
Chapter 26 - Rejection

(Jacob’s POV)

The seven of us split up after we hangout on the benches of the school. We have different destinations to go and it’s better for us to be scattered and for the handlers not to locate us in a single location.

Dew is with Lucy and they’re going to the taekwondo gym where Jiana practice. Clay and Flicke already left because they still need to meet Jiana and Maddie. I honestly want to meet that Maddie of Flicke but I think I can wait for Flicke to introduce that to us.

“Babe, aren’t we going to accompany Diana? She told me that she’ll just head home.” I glanced at Diana who’s following us with her mind flying to other dimension. We’re left here at the campus after the other just sneak out without us. Diana is just following us because she needs to get something from the room.