
Descent of the Space Monarch

Lu Feng is transmigrated into the body of a 16 year old boy with the same face as his. The the Lu Feng he transmigrated to had been a fool who suffered under his family. Now Lu Feng plans to hide his time and scheme against all of them for his revenge! He will build himself up to heights no one would expect! This will have bl in it (boys love). Do not read if you're not fan of bls

Lovemore_Wyatt · Fantasy
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20 Chs

Mountain Peak Restaurant

As Lu Feng neared the Mountain Peak restaurant he saw more and more people, now he saw many people trying to see into the restaurant and many wealthy families and young masters demanding to be let in first, many 'do you know who i am's and i am such and such. Lu Feng thought had put on the act, the world he came from, behaving like this was preposterous.

The crowd was blocking the way and Lu Feng was pushing his way through, even the aura of this veil couldn't pull everyone's attention from wanting to see the spirit beast meat. As if looking for him one of the waiters spotted Lu Feng and began to shout. "Make way, make way. A convoy of The Silver Phoenix has arrived, you and you, move now, you dare obstruct our esteemed guest?" It seemed he used a sound artefact to amplify his voice.

The crowd quickly quietened listening to his words and looked where he was pointing and sure enough, someone had arrived wearing the attire of The Silver Phoenix. Many people could tell just from the bottom lip and chin that this person was a beauty. Lu Feng made no noise as he made his way past the hundreds of people. When he got to the front he was again escorted to that private booth which looked like it had been revamped a little.

Outside the crowd had begun to go wild, for many of them it was the first time seeing someone from this Silver Phoenix group and Lu Feng had looked so strong and beautiful that the crowd couldn't stop chattering. A few maidens even fainted as he passed them.

Inside though, Lu Feng was face-to-face with the restaurant owner.

"Young sir, we firstly would like to express our thanks to your lord for sending those skilled butchers for us this morning, it was a very thoughtful surprise, while the head chef knows how it must be done, none of here have the strength to even break the skin." He said.

Lu Feng smiled and responded "Of course, my lord is a magnanimous one. I have a few questions for this old head chef, call him for me." The restaurant owner did as he was told while waiting for the head chef, Lu Feng looked at the poultry-based menu with the spirit beast meat and chose one and the waiter nodded and hurried away with it. When Lu Feng saw that a portion was going for 5 gold, he knew he was going to be rich very soon. Yes, extort those rich bastards he thought to himself.

"Young sir, I heard you called for me," the head chef said as he sat down next to the restaurant owner across from Lu Feng.

"Yes, actually I remember last time your story of your sons, the origins sounded similar to something a subordinate had said, are your sons' twins? Is your family name Cai?" Lu Feng asked.

"Y-yes, young sir. Please if those sons of mine have done something to offend you-" Lu Feng raised his hand to signal the head chef to stop his anxious ramblings.

"No, you need not worry. It seems that my lord's light is fated to burn brightly in your family home. Your sons have actually done a wonderful job training another subordinate and have pleased my lord. Since all the members of the family have done something to honour my lord, he would like to reward your family."

The restaurant owner and head chef looked at each other again, that same excitement that never seems to fade when they meet Lu Feng churned once again.

"W-what reward young sir?" The head chef asked.

"Your sons in the near future are to undergo initiation trials, should they both pass, my lord shall accept them under his dominion," Lu Feng said

"Thank you, thank you, oh thank you, praise be to The Silver Phoenix so generous and kind." The head chef rambled on in praises for a few minutes. This was the same group that had changed their lives in 48 hours. The restaurant was filled with packed full of rich families each spending 2 or 3 months' worth of their basic funds. If even only ten portions were sold, they were going to make 100 gold coins! ONE HUNDRED GOLD COINS and they had enough for at least fifty portions with that large bird.

And now his good-for-nothing sons had finally done something right and managed to make a favourable connection with the person who made this happen, furthermore, he was going to let them JOIN!

That evening Lu Feng ate the bird portion happily, as he ate it he really did notice some spiritual energy in his body and it was more than a few weeks of cultivation and his body absorbed it with no caps or backlash. Wow, spiritual beast meat really was worth the money. Most pills when consumed would have some level of impurities or side effects which is why you couldn't just gorge on them, also while they could aid in faster cultivation or breakthrough, they would slightly destabilise the foundations but spiritual beast meat had no such effect.

No wonder it was worth so much and people still happily paid for it.In this world where cultivation and power were everything how could they not empty their pouches for this opportunity?!

"The feathers, hide and talons, you keep them at the back, we will send someone to come and collect them soon. Mr restaurant owner can you spare us as many soul contracts as you can please," Lu Feng ordered and asked.

"Yes, yes young sir, I will bring you some now," the restaurant owner said as he scurried away.

When he returned he gave Lu Feng about 40 of those contracts, soul contract paper was expensive but with the sales, they were making tonight the restaurant owner give as many as he could along with the special inscription pens needed to write on them. This was the least he could do for his benefactor.

When walking to the door the bustling restaurant was instantly silenced as they saw Lu Feng slowly walk through it. Many of them, Lu Feng could tell wanted to start up a conversation with him and make a connection but were also too afraid of offending him so all they could do was stare in silence as he left.