
Desire of Impeccable Love

ace_hs · Teen
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61 Chs

Awful Love - part 5

continue part 4...........

That's what it is, she thought. A cunt, a hole for my son to use.

She thrust back against her son's invading tool.

"Mom...I... never thought pussy could feel this good."

Sweat dripped from His face. Despite being high and having his cock buried to the hilt in his mother's spasming hole, he felt self-conscious as he gripped her hips.

"Am I your first?"

Shirley gasped out the words.

"Yes, mom! I have dreamed about this time! I always hoped it would be someone I loved. Someone like you!"

"Oh, baby! Baby! This is so special!"

"Mom! This is incredible. I fantasized about this moment but never thought it would happen!"

He rose to his knees, pulling her hips back to meet his thrusting hips. Shirley dropped her head below her shoulders and moaned as her pussy quaked to an orgasm.

With youthful stamina, Austin did not slow down. He had masturbated twice that evening. There was little chance of him cumming.

"Spank me, baby! Spank mommy's ass!"

Being spanked enhanced her feeling of submission, of being taken. Carl was uncomfortable with the implications and rarely did it.

Austin drew his hand back and slapped his mother's behind.

The moment was surreal. Outside, mosquitoes buzzed at the screened opening. Across a small beach, their houseboat lay anchored in this sheltered river cove. In that boat, Carl slept, unaware that the relationship between him, his wife, and their son was changing forever.

Austin's cock was buried balls deep in his mother's pussy, claiming it as his own!

"Harder, baby! Harder! Make me feel some pain."

"I don't want to hurt you, mom!"

Austin wiped the sweat from his face.

The marijuana had Shirley mentally in another place. That her son was fucking her, there was no doubt. However, the illicitness of the lewd act drove her to indulge her fantasies.

"But I want you to hurt me, sweetie. I want you to punish me for being such a slut. Slap my ass hard!"

Austin raised his hand above his head and brought it down hard. The sound of flesh hitting flesh resounded in the small tent.

"AWWWW FUCK YEA! FUCK! Do it again! Harder and keep punishing me! Punish me for being a slut! Punish me for fucking my son!"

Austin also was in another place. Though sexually inexperienced, a mature woman, his mother, was enjoying his cock and begging him to spank her. It was like, and unlike the vids, he saw online.

He drew one hand back and brought it down, whistling through the air and smacking his mother's ass. Before she could react to the first slap, he hit her ass with his other hand.

Shirley screamed and instinctively shrank away from Austin's hand. Then she thrust back hard, reveling in the ache as her son's cock bruised her cervix. As he continued to rain slaps on her ass cheeks, she began to cum, her body shaking with the violence of her climax. She thrust back spasmodically against Austin, pumping cock.

He leaned over, getting his mouth close to her ear.

"I love your pussy, momma," he whispered.

She turned her head, found his lips, and kissed him, their tongues dueling.

"I love your dick, baby! And I love the way you fuck your momma!"

Exhausted, she collapsed to her belly, her arms and legs splayed. Austin followed her down and continued fucking her. His lust was all-consuming. And though he felt a faint tingle in his balls, he was far from cumming.

Shirley was like a ragdoll, boneless and compliant as her son fucked her. She could see the houseboat swinging at anchor not 30 feet away. She rose to her knees again when her son pulled on her hips.

"On your knees, mom! We're not done yet!"

Austin smacked her ass repeatedly. The reefer, the cloying heat in the tent, and his lust for his mother drove Austin to previously unthinkable acts. He grabbed a handful of her hair as he pulled her to her knees.

"We're not finished yet," he growled again, deep in his throat.

With her head painfully pulled back by her hair and her son pile drive fucking her, Shirley realized her fantasy of being taken. She surrendered herself to her son's will and cock.

"Make your mother your bitch! Make her yours! I'll do whatever you want!"

"I know that!" His lips pulled back over his teeth in a feral snarl. "You're mine, momma! MINE!"

"Fuck! Fuck, mom! I'm going to cum!"

Still holding her hair tightly, pulling her head back, forcing her to arch her back, Austin began the short hard strokes that presaged his orgasm.

"Fill mommy up, baby! Pump her full of your seed!"

Austin slammed into his mother's pussy with each spurt of his seed. Finally, dripping sweat on her back, he collapsed on her, exhausted.

As the lovers lay recovering, the enormity of their action came to then. Embarrassed at what he did and the names he called his mother, Austin rolled off her and his back. He stared at the top of the tent, trying to wrap his mind around what had happened.

Shirley lay on her belly, heaving to catch her breath. Her ass, pussy, and head were painfully sore. She realized her long-suppressed fantasy of being taken against her will. The fact that it was with her 18-year-old son added an illicit salaciousness!

Her mother's instinct kicked in. How did Austin feel? Had she traumatized him with her seduction? She rolled to her side, raised herself on one elbow, and studied his face in the lantern's dim light.

"Are you okay, sweetie?"

She brushed his sweat moistened hair back.

"Yes! Yes, mom, I'm okay," he said, his voice quivering.

Austin was overcome with the enormity of what happened.

Sensitive to her son's nervousness, Shirley leaned over his reclining body, studying his face. She stroked his belly, trying to ease his discomfort.

"I am so sorry, baby! I shouldn't have come here, and I shouldn't have seduced you. I'll spend the rest of my life trying to make it up to you if you let me."

Austin raised his head. Their faces were inches apart. Their noses twitched at the rank odor of sex that filled the tent's tight confines.

"Do you...?"

He hesitated, trying to find the right words. The heat of passion was cooled now. The effect of marijuana lessened. The enormity of what happened washed over him.

Shirley lay her head on his chest while caressing his abdomen. She did it years ago when he was a babe in arms. It relaxed him then and now.

"Do I what, darling?"

Do you like me...forcing...you?"

She smiled quietly, surprised by his aggressiveness. There would be enough time later to teach him how to help her with other fantasies. Now he needed to be reassured.

"I loved every bit of it! It was a fantasy I have had for years!" She looked up and brushed her lips on his. "And my loving son helped me live it out!"

"Can...uh...can we...uh...?"

He was again the teenage boy, unsure of expressing his feelings to his mother.

Shirley sat up. "Can we do it again?" She pecked him on his lips. "Any time you want," she exclaimed!

A broad grin split his face.

"There's one proviso! We have to be careful around your father! Other than that, whenever you want me to be your bitch, slap me on my ass!"

Austin's eyes widened. His smile broadened. He grasped Shirley's thigh and tried to turn her on her belly to slap her ass.

"Wait, baby, wait," Shirley laughed. "I have to get back to the boat. If your father misses me and comes looking for me, it would be difficult to explain being in your tent naked with your cum dripping from my pussy! Do you understand?"

Austin bobbed his head. He watched his mother slip on her robe and crawl from his tent. This was their first time. He looked forward to learning more of his mother's fantasies!

The full moon painted a silvery streak in the water as Shirley crawled from his tent. There was a pleasant ache in her pussy to go along with the gooey wetness of her son's cum. She held her dry pajama shorts high and waded back to the houseboat.

Chapter 03

Shirley woke to the sun streaming in the window of the houseboat. She lay staring at the ceiling. In the cold light of day, she had second thoughts about what she and Austin did and the promise she made.

She could not continue fucking her son or become submissive to him. It would destroy the mother/son relationship, possibly end her marriage and leave her open to social ostracizing. He needed to be told that last night was a one-time thing, never to happen again.

"Hey, sleepyhead! You going to sleep all day?"

Carl stood at the top of the stairs in the hatchway with his gut hanging over his swim trunks.

"Mmm! What time is it?'

Shirley sat up in bed, her breasts lying on her chest. She had some discomfort on her ass and in her pussy from last night. And the sheet under her was moist. It was her son's cum, dribbling out of her. She too tired last night to clean up.

"After 7 am! We're wasting daylight! Austin is fixing breakfast on the beach."

"Okay! I'll shower and be right out."

After her shower, Shirley put on her ankle-length slip dress and nothing else. It was white silk giving it a diaphanous, delicate look. The vee neckline was deep, exposing her cavernous cleavage. She put on some flip-flops with a rosette on the strap and walked out on deck.