
Descent of the Space Monarch

Lu Feng is transmigrated into the body of a 16 year old boy with the same face as his. The the Lu Feng he transmigrated to had been a fool who suffered under his family. Now Lu Feng plans to hide his time and scheme against all of them for his revenge! He will build himself up to heights no one would expect! This will have bl in it (boys love). Do not read if you're not fan of bls

Lovemore_Wyatt · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
20 Chs

First Spirit Beast

Lu Feng enacted his plans. Lu Feng crept so quietly to a branch just above where the eagle was sleeping. He could definitely already feel spiritual energy from it, likely wind energy to enhance its speed in the air. He knew this eagle would be aware of everything under its bird's eye view, so he had to be where there was no bird's eye view, above it.

Inching up the tree as quietly as he could, he climbed the tree. His arms and legs were getting achy from how slowly he had to climb to not make noise and constantly supporting his weight while gravity was trying to pull him down.

Finally, after fifteen painful minutes which felt twice as long he took a few more. minutes to recover some energy and resolved himself. He quickly jumped down and plunged his blade into the neck of the eagle. The eagle didn't even have time to make a noise or flap its wings in terror as Lu Feng cleaved its head off clean.

It was a perfect assassin kill. So quickly and quietly that nothing else in the forest noticed its demise. Lu Feng smiled under his bloodied mask, first hunt was a success. Before making his way back to his cave with all the sass he brought over from his last life.

Lu Feng made his way to the Mountain Peak restaurant. On his way he put on the black robes and the black veil on and many people now looked at made way feeling the oppressive power coming from it, in truth it oppressive power could be concealed but he needed to gain as much prestige and attention for The Silver Phoenix as he could. Now crowds were literally splitting to make way for him. Some people who were wealthy or had good connections and heard the news of this attire and emblem immediately rushed to contact their clans and families to inform them that a member of this mysterious group had been spotted and where they were going.

Once he got to the Mountain Peak restaurant he saw it was 40% full today and knew it was for all those people who would have taken a chance on trying to meet a subordinate of The Silver Phoenix after news of his arrival has spread a little yesterday. This reminded him that he would soon Ned to build and intelligence network. Many of them felt the force before they saw him, as their cultivation levels were higher that the people on the streets he'd walk past it didn't have as much of an effect but nevertheless it could still be felt and was a little domineering. They turned to see him in enter white his black attire and black veil. A waiter hurried to get the store owner and head chef.

They came out swiftly. " Young sir, such a pleasant surprise, please, this way to our booth." The restaurant owner said, Lu Feng followed silently.

As soon as Lu Feng sat down he said " My young master was pleased when I told him of how you instructed your staff to show respect on my way out yesterday, thus as a reward, I do not bring beast meat but spiritual beast meet today, one of the steel feathered eagle 🦅 ". Lu Feng said. I'm reality he had set the contract that way as he didn't believe the could have killed a spirit beast on his first try.

Both the restaurant owner and head chef were flabbergasted 😮. " Y-young sir, already? O-of course we never doubted your lord but we never expected you to be back so soon" the restaurant owner stammered.

Lu Feng willed it from his space ring for everyone to see and indeed it was a spiritual beat, the eagle was about 6" tall, the size of an adult man!

The restaurant owner and head chef both looked at each other in disbelief but also in excitement, they're lives we're going to change forever!

"Will this do?" Lu Feng asked.

"Yes, yes! It will definitely do!" The owner replied.

The restaurant owner called over many waiters and left only the bare minimum to operate the floor at told them to spread as much as they could that the Mountain Peak was serving spirit beast meat! The waiters couldn't believe but as soon as they saw the creature covering the whole table, they swallowed the disbelief and went with excitement! Their lives were going to change forever!

"Now my restaurant owner, don't forget to really charge those wealthy families for this meal" Lu Feng said.

"Of course, of course," the restaurant owner bowed several times and the head chef followed suit. Lu Feng turned to the head chef and said " I know we came with this meat early to we will help if finding people to assist you butchering spirit beasts and beast meets." He then turned back to the owner, "similarly mr owner, I will send someone tomorrow to speak to you about the staff uniforms now that we have fulfilled our part of the agreement, as for staff etiquette I'm sure you already know what to do" with everything wrapped up Lu Feng left and went to the the clothes store owner to leave a few messages.

He passed on a message to the clothes store owner that he needed the merchant to send those people he sent to the Mountain Peak restaurant by tomorrow evening! He stressed it's urgency.

He also left a large order for new low quality garments to be made that had the mountain peaks restaurants logo next to the silver phoenix logo on the heart. He wanted the clothes to be beige like the ones he had first purchased to get around but in the style off the staff at the mountain peak restaurant were already wearing.

He told them mountain peak would be paying for them, as per the agreement they would use funds from the spirit beast dishes they sold to pay for the new uniform to further promote the Silver Phoenix. Haha truly what a genius business man this Lu Feng.

Lu Feng after a long day of scheming changes back into his rags and and slept in his shed for the second time since he'd come to this life. As usual Lu Feng would use those pills to change his appearance whenever he snuck out of the residency and then dispel their effects when returning. Even though the shed was smelly and uncomfortable Lu Feng slept well this night as a quarter of the foundation of his plans had been completed.

If his cave was alive it would be missing him tonight.