
Descent of the Space Monarch

Lu Feng is transmigrated into the body of a 16 year old boy with the same face as his. The the Lu Feng he transmigrated to had been a fool who suffered under his family. Now Lu Feng plans to hide his time and scheme against all of them for his revenge! He will build himself up to heights no one would expect! This will have bl in it (boys love). Do not read if you're not fan of bls

Lovemore_Wyatt · Fantasy
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20 Chs

Above the heavens?

 "Now you stay in there fool. Do you want to anger the Lu family head to death this early morning? How did you get there, I shall have a word with the servants. Never go in there again fool." Lu Feng remained silent fans kept his face neutral and Cai Long expressed his frustration and turned around and stormed back to the main residence.

Of course, Lu Feng had witnessed his family's treatment of him in the memories of the original owner, but now, experiencing it himself he seethed with anger. He calmed himself down, telling himself he must bide his time and plan his revenge. That time when it comes, he will stuff them with dog food! 

The Lu family servants would only come by his shed three times a day, that was to give him food and to take the plate away once he was done. Of course, even if he was a fool all they could do was try to forget about him, if they actually killed him, eventually someone would find out and to save face they just put him in the shed and gave him enough food to barely stay alive. If one day he was discovered to be dead without the Lu family applying for a death certificate, the whole world would then know they had killed him, they were a very proud family, and they couldn't have such a thing affiliated with their honourable name, the gamble was too risky. Their plan would be to wait until Lu Feng turned 17 and as every 17 year old did in this world they'd have to go register theirselves as an adult in their town. This was devised in order to accurately keep a census of people as well as keep track of who is eligible to pay tax as well as provide them with a form of identity. When this time came, a person could remove theirselves from their family legally. It was generally frowned upon but the Lu Feng family planned to do it as secretly as they could and be rid of the fool.

As of this moment, he still had not figured out who had hired the assassin that had dragged him up the mountain yesterday day. He was going to find out, and he was going to make sure they pay! Lu Feng suspected his father the most since he knew the most about the assassins and their equipment but when he thought of the treasures the assassin held, he knew his father would never spend so much money to hire someone for that. As well as the moment it had taken his father to even register who he was this morning, he had almost forgotten him. Also his 17th birthday was only a year away, the Lu Feng family only needed a small patience and they would be done with him in one's days worth of paperwork.

He read through the information he stole from the library. Lu Feng was surprised at how well he could read since the last of the original owners' memories of reading and writing were when he was six but he remembered it was an adult mind that was processing these memories, he'd been 22 when that nurse watched him die. Only then had he realised they spoke a different language here and he perfectly understood it. This continent was HUGE, and absolutely massive, the land mass altogether was about five times earth, this planet was huge! There would be so much to discover!

 His family were in Zupring, between the map and history books he saw Zupring was a very very poor place, though his family was wealthy in this village, they were nothing to the middle realm or upper realm regions and countries, very unlike the imperial country. In this world, there were magical beasts and forests and waters and billions of humans of all colours and races. Being black, Lu Feng wondered if racism was an issue here in this world too? Another reason Zupring was so poor is it has one of the lowest concentrations of spiritual energy in the air, this is why people born in middle regions' power could reach much greater heights and faster due to the density of the spiritual energy. 

He knew he wanted this life to be prosperous, now looking at this information all his excitement from his looting basically meant nothing now. Lu Feng promised that before he takes this life for his own, he would eradicate the stain that is the Lu Family from this continent. He vowed never to betray this promise first. Speaking of which he decided to have a look at some of those training methods now he was in his shed. 

He thought the best one to start with would be the Breathe Above Heaven method so he could hide the strength the plans to gain so its family don't grow suspicious. If he wanted to survive in this ruthless vast new world, he needed to be clever and intentional above all else. So Lu Feng started training the Breathe Above Heaven (BAH).

Lu Feng ran the method inside his mind and body, breathing in and out in time with the turning wheel inside his mind. After half an hour he felt a weird itching from in front of him like ants crawling in his face. He quickly opened his eyes and started rubbing his face only to feel nothing on his face. After calming down he began to run his BAH method again and the tickling ants returned, and then it soon changed into a sort of static feeling like the televisions on earth except he could feel it on his skin. Everything was like a black-and-white video.

 After a while, he realised the darker bits of the static were all the people inside the Lu family residency. Wow! He could feel people's presence from this shed, he figured the range of this must be about 20 metres, he saw a very dark part on the static field that he deduced to be his father. He thought to himself so the more powerful the person, the darker the image is in the static field.

Another thing Lu Feng didn't know yet was that normally people can manipulate their spirit power to feel other auras and energies this way but unless you were much stronger than the other person they could also feel you prying on them but up using this assassins technique, his father had not noticed anything. Just who was this assassin to have such high-level technique?!! What a true treasure. 

So this was the difference between aura and presence. Aura could be detected through spirit energy and was a representation of a person's power level,  this was the technique most cultivators used.  Not many cultivators could feel a presence- a life force. Even many high-realm powerful cultivators knew of this way of detecting others and enemies. This way Lu Feng could even feel the vitality (level of life force)  of those around him and in plants and herbs too - much more accurately than just relying upon spiritual energy.

This was an advantage of the heavens as when in life-threatening battle, for example with an opponent with a strong body or special body constitution, detecting an aura could tell you that the person is of a certain realm, and their power is depleted, but would not detect a person vitality, as Lu Feng's technique did. One could have used up a lot of spiritual energy but still have great bodily strength and vitality to fight back. Lu Feng could feel both with this technique, and better, he could conceal both if he continued to train BAH.

He noticed the static on his own body was weak and quite pale meaning his body did not have very good vitality, it wouldn't take a lot of effort to exhaust or extinguish his life force. A person with no life force is a dead person. As he came to this realisation he was a slightly darker part of the static moving and a presence was moving towards him. He quickly willed anything he had taken out of his space ring back into it.

AN// who is approaching him???

I cant wait for a bit more dialogue once the world building is done. Spoiler, our Lu Feng is a bit cheeky.