
Descension of the Unholy Crusader

Jean Sinclair is a 17 year old Crusader who fights for a holy cause. Upon his first deployment in Africa, he comes against a group of sorcerers that unleash a grand spell that sends the holy Crusaders into an unknown area unlike they've ever seen before! Soon they are attacked by creatures not of this world and completely outnumbered! Outnumbered and outmatched, the fearless Crusaders get slaughtered in mere moments and Jean is knocked out and sent to the Prisons in the 1st Circle of Hell and there he meets a Living Mummified Corpse. Jean loses all hope for survival and begins to talk to the Corpse, but it cannot speak nor move much. After 2 days, the Corpse is revealed as an ancient vampire and Jean allows the vampire feed on him, Jean is knocked unconscious due to extreme amount of blood loss and awakens hours later with a huge thirst for Blood. He then sees a beautiful, white haired beauty with a bad hunger in her eyes. The Vampiric Duo begin their journey and realize that this is life or death and begin their grand escape! Will the 2 build an all out Rebellion and escape the Fiery Infernos of Hell, or will they all die trying? Show me the extent of your Resolve!

Skorge37 · Horror
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20 Chs

Glory, Honor and Sin

Shesh looked at us with a favorable smile, I almost knew what she was about to say. She placed her hand on top of the Green Snake and said in a gentle voice, "Hahaha I don't like repeating myself when I don't have to. Let's go Warrior!"

I smiled wide, just what I wanted to hear, Shizuku took her by the hand, and Shesh let in a really deep breathe and said, "Well, here we go.. My first step towards Freedom!"

In a moments time, she picked up her right foot and took a step through the threshold! She released her breathe and followed with another step out,

"A-After all these years... All those lonely and grueling years.. I am finally free..." she said in a soft tone. Tears began to fall from her eyes and her smile became bright.

"Aaaah! The tears don't stop falling!! I'm supposed to be a Renegade Principality, not a crybaby!! I can't stop them!" she embarrassedly blurted.

Shizuku hugged her once more, "It's okay, I'm sure this means more to you than I could imagine. You're okay, we can take some time before setting off if you'd like?" Shesh nodded while wiping her tears, "Yes just give me a few moments to clean myself up."

I stood-by patiently and waited on her, it's the least I could do for her since she's aiding in this army. Shizuku gently patted her and helped comfort her. In just a few minutes, Shesh's tears began to cease. She spoke up, "Alright! I'm good now, we should head dow----"


The entire Prison rattled in a instant!! A large explosion was heard from below! I stood fast and drew my sword, I looked at the girls and shouted, "That came from the bottom! We have to get down there now!"

They both nodded and we rushed down, we start running down the dark staircase!

The sounds of explosions could be heard in the distance, something was going on down there and we had to move quickly!


Shizuku shouted behind me, "These stairs are so damn huge! We have to move faster!!" Shesh stopped behind us and shouted, "Wait a second!"

I looked back and replied to her in a rush, "We don't have time to wait! We need to get down there now!"

Shesh shouted back at me, "Shut up for a second and hear me out!!"

I silenced immediately, she seemed serious and might have a plan. Shesh looked at both of us and took a deep breathe. She began to glow bright green in an instant, what is she doing? Her legs began to glow bright white and started to take on another form! I involuntarily said, "What the hell? Are you transforming?"

Her appearance began to change, she grew scales and her eyes began to glow, her body also grew bigger and longer, she must've at least grown by 8 meters!! Her legs were then replaced into what looked like a huge snake tail! In a moments time, she finished her metamorphosis!

"Jean, Yuki! Grab on quick, this will be faster!" she demanded. Without a second thought, Shizuku and I both jumped on her. I jumped on her back and so did Shizuku, Shesh then looked behind and said, "Hold on tight, don't fall off!" Right after she said that, we bolted down the stairs with ease!! Shizuku shouted, "Woah you're so damn fast!! What is this form Shesh?" We heard the wind cut in our ears as we charged down. Shesh replied, "This is my true form, even though I'm still weakened, I could still draw some of my former power."

I complimented Shesh, "This is amazing Shesh! Now we can get to them in no time!" Shesh smirked while bolting down, "Oh you think this is fast? Then check this out!" Without a moment to prepare, Shesh become even faster than before!! I felt all the resistance of the wind and my hair was flying everywhere! "AAAAAHHH TOO FAST SHESH! TOO FAST!!" Shizuku shouted.

Shesh answered her back, "We can't afford to take our time! Just hold on a little longer!"

In less than a minute, I saw my army! They were in the middle of a battle!! I saw explosions and blades clashing in every direction!

I shouted, "There they are!!" I looked at Shizuku and told her, "Shizuku! We're gonna jump! Are you ready?" She nodded her head while clutching Shesh tightly. I started counting down, "Alright! One, Two... THREE!" OnceI said three, we both released Shesh and went airborne, Shesh shouted at us, "Good luck you two!!"

Shizuku and I were now free-falling! I looked down at the battle and searched around for enemies! I shouted at Shizuku, "Hey do you see any enemies down there? What are they fighting?" She looked around for a moment, we were almost about to hit the ground too!

"I don't see anything!? There's too many explosions!" she said. We braced ourselves for impact! In a moment, we both hit the floor and landed! I began to search around, but saw no enemies!! I ran around with my blade drawn and searched all over the place. They weren't fighting anything hostile, wait a minute!?

"WAIT A SECOND!!" I realized something!!!

"EVERYONE STOOOOOOOP!!!!!!" I screamed at the top of my lungs!

In an instant, all the fighting had stopped! I walked forward and looked at all of them with an anger in my heart, "WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU ALL DOING!?"

Nothing but silence was heard in the distance, I looked at everyone and they all stared back. "WHY ARE YOU FIGHTING ONE ANOTHER!! WE ARE SUPPOSED TO BE BROTHERS IN ARMS!!" I cried aloud. The place was eerily quiet.

Just then, an angel with raven black wings came and kneeled before me, "Savior! We were just defending ourselves! The Demons attacked us first!" I heard all the Demons begin to shout saying things like, "BULLSH##", "THE ANGELS STARTED IT", "IT WASN'T US!", "LIAR!!", "FALSE WITNESS!!"

Then I heard another set of voices begin to shout, "IT WASN'T US!!", "THEY'RE LYING!!", "WE JUST DEFENDED OURSELVES!!"

I turned to all of them and shouted in a louder voice, "EVERYONE SHUT THE HELL UP!!" They all grew silent in an instant, at least they're obedient. I walked forward in the midst of them, I felt all their eyes on me, I need to say something to all of them without offending anyone. If I say the wrong thing, it can become a hairy situation and I might lose favor with them.

Shizuku followed close behind me, and Shesh slithered towards me from the crowd. Soon Shesh came up behind me and stood firm. Shizuku whispered to me, "Jean say something to them. They must be fighting because of their past. You have to remember that they've all been at war with one another since the beginning of time! All they've known is their hatred for each other and now they are forced to work together. It's only logical that they acted like this, you have to settle things down and bring them to a mutual understanding."

I nodded my head, "Thanks Shizuku, I owe you one for that."

I have to come up with something or we won't survive as an army. I walked up to a large piece of debris on the floor. Maybe I could use this a pedestal to reach them. I jump up on top of the rock and overlook the entire army. I see all their faces paying close attention to me, all have their swords drawn. It's crazy to see how diverse they look from above.

I took a deep breathe, I don't know what I'm about to say, but here goes nothing!

From the top of my lungs, I shouted to the Rebels,

"Warriors! Why must you fight each other!? Aren't we all brothers in arms aiming for the same freedom!? If so then why are you fighting each other!? We need to band together, is not a Kingdom divided against itself a weak kingdom!? Wouldn't our fortitude dwindle if we held our quarrels against each other!? Wouldn't we be become vulnerable and weak in the sight of our enemies if we didn't fight as one!? Hear me my brothers and sisters! If we are going to win our Salvation and freedom, then we need to put aside our differences and fight as one body! This is our last chance, if we lose, then we lose everything! It's all or nothing now! Brothers and Sisters, if you agree to lay down your hatred, and lay down your vengeance, then I promise that we will win this war, and we will be free from this cursed place! Who's with me!!"

I raised my fist in the air, and waited for them to join me, but instead... they all stayed silent... I looked around and no one was moving, not a single warrior raised their fist with me. This isn't good...

Then out of nowhere, a being in Decorated Golden Armor and shining white wings stepped forward with his lance. He planted his lance into the ground and spoke to me saying, "Gracious Savior, I am eternally grateful for your resolve and your warrior prowess, but there are things that we simply cannot do! I can't forgive those traitors for all that they've done. The list goes on and on for their treacherous deeds, they even took the light out of many of my Brethren. I will not take orders nor work alongside these devils."

Then I heard a disgruntled voice call out from behind the crowd saying, "Your not the only one who lost comrades in the line of war! Don't play the victim card with me!"

I looked up and saw a four armed beast with 9 eyes move past the crowd and stand before me, he raised his voice and pointed his finger at the angelic being saying, "Don't call us traitors when even your fellow angels left you for dead. We followed the Archangel of Light in the promise of an equal future. It may not make sense to a lapdog like you, but it meant everything to us!"

The Angel answered him back saying, "There was no just reason for your rebellion against God, you fools were deceived by the Father of Lies and now you will reap what you've sown, just like the Fallen Angels who lost the Light of God!"

I heard a commotion come from the Fallen Angels, they were yelling and bantering words like, "Blasphemy!!", "Liars!!!", "Self-righteous bastard!!"

Then from the crowd, another grey Hooded Angel with raven black wings stepped forth from the crowd, "My master! Hear your servant! That self-righteous pillar of light speaks blasphemy! We didn't choose to become Fallen, it happened only because they didn't rescue us in time! Those 'Angels' left us for dead in these Prisons and betrayed us! We held our virtues and statutes, we became starved and lost our Light because THEY hid themselves in the Sanctity of Heaven!"

The Angels began to shout back saying things like, "Foolish!!", "Sacrilegious Fiend!!", "Forsaken Light!!"

The Decorated Golden Angel spoke to me saying, "Gracious Savior, spare me the humiliation of working with these fools! Nothing good will ever come from it! I will never work with them, and neither will any Holy Angel of God!"

The 9 Eyed Demon also said unto me, "Vampire, I feel the same way, I will not work with these self righteous buffoons! I speak on behalf of every Demon here!"

The Iron Armored Fallen Angel spoke back saying, "Sire, I pledge my sword to you, but I will not work with these people, they are full of contradictions and lies!!"

The tension was heavy between the three parties, any little spark could make this army explode into an all out war! We must come to a compromise, or we will not win this fight! We will kill each other before we escape this Hell!

They all had their weapons ready, the atmosphere was full of anger and malice, you could literally feel the tension.

I saw Shesh slither towards me, she raised herself above all the army and overlooked all of them. She kept moving through the crowd as if she was looking for something, it seemed to have put the other warriors on edge. What is she doing?

In a moments time, Shesh stopped in her tracks and looked towards me while raising her hand trying to signal me something. She then moved towards me in a flash, in a few seconds she stood before me. Shesh made a request to me, "Jean, come with me for a few moments. We need to talk." I nodded and we moved off to the side, we got a little bit of distance from the army and she gave me an intense look.

"Jean listen closely because I'm only going to say it once, I analyzed mostly all the stronger warriors here and found out some pretty interesting things about them. For starters, the 3 representatives that are speaking up for their factions aren't the Highest of the Ranks, in fact they have most likely taken orders from their Highest to be a representative. During my search, I found another 3 that are most likely in charge of them, but are keeping themselves secret due to obvious reasons, main one being to stay anonymous amongst the other Leaders. Unfortunately for them, I outrank all of them and able to tell them apart from their lackeys. Anyways, I thought of an outrageous plan that will FORCE these Rebels to work together, it's risky but it's the only thing that will bring them together until we figure something else out later. I'm not going to let this division tarnish my chance for Freedom!"

I responded back to her, "That was unexpected, that's amazing you did all that just now. Mind me asking though what exactly your plan is?"

Shesh then revealed her plan to me saying, "Okay so basically, I recognize 2 of the Leaders from the past during certain wars we once had with each other. One being an extremely Decorated Valorous Angel who lost against me in the First Circle of Heaven, and the other is a former ally of mine that got locked down here when I became a Wanted Fugitive. My plan is to simply forcefully intimidate these 2 Warriors into joining my side, I will deceive them saying I will wipe them out if they refuse and the blood of their brethren will be on their hands. This should be enough to put a fear into them that will make them join us. As for the Fallen Angels, I unfortunately don't recognize any of them, I only see someone who is their potential leader. Hopefully after seeing the fear of the other 2, he will have no choice but accept these terms and join us, or I'll kill all of them. Does this plan sound good to you?"

I step away and think to myself, "This plan... it's quite risky. There's so much that can go wrong, but I don't have enough credibility with them to make them join sides with us. Shesh is the only one who can force them to cooperate, I have no choice but to trust her. I have to make a decision fast as well, or they will probably break out and start a war with one another. Okay I think I know my decision on this."

I lift my eyes to the Serpent and respond back, "Shesh, if you really think this will work, then I leave it up to you!" Shesh gave her usual confident and devious smile, "Don't worry Jean, I want to leave this place more than you trust me. I will get back my Freedom with or without you. Whatever you do, don't interfere!" I nodded and agreed, I stepped back and stood next to Shizuku. Shizuku whispered to me and asked, "Jean what is she going to do?"

I kept my eyes locked on Shesh and replied to her saying, "I don't know, but all we can do now is trust her."

Shesh gazed upon the Army, she scanned around then lifted her voice for all to hear,

"You Rebels are nothing but an eye sore... how do you even call yourselves Warriors!?"

All the Warriors looked up at the Serpent, she raised her two serpents before all of them and said, "You are all nothing but weak and pathetic excuses for Fighters! You couldn't even set aside your differences for the sake of your own freedom!! Useless and burdensome! I should slay every one of you here and now!"

All of the army began speaking amongst themselves and the area became loud. Shesh slithered her way towards the 3 entities that stood before the crowd, she looked at all of them intently and said to them, "You 3 are all powerful... However, there are some in the crowd that outrank you. How about you bring out your Leaders and have them speak for you?"

The Decorated Angel replied to her saying, "Why should I expose my Headship to a Serpent like you?"

Shesh then grabbed the Decorated Angel by his 'throat' and lifted him up,

"Because if you don't, I'll slay you and every angel here who gets in the way of my Freedom."

The Angels all drew their swords and readied for an attack! Just then the Decorated Angel called out back to them saying, "Stop it my Brethren, lower your weapons now!" The Angels then lowered their blades and hesitantly stepped back, the Demons didn't back down and kept themselves ready.

Shesh raised her voice towards the crowd and declared to them saying, "Now I have very little patience right now! If the Highest Ranked Angel isn't in front of me in 10 seconds, I will slaughter every Angel until he comes forth!"

A fear came across the Angels as Shesh began to count down. Then from the midst of the crowd, I heard a loud and hallow voice call out to Shesh,

"Wait Demon, I will not let my Brethren be slaughtered by your hand."

A Grand and Glorious Angel walked forward with a claymore, he had 4 pairs of Pure Wings and Golden Armor that seemed uinreal, he looked at Shesh and said to her, "Release my soldier now Demon, this is between you and me now. Leave my Angels out of it."

Shesh then dropped the Angel to the floor, the Angel retreated back and apologized to his leader. The Glorious Angel pointed his sword at Shesh and said, "Demon, you are indeed very powerful, the amount of malice in you is immense! Tell me, who are you and how did you know there was a Higher Rank in the midst?"

Shesh smiled devilishly, her gentle tone never faded, "My my, I have been waiting for you to reveal yourself Karfiel. It's been awhile hasn't it?"

The Glorious Angel then lowered his blade and replied saying, "You know my name too Demon? Just who are you?"

Shesh began to laugh hysterically, "Hahahahahaha~ Aaaah Karfiel, still as clueless as the day I left you! You really don't remember me huh? Well I guess I can tell you. My name is Shesh the Saanp, Renegade Principality of India! I think we last met during the Slaughter in Mercury!"

"Shesh that name is familiar..? Wait a second! You mean THAT Shesh? One of the Principalities of Limbo? By the Glory of God that can't be true! But Shesh was captured 4,000 years ago!! There's no way she could be back! Unless..."

The Angel said with distinct fear in his voice! Shesh must be a bigger deal than I thought!?

Karfiel then stepped back and said, "My God!! Shesh the Saanp has returned!! Angels listen closely! This is the one of the very Demons that sparked the War in Mercury. She's the one who fought against Archangel Remiel!"

When Karfiel said this, I heard a great fear come over the Angels. They all began to cower in fear, who the hell is Shesh!?!?!

Shesh smiled wickedly, "I knew you wouldn't forget me, it has been some time since we last encountered. Now I ask you once again, either join our rebellion or die alongside your Brethren here in Limbo?"

The Valorous Angel crossed his heart and said back to her, "For the security and safety of my angels, I humbly accept this term. I will not allow any of my Angels die because of my own insolence!"

The Valorous Angel agreed to the term, Shesh replied back, "Good! Glad we straightened that out, if any of the Angels double cross me, I will kill them all you got that?" Karfiel nodded and stepped away.

Shesh then looked around the crowd searching for someone. She then locked eyes on one of them and singled one out, "Before I go rogue on the Demons again, would Iradonia like to show himself before I wipe out all the Demons again?"

A small humanoid figure stepped forward from the Army, he walked up silently and knelt before Shesh, the humanoid figure had white hair and red eyes, his armor was black as the night and he wielded a bow and arrow. He said to her, "Lady Shesh, it has been awhile. It pleases me to witness your Grand Return! Tell me, what are your orders?"

Shesh slithered around Iradonia and spoke gently, "Still as obedient as I remember you! You never change Iradonia. All I command you to do is serve under me once again, and pledge your undying loyalty to this cause!"

Iradonia presented his Black Bow and Arrow before Shesh in a knightly manner, "Yes my Lady, It will be an honor to follow you to the Deepest Ends of this Hell, as well as all the Demons who serve under me! I pledge this Sinful Heart to you once again!"

Shesh smiled, "Good, I'm glad you still revere me like the old days. I will be counting on you!"

Iradonia smiled and stood up, he then stood behind Shesh like a servant, just who is this guy?

Shesh spoke up once more, "Fallen Angels, I loathe you the worse and I will not hesitate to destroy you all. I demand your leader to stand before me at once!"

A grand Fallen Angel with 4 sets of raven black wings came and stood before Shesh, he said unto her, "Shesh the Saanp, I've heard many stories of your exploits and merits. I know I am inferior to you and wish not to invoke you to wrath, please set aside your anger from my Darkened Angels at once!"

Shesh then asked him, "I won't be angry with you, but you have to tell me your name first and join this Rebellion."

The mysterious fallen Angel then proceeded to say, "My name is Sir Blazeil, I am the highest rank of the Fallen Angels here. I will speak on their behalf, please do not regard the words of my insolent subordinate."

Shesh tilted her head and asked, "Sir Blazeil huh? I have heard your name before, and I don't remember anything about you? You are but a mystery to me, I will keep my eye on you for now. Try anything funny, and I will destroy you all."

The Fallen Angel Blazeil nodded his head and stepped back away from her. He said to her, "Yes, I will keep that in mind."

Shesh looked towards the Army once more and called out to them again, "Warriors! You heard your Headship! They have spoken, now you must obey! I declare to you all that if any of you cross me, I will destroy you without hesitation! This rebellion doesn't have time to be quarrelling amongst themselves over petty matters. I will promise you one thing, I and the two other Leaders of this Rebellion will find a way for everyone to be separated so that you can abstain from fighting one another. I may be a Renegade Principality, but I still believe in Order and the Hierarchy between you all. All you need to do for now is band together with us and give us time to come up with a way for you to 'co-exist' with one another! If you don't, then I will just slay you where you are! Raise your fists if you are with me!"

I whispered to Shizuku, "There's no way they would listen to her right? She just dropped this load on all them!"

Shizuku just hushed me quiet, I look back at the army.

In a moments time, I saw the 3 Leaders raise their fist to the skies.

I then saw another demon raise his fist, "If Iradonia is in, then I'm in to!!", then another, "Yeah I'm in!!" I started seeing more and more of them raising their fists upwards and the room started to become loud. I heard them all one by one join me, "Were in!!", "Let's do this!!!", "For the sake of Freedom!!" Soon all of them were rallying themselves and sounding off! They all gave their mightiest primal roars!


A smile streaked across my face, Shizuku and I looked at each other, we both smiled and Shizuku raised her fist and nodded her head at me. I turned towards the army and rallied with them! "HAARRRRGHHHH"

I looked at Shesh in disbelief, "There's no way! Did she just singlehandedly band them all together!?!!?"

I thought within myself, "This girl...? Who is she? She's feared even amongst the 3 Leaders!? She threatened them, but they all listened!? Who is she! How powerful is she, what did she do to gain that much influence. She must be a powerful entity here in Hell if she has this much influence on them. Who are you Shesh? Who the hell are you?"

I looked back at my army and saw them sounding as One! With them banded together like this, then we can win this war! This is the beginning of something great, I can feel it.

I know a fierce battle is about to take place, these screams have to be attracting the attention of other guards at this Prison. We have to be ready for any pending battles, I raised my sword and shouted at them once more,

"Hear me my Warriors! Are you ready to take the fight to the enemy and set the Captives free!!"