

As Catarina Devon unleashed the terrifying display of her newfound powers, a palpable wave of fear swept through the battlefield of Marineford. With the fusion of the Yami Yami no Mi and the Quake-Quake Fruit, she wielded a destructive force unmatched by any other.

As her maniacal laughter echoed across the devastated landscape, a new power surged within her, the indomitable presence of King's Haki awakening within her soul. With a triumphant roar, she unleashed the full extent of her dominion over the minds of those around her, instilling fear and awe in equal measure.

But as the chaos threatened to consume all, a voice of reason emerged from the tumultuous fray. Coby, a humble Marine recruit, stepped forward with a plea for peace, his words cutting through the cacophony of battle with a clarity born of compassion.

Moved by Coby's bravery, Shanks, the legendary Red-Haired Pirate, intervened, his formidable presence halting the conflict in its tracks. With a solemn declaration, he demanded an end to the bloodshed, warning of dire consequences should the fighting continue.

As Shanks and his crew stood as a beacon of reason amidst the chaos, Sengoku, the stalwart Admiral of the Marines, announced the cessation of hostilities. With the war at an end, doctors and nurses from both factions rushed to tend to the wounded and fallen, their efforts a testament to the toll exacted by the brutal conflict.

But amidst the chaos of the aftermath, Catarina Devon slipped away unnoticed, her escape facilitated by the chaos of battle. Alongside her, the remnants of the Blackbeard Pirates vanished into the shadows, their ambitions undeterred by the events of Marineford.

As the dust settled and the echoes of battle faded into silence, the scars of war remained etched upon the landscape of Marineford, a stark reminder of the price paid in pursuit of power and glory. And though the conflict had ended, the legacy of Catarina Devon's reign of darkness loomed large, casting a shadow over the uncertain future of the pirate world.

As Catarina Devon and the former Blackbeard crew made their daring escape aboard the navy ship, she wasted no time in asserting her newfound authority. With a commanding presence, she addressed her assembled crew, her words resounding with conviction and ambition.

"From this day forth, we are the Catarina Pirates," she declared, her voice ringing with authority. "And any who wish to depart from our ranks may do so now."

As her crew exchanged glances, a collective understanding swept through their ranks. Whether under the banner of Blackbeard or Catarina, their loyalty lay not with a name, but with the pursuit of power and opportunity.

With a knowing smile, Catarina accepted their silent affirmation, her resolve unshaken by their unspoken allegiance. "Captain Catarina," they chorused in unison, their commitment to her cause unwavering.

With the matter settled, Catarina turned her gaze towards the horizon, her mind already focused on the next stage of their journey. "Rest for now," she commanded, her eyes gleaming with anticipation. "Soon, we shall set forth to claim the legacy of Whitebeard for ourselves."

The scene unfolded within the confines of Catarina's chamber, a dark and twisted sanctuary where her desires knew no bounds. As she entered the room, her presence sent shivers down the spines of Sadi and Domino, their naked forms bound and helpless before her.

With a predatory grace, Catarina effortlessly lifted them, her strength a testament to her dominance. With a cruel smirk, she subjected them to her depraved whims, their bodies mere playthings in her hands.

For hours on end, she indulged in their suffering, her lust driving her to new heights of cruelty and pleasure. They were made to worship her, their tongues tracing the contours of her form, their mouths finding solace in each other's flesh.

Within the confines of the soundproofed chamber, their cries of pain and ecstasy were muted by the darkness that enveloped them. Catarina's powers ensured that no sound escaped, allowing her to revel in the symphony of their torment without interruption.

As the night wore on, Catarina's relentless assault showed no mercy, her insatiable hunger consuming them both until their very beings were spent and exhausted. With a final release, she filled them with her essence, marking them as her own in body and soul.

In the aftermath of their ordeal, Sadi and Domino lay broken and spent, their bodies wracked with pleasure and pain.

With the dawn of a new day came the announcement that struck fear into the hearts of all who dared to oppose her—the bounty of Catarina Devon, now known as the Yonko of the Sea, had skyrocketed to a staggering 3.5 billion berries. As the news spread far and wide, whispers of her power and ruthlessness echoed across the seas.

Undeterred by the weight of her newfound status, Catarina wasted no time in gathering her crew for a meeting of unprecedented importance. With a commanding presence, she outlined her plans to annex the territory once held by the late Whitebeard, her eyes alight with ambition and determination.

"Today marks the beginning of our ascent to greatness," she declared, her voice ringing with authority. "We shall seize the legacy of Whitebeard for ourselves, and none shall stand in our way."

As she laid out the details of their strategy, her crew listened with rapt attention, their loyalty unwavering in the face of her vision. With each word, the flames of their ambition were stoked, driving them ever closer to the fulfillment of their dark desires.

As the Catarina Pirates set their sights on the territory once held by the Whitebeard Pirates, their campaign of conquest began in earnest. With ruthless efficiency, they seized control of key strongholds and territories, their forces overwhelming any who dared to oppose them.

Many of the Whitebeard Pirates, faced with the overwhelming might of Catarina Devon and her crew, chose to flee rather than face certain defeat. Those who remained behind were met with swift and merciless retribution, their resistance crushed beneath the relentless advance of the Catarina Pirates.

In the wake of their conquests, the once-mighty territory of the Whitebeard Pirates lay in ruins, its former inhabitants scattered and defeated. With each victory, the legend of Catarina Devon grew ever stronger, her name synonymous with fear and awe throughout the pirate world.

As the fleet of Big Mom Pirates descended upon the ship of Catarina, a sense of anticipation hung in the air. Among them, Charlotte Cracker stepped forward, extending a formal greeting to the infamous Yonko.

"It is an honor to meet you, Miss Catarina," he declared, his tone respectful as he presented her with a phone bug, a direct line to the formidable Big Mom herself.

With a smirk of satisfaction, Catarina accepted the device, knowing that a conversation with the powerful Yonko was imminent. And sure enough, the voice of Big Mom, Linlin, boomed from within the bug, her presence commanding respect even from a distance.

"Hello, Catarina," she greeted, her tone carrying a mix of curiosity and amusement. "How have you been enjoying your time as a Yonko?"

In response, Catarina wasted no time in cutting to the chase, her words laced with confidence and authority. "Let's get to the point, Linlin," she replied, her gaze steely. "What do you want?"

A hearty laugh echoed through the phone bug as Big Mom revealed her proposal—an alliance through marriage. She proposed that her daughters, Charlotte Smoothie, Amande, Custard, Galette, and Charlotte Myukuru, be wed to Catarina, solidifying their alliance as Yonko.

Without hesitation, Catarina agreed to the arrangement, her mind already calculating the strategic advantages of such a union. "The alliance will be made when I marry them," she declared, her voice tinged with determination.

With the terms agreed upon, Big Mom set the date for the grand ceremony, sealing the pact between the two powerful Yonko.

As news of the impending alliance between Big Mom and Catarina Devon spread like wildfire across the seas, a sense of anticipation gripped the pirate world. The prospect of two powerful Yonko joining forces sent shockwaves through the maritime community, leaving many to speculate on the implications of such a union.

Meanwhile, amidst the swirling currents of change, another revelation rocked the world to its core—Sengoku, the venerable leader of the Marines, had retired from his post. In his place, the uncompromising Akainu had ascended to the position of Fleet Admiral, his iron-fisted rule promising a new era of uncompromising justice.

In the wake of these seismic shifts, Catarina Devon wasted no time in summoning her crew, their destination clear—Cake Island, the site of her impending marriage to the daughters of Big Mom. With the winds of fate at their backs, they set sail once more, their journey marked by a sense of purpose and determination