passed by since Yaan arrived on the 7th level. Since he was no longer being pressured by others, he saw no reason to waste his funds and enter the less optimal environment in the Temporal Acceleration Pagoda. As such, Yaan started by training 'normally' within the grounds of his new home.

This 'normal' training at first consisted mostly of subduing 4-Star astral spirits, whilst practicing his sword arts and flying ability. Flying on the 7th level was extremely difficult due to the high gravity, but this environment also made for excellent practise.

In terms of 4-Star Astral Tattoos, Yaan managed to increase his cultivation to 18 tattoos within this first month. He felt the strain increasing on his body with each subsequent tattoo formation, whilst the period required to recover from subduing each astral spirit was becoming longer and longer. Because of this, he stopped cultivating his Astral Power for now, instead turning his attention to the elixirs.

During his periods of recovery in that first month, Yaan learned as much as he could about these elixirs. He didn't actually need to go anywhere to do this, because he found various books in his spatial ring which discussed elixirs.

Recently, the trial spirits had a change of heart. They now freely sorted through all of his resources, selling anything that was completely useless to him, and providing him with everything that he asked for. It was extremely convenient, but to be honest, Yaan now possessed too much wealth; his stacks of Astral Crystals alone filled up multiple spatial rings. This was definitely a good problem to have though.

Anyway, he was able to identify these elixirs quite easily by consulting various guides, some of which he had obtained recently through his exchanges with the trial spirits.

The elixirs in Yaan's garden varied in terms of their effect and duration. Some were usable by Rank 4 strength body temperers and lasted for 30 days, whilst others could only be used by Peak Rank 5 strength body temperers, lasting for hundreds of days in total!

And the specific effect of elixirs?

Well, in essence they opened up an entirely new method of cultivating the body! If this could even be called cultivation…

"Hah…hah…hah…" Yaan collapsed to the floor after completely exhausting his body and Vital Energy for the 45th time that day. As he fell to the floor, unable to move through the burning sensation coursing through his muscles, he felt a pure, but now faint energy being released from his stomach. This energy filled his body and rapidly replenished his exhausted state.

Yaan once again couldn't help but smile when he felt the improvement to his strength once again. Although the improvement from one training session wasn't overly impressive, he had experienced similar advancements tens of times everyday for the past month! The benefits rapidly stacked up, amounting to a rate of progress that left Yaan feeling very pleased, especially when considering that this method of cultivating was not accompanied by any sort of risk!

In the next moment, his eyes widened in surprise, which quickly turned to joy.


A faint cracking sound could be heard from his body as the golden glimmer on his tendons transformed into a sparkling shine.

"Mythril Rank tendons!"

Elixirs were unlike any other body tempering resource that Yaan knew of. The effect was powerful and long lasting, but it required copious amounts of physical exertion in order to actually achieve any effect.

In essence, the harder he trained during the elixir's 30 day duration, the better the improvements he would reap!

In this month of training, where he exercised to the point that his body gave out by performing countless mortal exercises whilst wearing weighted body training gear under the 7th level's enhanced gravity and Spiritual Pressure, Yaan had improved significantly.

Not only did his Progressive Tendons Constitution improve to Mythril Rank, but so did his Progressive Flesh and Bones Constitutions!

"That last improvement used up the remaining energy in the elixir. But still, to think that one little fruit could actually have such a long lasting, incredible effect!"

From Yaan's perspective, he merely consumed a single glowing green apple, but the effect actually surpassed any medicinal pill that he had used in his life! And that was only the weakest of the elixirs…

Looking at the glowing blue kiwi, the white melon, the golden cherry, the red pear and the multicoloured plum, Yaan's expression brightened and his heart rate sped up. Just how strong would he become if he consumed all of these elixirs…?!

Right as Yaan stood up and approached the next elixir, which he estimated should last 120 days this time, he paused and blinked in surprise. Following his surprise came wariness.

Facing the sudden appearance of the devil spirit and old trial spirit, Yaan wasn't sure what to think. However, for the pair of them to proactively show themselves like this, he knew that it probably meant another change.

"Lord inheritor candidate…please challenge the 7th level pagoda within three days, or else we will have to send you back to the 1st level." The old spirit clasped his hands and smiled apologetically.

Yaan still felt perturbed by the now overly polite attitude of this old geezer…

"Pass on the 1st attempt." The devil spirit added.

Immediately after saying their piece, the pair of them vanished.

Yaan stood there for a while as he pondered over why they were doing this, why this change had occurred, and what it meant for him. However, how could he possibly know these things? In the end, he merely sighed and shook his head.

"Looks like I'm heading to the 7th pagoda."

Three days later, Yaan crossed the 7th level. He only looked around briefly at the various temples which towered along the cliff face, hiding their secluded gardens behind the large structures.

The 7th level pagoda was located at the end of the row of temples and palaces. It was actually quite small, comparatively speaking, and less grand compared to the homes of the residents on this level.

When Yaan arrived, he found the devil spirit and the old spirit waiting outside.

"Good luck, lord inheritor candidate."

Yaan paused briefly as the old spirit smiled and gave him words of encouragement. Yaan didn't say anything, only nodding in response, before entering the pagoda and not bothering with them anymore.

As for what lay within…Yaan had no idea. He had attempted to learn more about the 7th level pagoda during the past three days, but there was simply no information available. He learned the reason for this as soon as he walked in, when a stream of information was transmitted into his mind in the darkness of the hall.

After processing this information, Yaan silently considered things.

The information stated that he would only be given at most three attempts at this trial. The contents of the trial were not to be divulged to the outside world, or else he would be demoted to the 1st level with no chance to return to the 7th.

"I accept." Yaan stated after a few seconds. It's not like he really had much choice; if he didn't take on this challenge, then he would be sent back to the 1st level anyway.


The moment Yaan spoke, the hall lit up, finally allowing him to see around him.

As whooshing sounds resounded within the room, Yaan's eyes widened. He watched as a white gas leaked down from the ceiling. The gas formed ten whirlwinds which accumulated and condensed, until ten figures were revealed within.

The ten figures all looked identical to himself!

Yaan was startled at first, but calmed himself down quickly. Others would probably be more shocked when they were presented with such perfect copies of themselves like this, but Yaan had experienced the True-False Illusion World, where he had already encountered a perfect replication of his past self.


Before anything else happened, Yaan suddenly grasped at his body as a startled and slightly anxious look flashed across his face.

"What happened to my armour and the stone ring?"

To his dismay, Yaan realised that his spatial ring, the golden armour and the stone ring had all vanished from his body! As for when this occurred, he had no idea, he did not even notice when these items were taken from him!

When he inspected the ten figures which all resembled him to the finest detail, he was able to relax slightly, since they were all in the same position.

By now, he could more or less guess the contents of the trial.

"Challenger…" A voice echoed from all directions within the small hall, drawing Yaan's attention as he felt that the trial would soon begin. He looked around briefly, but he was unable to locate the source of this voice. It was as if the voice was being emitted from every direction.

The voice echoed out once again.

"Your possessions will be returned upon successful completion of the trial. The ten entities before you are copies of yourself, possessing all of your strength and replications of your cultivation. Like yourself, these copies are unarmed. They are unable to use spells and arts at first, but if you use such a method a single time in this hall, they will gain the ability to use said technique. Successful completion of the challenge is achieved by defeating all ten copies, surrender or death will result in failure. Begin!"