
Desire Tale

It was us but after the war it was only me

H_and_MWriters · Action
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2 Chs



It was another morning in the town of Strausberg. It was just as ordinary as the rest, As there was nothing special about such a boring Tuesday. The people were relaxing in their abodes, Not caring about anything except for themselves. It sounds selfish, But is the most relatable thing you can imagine.

The bakery, branded with the bold and beautiful letters, "L' Altiers" on front. As people walked in and out, not giving a second thought to anything except themselves, it seemed as this day would be just as much simple and trivial as the rest. But as the day went on, The scene was set to change the fate of 2 unsuspecting strangers...

At a time in the morning, at 11:32 AM, A beautiful and anxious girl entered the bakery. It was Clara, and she was here to get her daily sweet treat. When she went over to get a box of some savory Apple Strudel, At the corner of her eye, She noticed familiar black hair, On a person she knew she couldn't forget, Isaac.

She turned away, Nervously thinking of how she would be able to interact with him. But suddenly, She felt a rough hands brushing against her shoulder. When she took a look at the source of the touch, She saw a tall figure, smiling at her and saying,

"Hey there, Clara. I thought I would come along and say hi. So how's you day going?"

Clara, Now nervous, But accepting her fate replied,

"I-Its going fine... And G-GoodMorning, Isaac.." She said with a reluctant smile

Isaac, with a friendly suggestion said,

"How about we go to the park? I see you got some sort of pastry in that bag, I'm just about to get mine. What do you think?" He said with a friendly smile.

Clara was puzzled. She wanted to get out of the situation as quickly as possible, But her new bond with Isaac had reminded her that people other than her also have demands and hopes which need fulfillment. So with a final nerve-souring thought, She gave him a quick nod, And watched as he lept towards the counter. The old yet energetic lady already in motion, Took out a bag from the bottom shelf and gave it to Isaac.

"Miss, I didn't even order yet, How did you-

Before Isaac could even finish his sentence, The Lady said,

"Oh Young man, You come here so Often , And get the same Thing everytime. It's like a habit for me by now."

Isaac slightly impressed and amused, replied,

"Oh, I didn't know that I was this much of a regular customer for you, But it's quite impressive that you incorporated this into your routine."

With that Isaac took the bag. Clara nervously waited for his call, and with a smile and small nod, Isaac motioned towards the exit, Opening the door for her which seemed unnatural to Clara.

"A-Are we going to the Park again?"

Said Clara, With a reluctant, But Meaningful smile.

"Yes Clara, We're gonna go to the park again. It's my favorite spot to cool down for the day after a long and busy morning, You know."

Clara nervously giggled, She wasn't expecting Isaac to open up so suddenly, as they had just met. But, for some reason, She felt assurance and security with Isaac. The kind gesture that she received from Isaac the other day had changed her view on him immensely, And for some reason, The thought of him made her face turn into a rosy but somber pink.

They had now reached the park, And had sat on the same rusty and old bench they sat on The day before. As they settled down, A loud yet familiar buzzing sound caught the attention of Isaac, The vibration of it aching in his pocket and spreading throughout his thigh. He took out his phone, And answered the auspicious call. The voice of the caller on the other end startled him, And he immediately ran off without even saying anything. She couldnt even react to what just happened, As she was still processing what had just unfolded yesterday.

She stood up, grabbed her purse, And box of Apple Strudel. She then Ventured off to the Park Exit, And before she could take a step out of the Exit, A small yet friendly little girl, Hopped her way towards Clara.

"Good Morning Miss, You left your bag on the Bench. Here."

The girl gave her the bag Of Chocolate Croissants that Isaac had left behind.

"Oh, Thank you Sweetheart. May I ask, What's your name?"

"Its Bella, My name's Bella"

The girl said with a sparkle in her eyes.

Clara nodded and ran off to find Isaac. She asked his name throughout the neighborhood, But nobody had any answer for her. Then she returned home, Defeated. But before she could open her door she saw a man, Opening the apartment door next to hers. It was Isaac. Her heart skipped a beat, And her gaze lingered over his stoic figure. She continued towards Isaac, And greeted him

"H-Hi Isaac, Y-You left your Croissants on the bench, S-So I thought I would bring them back to you.But I didn't know that you were my neighbor ."