

A party of adventurers come together to defeat the dark lord Sepharoth

Lethal_Sh1n1gam1 · Fantasy
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6 Chs

Out of the ordinary

The sacred prophecy, a party of great heroes will come together to defeat the four dark gods and the Dark Lord Sepharoth!

A brown-skinned boy gets up and stares at the old lady speaking. "This is the first time your prophecies have stuck this long." The boy ties his hair up and walks out of his tent. "This one might be true."

[My name is Sepharoth Plaxtzidion Eclipse. I don't know much about my origins. The first memory I have is that of a beautiful woman with pointed ears in the forest. The forest was beautiful and full of life. The air was pure and the water was almost completely transparent.]

[The women taught me the basics of life; reading, writing, hygiene, and how to survive in the wild. Once I mastered reading and writing she taught me the basics of magic. She would always talk to me in a soft tone but always be adamant that she wasn't my mother and I shouldn't think of her as one.]

[One-day my green eyes turned purple and the world around me changed. I began to see things and animals differently. The forest seemed more crowded and more people like the women were visible. When Sepharoth told the woman about what was going on her soft tone changed and she looked at him with a sad face. "Sepharoth it is time."]

[This was the first time she ever sounded so sad, usually, she would sound soft and sometimes cheerful but this was new for him. The woman led me to the center of the forest. There stood a great tree orbited by ghosts. The tree had an odd hole above its roots. Inside the hole was two books, I took the books and as turned around she was gone.]

[After that I began surviving on my own, and now I help ghost pass on.]

The ghost of a wrinkly old man rushes through the tent flaps.


"What do you need?"

"My poor granddaughter, she wandered into Luten dungeon!" Sepharoth stops and stares at the old man. "The dungeon?" The boy says while washing his face. "Unless the dungeon is defeated nothing can leave, including ghosts." The old man begins to tear up and says "Oh…. My apologies young man, I'll take my leave now." Sepharoth stops the old man and says. "I didn't say I wouldn't help."

"It will be a challenge but I think I could do it." Sepharoth grabs his gear and belongings. "I'll need you to lead the way for me." The ghost bows down to Sepharoth and thanks him. "I don't know the exact location, but I know it's near the town of beginnings so I could lead you there." Sepharoth nods and follows the man. When he arrives at the gate he points at the inn. "I'll handle the rest from here, wait for me in that inn."

The old spirit nods and thanks the boy. "Thank you again, kind sir, I'll be waiting for you in the inn!" the old spirit scurries away and then lets out one big shout. "THANK YOU, SAFE TRAVELS YOUNG MAN, AND HER NAME IS MARY SHE HAS PINK HAIR!!!" The boy waves and stares out into the distance. "Now then, time to find this dungeon." Sepharoth wanders through the town and notices the remarkably run-down condition. Drunks hungover outside, signs falling off of shops, and rodents running through the alleyways.

Sepharoth goes and asks the local spirits about Luten dungeon and they eventually led him to "The Pub of Beginnings " He walks in and takes a seat

"Water please."