
Chapter 2 - New World Order

Planet Earth, home to the human race. Since their inception, the human race has always adapted and evolved to overcome crisis.

In the year 2023, a black orb appeared in the sky. At first it was the size of a pebble that couldn't be noticed.

At least not with the current technology of humans. But as the years passed, it grew from a tiny, unnoticeable dot in the sky, it grew into a tiny unnoticeable orb.

And soon it grew large enough to be noticed if one was in the air. Different countries tried to keep it away from the public while investigating it.

But they couldn't figure it out even when they finally joined hands together.

A few more years passed and it grew big enough to be noticed even from the ground.

And soon enough the media was on fire as people with questions and conspiracy theories endless posted on social media about the strange phenomenon.

The government afraid of whatever this thing was, decided to destroy it. And so they did or tried to.

The orb was impenetrable to the missiles and nukes they fired at it. And instead it kept growing.

It got so big to the point that people began to fear. Was this how humanity was going to go out?.

And then one day in the year 2045 twenty two years after it first formed in the sky. The orb broke.

It started with minor cracks at first. The government noticed this but had long since given up on investigating the orb.

Although they weren't confident in figuring out what was going on, they all had a feeling that it couldn't be good, so they tried either way.

This time they decided to send planes with scientists and soldiers towards the orb.

When the plane got there, some of the scientists started taking photos of the orb.

Then one of them decided to touch it. As soon as he touched it, a voice sounded all over the world.


No one could hear that last part neither could they understand what the strange voice was or what it's words meant.

But they didn't have the time or leeway to worry about that. Cause moments after the voice sounded, the orb burst apart.

Creating a giant BOOM in the sky akin to explosives, releasing giant shards of glass like substance into the planet.

But that was the least of the human race's concern because as soon as the orb broke, the ground started shaking. That was when people started noticing that the continents themselves seemed to be moving.

During the process, a wave of energy swept through the planet. It was so thick and powerful that it killed ninety percent of the people it came in contact with.

The remaining ten percent fell into coma for ten hours.

But their troubles weren't over yet as when  they woke up, they were faced with wild animals except the animals were far bigger, larger, stronger, and faster, than anything they had ever seen.

But they weren't just bigger, they were different. A lion with batlike wings, a goat with gigantic flaming horns etc.

And as if to mock them, the pride of modern technology, guns, were useless against these creatures. Even grenades barely did any damage.

Only missiles and nukes could do any substantial damage.

And they were limited in supply, so eventually they would run out. Besides not everyone had access to guns much less missiles.

And so humanity were like lambs to the slaughter. Resisting with all their might and yet so powerless to do anything.

The mutated beasts killed three of the remaining ten percent of humans remaining.

When the last nuke and missile went off, it signified the end of the human race as they had no other weapon that could kill the beasts.

But then the first human 'awakened'. As an awakened, the human was able to do miraculous things such as slaying the beasts with ease.

And as more and more humans awakened, they started to fight back against the beasts.

The awakened were able to do miraculous things such as manipulate earth, control water. They could move the winds according to their will.

The awakened humans gathered their strength and were able to push the beasts back.

And finally humanity could breathe as more and more awakened humans popped up.

With a bit of Leeway humanity discovered that the continents had merged. All seven continents into one super continent.

With a major part of the world government crippled and destroyed, the awakened humans started forming their own country.

The cultures of old reinstated, with kings, archdukes, and dukes ruling the lands.

Democracy had gone down the drain as soon as humanity didn't have to worry about extinction any longer.

Most laws were abandoned and new laws were created in their place.

Old countries fell and new kingdoms rose in their place. The world had changed. Before the law protected people from each other now only strength could and would.

Now they had entered an era of 'might makes right'.

But that wasn't the only change. Humans adapted to mana in different ways. Both biologically and mentally.

And thus new and different species besides humans and the beast creatures now lived on the planet.