
Desolate 2021

Who do you trust when your world starts falling apart? Your perfect life was not so perfect. As much as you want to turn around and walk away, you cannot, and your past catches up with you? Jamie takes the blue pill; "you will be fine"; breath; We have been over this before". Close your eyes; this was all just a bad dream. Jamie is convinced she is delusional, but why would her husband and kids lie to her? This does not make sense. I vow to love and protect you through sickness and in health. Your life, your marriage, your kids, were it all a setup? Jamie is a beautiful thirty-two-year-old Asian woman; she loved to travel. Jamie had this indomitable personality that everyone loved. The family came first then her career, pride, and principle are what defined her character. Jamie had her best friend Christopher, she had known him since school, her family loved him and her friends he was outgoing and always had that overpowering charm that a lot of women admired. Christopher then, one evening, "told her how he felt about Jamie". Jamie never saw him more than a friend. But how far will you go for the one person you loved your whole life, fake your death? Create a new identity; Christopher had a past that will make Jamie’s life turn into a nightmare. Jamie is now living in a nightmare, but after her accident, everyone thinks she is delusional. The pills Christopher gives her make her lose bits of her memory. Until one day, Jamie consulted a doctor about her sudden loss of appetite and always feeling tired. When the doctor asked her if she is suffering from anxiety because the doctor found a Benzodiazepine in her blood, this drug is used to calm or sedate a person by raising the level of the inhibitory neurotransmitter gamma-aminobutyric acid, which suppresses the activity of the nerves, which can lead to a psychological disorder. Not only was he giving her the wrong pills to treat her short-term memory loss but also killed her slowly. Your mind is a prison.

Legacy_za · Realistic
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129 Chs

Chapter Eight

"Footsteps approach, coming closer faster, she starts to run as she looks behind."

Jamie sees no one. She turns looking in front of her and finds herself in the house she was in earlier.

Looking around a family seated through the window, "this is what family is all about," she thinks to herself.

There is a little boy and a girl in the kitchen. As she walks closer, she sees a blonde woman with blue eyes, wearing a sunflower dress with an apron. The two kids are running around the house laughing and shooting water guns.

The guy is tall and looks in his mid-twenties; he is dressed casually.

"They look like a happy couple."

Jamie now walks into the kitchen; where am I? No one is looking at her, and it is as if she is invisible. "Lilah, honey, you and Raphael prepare the table."

"Lilah and Raphael?" What is happening?

The same Lilah she knows, Jamie now walks to the Lounge suddenly Lilah and Raphael look thirteen years old, and they were sitting by the table saying, Grace, the house seems pretty livid, there are a lot of portraits all over, and these people are so religious, and they look like a happy couple.

But who are they? Jamie questions. There is a knock at the door. I will get it says Raphael, as Jamie walks ahead.

Looking through the window and notice guys with ski mask with pump-action guns, there is four of them. Raphael is walking to the door; NO DO OPEN!

"Jamie screams" no one can hear her. Raphael!" she attempts to push him away from the door," but he continues walking through her.

Stop, she screams as Raphael pauses, looking around, "I am here, do not open the door. Those guys are bad."

"You and the family need to hide," Raphael stands for twenty seconds, looking around. Who is it, Honey? Raphael now walks to the door STOP! Jamie screams at the tops of her lungs,

Raphael opens the door without looking through the window. Rapheal opens the door, the guy opens fire and shoots Raphael through the chest across the kitchen floor against the cupboard. "His blood is all over the floor. As he looks up, struggling to breathe, a tear rolls down his eyes as he dies."

No, Jamie screams as the lady comes running to the door, and the second guy shoots the mother in the chest, letting her fall to the ground.

"The dad runs up to his wife and Raphael as the guy uses the back of the gun and hits him in the face."

Lilah runs and hides in the cupboard. The guy with the Ski mask now pulls the dad by the hair to the kitchen.

"Jamie is standing there hiding behind the cupboard," she is nervous; she feels herself choking on her breath.

The anticipation of death is making her go into a panic. "Blocking out all other sounds, terror washed over her, raising the fine hairs on the back of her neck as her heart pounding in her ears,"

She tried to scream, the sudden shock making her tense her muscles. A cold wave embalmed her as the hairs rose on the back of her neck and her mouth ran dry.

Jamie gathered all the strength within her and stood up, walking to the kitchen as no one noticed. Hey, I am here. Take me instead, she screamed, but she was invisible.

The dad was pleading with them to let him go as they spoke in a Russian accent. Where is the merchandise?

"What merchandise did I not ever do business with you?"The Russian then takes a butter knife stabbing it into the leg.I will not ask again where is the merchandise!

"What Merchandise?"

"I am an accountant," he exclaimed."

That is good, the guy said. Now you can start counting how many fingers we are cutting off.

They got a garden grass cutter and started cutting his fingers off one for one "as he screamed in agonizing tortured pain."

"Jamie was on her knees crying, witnessing something so horrifying."

What merchandise, Jamie screams as the Russian looks around and says nothing. Lilah, an s dad, has passed out as the Russian stands up, pulls out a 9mm, and shoots him in the head.

He is of no use to us. They now slowly pace through the house as they come to the lounge. There is one missing here. The Russian says there are four plates, and we only killed three.

"Come out, wherever you are" Jamie now comes to her senses and runs to the lounge, trying to hit them to protect Lilah.

But there is no reaction from them as they paced across the house with the guns, "Jamie runs up to Lilah. She is scared to her wits; she is pale and terrified, holding her mouth with her two tears is running down her face."

Jamie tries to distract the Russians, but she is helpless.

The fourth must be here somewhere as they start smashing things and throwing them off the cabinet and table.

The Russians go up the staircase, as they go to the room where Lilah is hiding in the light off, as they stroll towards the cupboard and the one Russian points down to the ground it is a blue lace hanging out of the closet from Lilah.

The Russians look at each other and open the cupboard, and spots Lilah. As she screams, they grab her and toss her across the room against the wall. Where does your dad hide his stuff?

"Lilah is so scared she can barely get any words out of her mouth. Her head is bleeding after the hard bump against the wall as she cries."

I do not know what you are talking about; she says. The Russians now walk up to her grabbing her by the neck as Jamie attempts to hit them. "Stop this she screams."

"The Russians phone rings." They let go of Lilah as she drops down to the ground boss. "There is nothing here. Yes, the boss, we are on our way, says the Russian; he now drops the phone, takes the gun, and shoot Lilah in the chest as she falls.