
Desk Chat

Starting with a desk chat, rather a weird chat. He wrote two words on a desk 'Hi...' just for no reason while feeling bored. But he got replied by someone unknown. A girl according to the reply. But how much does it hold its truth? He may be pranked, he might be told an untruth. But he seems to be rather optimistic. Will, he can find the truth? Even if he believed the unknown to be a girl, will he get to meet her? It triggered something unknown in his life. The story doesn't end here, he is drowned in his world of thought without bottom nor the top. It almost seemed like he got his time back. He traveled the time but by not himself, he was made to travel. He is asking himself, ...... The world, is it a fake one? Or is he dreaming it? "I don't know where am I, I don't know what I am beholding? So what is this called, is this the correct world, Am I walking on a real journey, to somewhere unknown, to somewhere I am not supposed to?" Sanjit, a silent guy is traumatized with his own taught, or maybe he is not. He is observing what others don't, but he won't know if he is real because there doesn't seem to be anyone who agrees with him. What was that then, did he foresee? Will he believe himself or will he betray himself? A high school fellow seems to be lost. Where and how he doesn't seem to be realized. The story is based on a supernatural plot and moderately realistic at a particular level. It may be complex but I will try my best to keep it understandable. Together we can know what will happen to him and what he did, so be tuned with it.

Sanjit_Raut · Fantasy
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2 Chs

Where am I?


I wrote the same two letters followed by 2 dots. I don't think it clenches any confidential or important message for anyone. Well, I didn't mean to write it for anyone in the first place.

But I wrote it, unwillingly and without motives.

So why am I being replied to then? Someone replied to me, whom I don't know, whom I never met, whom I may never confront.

But I am inquisitive, I am curious because someone has said: "Everything happens for good". In what way, it will ruin me, or in what way it will boon me? I don't care even if both of them happen but I am curious. I don't care if it is nonsense but I wanna know.

" Damn, it is really hot today."

All the rays striving with each other, through the plane transparent polished land are thumping my side face releasing their outrage. Innocent me just bearing it. Also, I who fought for this seat, a day before, even threw some punch on the chubby face.

My apology was another part but that was brutal.

The view was cool but yet hot, it was rather good as from the top floor. The melody aside with the lyric of science, mathematics, and others, class after class.

I am plunged in my thoughts...

"Who wrote it? Girl or boy? Hope it will be a girl, a beautiful one with long black hair and red eyes."

"Sanjit...Sanjit.....Hey Sanjit...."

I heard a voice feebly surging and ascending and finally ended with a piece of chalk right on my forehead.

"How many times did I call you?..... Let me see what you have done till now, let me....", the rudeness and anger at the same time.

"Not even a single word. Wow! that's good...Let's meet today at the staffroom, is it OK?"

"Sorry, sir..."

"Did you understand that?", he howled.

"Yes sir!", my innocent voice was at its limit and .....

"Are you okay?", she, Ishika seems worried.

" No no, I am good", I muttered.

She is my childhood friend and some kind of neighbor too. We were just about 500 meters apart precisely. We studied in the same school and now we are in the same college too. It's not like she is my best friend but also not a girlfriend. She is an exceptional one.

We grew together playing together, comparing our heights together and even our class was the same every time, every year in the same school, so I don't think we need any words to explain our relationship.

Omega Higher Secondary School seems good for me so I chose it, and about Ishika, I don't know. I am a science stream student and it's been 4 months since I am studying here. Well at some corner within my pounding heart, I regret my decision for choosing science and at the same time, my mom looks happy.

It seems we don't have a morning class for Science but only for Management. The very class we are studying was then occupied by the management students.

That's the reason, all the desks were full of art of those dumbhead.

Names of person, film, actors and also some words, that portray their wisdom.

Apart from all that, at a nook of the desk, there was my reply.


"Who wrote it? Why?" my brain is just amassing the questions.

As a result, I seem to be engaged in answering all those questions.

"Tri..ing.....!", the bell aimlessly aimed.

From the time I joined this school I never liked it, the sound was rather annoying, but now it was like, the testimony of freedom for me. I wrapped up my bag and suddenly went off home with Ishika.

'I can't wait for tomorrow!'

I was hurried but I calmed myself.

Since childhood, I was said to be cold-hearted as if I was emotionless.

Just not exhibiting needless emotion doesn't make you a cold-hearted one, right?

The day was on the perimeter and we are walking along the street and...

"You were quite strange today, is everything OK?"

"Yeah, yeah everything is good, don't worry."

"How was your date with sir today?"

"Oh, you mean that....well I was served with a cup of blood, compelled to drank sip by sip for half an hour."

"Ohh... it seems you have celebrated, haven't you?"

"If you heard properly, I have also used the word, ' compelled'."

Even though we were childhood friends, we never talked naturally. A third person could never tolerate us. Talking things in a more perplexed tone. Simply we were seemed to be talking insanity but not in reality.

"See you tomorrow. Bye."

I never replied that one, it's something like a habit.

My brain has trampled me, I am undoubtedly gonna reply that 'Hi...' tomorrow.

With the bid of morning crystalline fog, I was woken up at about 8. From the very beginning, I became a killer as I have killed thousands of bacteria that were celebrating within my tooth.

With all prepared, l went off for college.

"I am off..!", well sometimes I forgot that I live on my own.

I am ready with a pen, actually a black pen, and I am confused about what to write cause I don't want to miss that chance and I dare not to reply.

The person may be a boy, but come on let's be optimistic, right?

I wrote it.....

"Boy or girl?" as simple as you can write with no more complexity.

I am desperate, I am eager.

One of my eyeballs has rolled a little down staring and gazing at the corner of my desk and another at the board. But my mind is all concentrated at the corner.

What if the person happened to be a girl, making my hypothesis and of course imaging it on my retina.

I am always a two-sided one. I may think for one but can't ignore the other as well. And I don't think that's a bad way. For me, it decreases the possibility of the risk.

To be honest, I belong to those who don't want any trouble.

There is also the possibility that I may be ignored or the person may not perceive it, or simply it may be wiped by someone.

"Am I overthinking? Of course, I am."

I replied to myself.

It's not like I must be replied, I can get oxygenated without it as well. My heart can beat as well. So let's be relaxed and wait for the comeback, actually a positive one.

The last period and it will be tomorrow, I am desperate.

Ishika seems to be busy dating her newly formed boyfriend so I am walking home alone. But to some extent, I am reassured.

I feel responsible for not regaling someone walking with me which I hate the most. It's not like I must, the second person may think that but he can't think what I think. Since I am a silent one, walking with someone is always bothersome for me.

But today I am alone, walking and pondering and predicting the answer that I wanted. It might be...

"I am a girl. And you?" or might be...

"I am a boy and you?"

Well, there are few likelihoods that I may be pranked as well. A boy can also write himself a girl since I am unfamiliar with him. So I can't entirely surmise if the writer is male or female.

But it's sure that for all this to happen, I must wait for the daybreak.

It's quite cold today. The morning breeze is heavy and humid. It seems as if the cold is hastily piercing through my every cell. The grasses and the foliates are worn by the crystalline dew. From a girl's perspective, the environment was cottony and frigid.

With the unwilling hope, I am still pondering about the answer.

"Good morning, Sanjit."

"Good morning. Aren't you a little early today?"

"Same goes for you," she mumbled.

"I am in some kind of group-study today. Wanna join?"


"Don't you think you are degrading your study? You were failed in three subjects before, if I am true." calmly I make her remember.

"You have heard write but don't worry. I will study, I promise." she baffled again.

"You were quite good at promising, weren't you?" I tagged.

"Let's change the topic, shall we?"

"I don't think we need that now."

We were already in front of the gate but today it was quite crowded. I wriggled in front pushing some of the students and saw two of the well-known love birds, Aanand and Smiriti were arguing.

I somewhat feel embarrassed for them. I mean, is it wise to create such fuss just based on some personal affairs and also I felt the weirdness for those dumbhead watching the drama.

Ishika seems to have escaped successfully.

I ignored the surroundings and instantly hurried for my class and scanned the corner of my desk.

"Nothing...?" I questioned myself.

I was stunned. Why would he/she do that? Why replied in the first place if don't want to continue? It appeared the desk was cleared as if nothing had happened, so clean and polished.

I sat down with my mind full of frustration.

"Take a long breath and be calm, boy. this pity thing will never disturb your mind." I sympathized with myself.

I calmed myself but still, my mind was full of questions.

"Even if don't want to reply, why rubbed then?"

The desk was so clean as if someone just replaced it with a new one.

Since the class was not started formally, I got out of the class and checked the number plate.


It was 104, the class next to mine.

"I am an idiot, a total idiot!" talking to myself has always been both, the best medicine and poison as well.

I rushed into room number 103 and checked once again. There was my reply waiting for me.

"Girl, but why asked?"

The heavenly being just blessed me the eternal gratification. I don't know why but I was so cheerful and pleased.

My brain was switched on, I started to think about the response.

"What should I write?..umm...Do you have black hair and red eyes?...no no no.....it would be quite humiliating. What should I ask? What.....What...?" all within my mind.

Honestly, I was blanked.

First I rubbed it. I don't want any other being to get in between not even Ishika.

I had enough time to think so I relaxed.

Anand is a typical student but, he seemed rather down these days. It's not like I care but he was next to me so I can't resist him at all.

I started the conversation.....

"Umm...Aanand, feeling good?"

"How can I feel good, I lost my phone today."

I didn't expect that but he seemed rather discouraged.

"You lost your phone?... Really. You can contact with the sir, it will be quite helpful"

We started gossiping.

"Well, let's keep the phone aside I was talking about Smiriti.", I added.

"Smiriti...? You mean that girl, ...in room number 104, right?", he was babbling, I wonder if he is aware of what he was saying.

"I think you are joking, right?"I was startled.

" Why do you think, I would joke with someone like you?"

"Someone like me?" I questioned myself.

"Boys, can I get your attention, please?"

Apart from him, there was another maniac who always annoys me.

Aanand had never talked to me like that before. Had he lost his mind during that World War with his girlfriend? Or was he behaving like that to be protected from the unnecessary arguments?

"Oe ... Aanand, you are telling me that you didn't argue with Smiriti this morning and she is not your girlfriend?"

"Are you drunk or what? Why do I fight with someone I don't even know? Hey...what?...girlfriend come on man...."

Our gossip was taking its pace and pitch.

"Can you please shut your mouth for a moment, Sanjit?", Ishika whispered with rage.

" You shut up, don't get in-between...!", I hastily answered back.

"You, Ishika, and Sanjit get out of the class, now!" he requested calmly but with an aura of a nightmare.

We firmly walked out of the class and I was sensing the hostility of Ishika even from a distant.

It seemed as if she would devour me right to the next door.

"Sorry...!" with my head tilted downward, that was the first word I told her.

"So can you please explain to me, what was all that fuss about?"

"This morning, just a few periods ago, we both saw Aanand and Smiriti arguing surrounded in crowds, right or wrong?"

"I think, you need some mental therapy.....I am just meeting you now and see what a lovely period, is this, standing outside of the class just because of your stupidity," she uttered with rage but worried as well.

But what about me, where are my answer.

"Hey... Ishika, come on, try to remember, are you sure?"

"Yes, I am 100% sure."

"The person walking the usual path never thinks of the destination because they know where they are and why as well."

My first try and my best chapter as well. Found interesting?

No then, criticize it, if yes then support it.

I am never too old and popular to get advice.

Sanjit_Rautcreators' thoughts