
Chapter 11 - Pleasure's Aftertaste

(Jacob’s POV)

We didn’t have enough sleep last night because we don’t know how to explain this to her. Flicke is obviously tired and sleepy because his eyes are still swollen and red. Who wouldn’t be like that if your room is just adjacent to where Diana sleeps? Yes, Diana slept here because of some reasons. That’s the reason why Dew slept in my room since his room was used for Diana.

“So what’s the plan? I mean how are we going to explain this to her.” Clay asked calmly. Of all of us here, Clay is the only one that has good or should I say enough sleep because his room is way too far from Diana.

“Ask Dew, he’s responsible for this.” Flicke grunted. Dew just shrugged looking like he already regrets what happened last night.

---//Flashback //---

It’s already nine in the night and Kin Arthkeil’s soul and spirit is not still here. Auzia told me that Kin is with Diana and my mind is starting to think those horny shits. I know that that won’t just happen because Diana is quite a woman with pride and dignity. So she wouldn’t just give herself in to Kin…I think.

All of us stopped from watching TV when we heard a screeching sound of a car stopped outside of the house. All of us looked at each other and we have the same mindsets as we look in each other’s eyes. It’s to prank to Kin. We know that this is a kinda risky because of Kin’s temper but this is just one in a blue moon so they all head to the door and prepared their own powers. I didn’t join them because I was the one who’s assigned to record a video.

“Are we really going to do this?” Clay asked nervously while wiping his sweat. Kin’s effect on us is really different.

“This is just once in a year bro.” Flicke opposed then conjured portal on the floor near the entrance of this house and another is on the ceiling. Clay prepared a light flash to blind Kin later for him not to notice the portals. Of course, Dew is the one who will push Kin if the Plan will fail.

We already heard some footsteps and my internal organs are starting to because of this prank. I’m trembling because I might not see the sunrise tomorrow.

“Get ready.” Flicke whispered.

As the door opened, I was thunderstruck when I saw two people entering there. And it’s not just any normal person because it’s Diana who’s trying to help Kin stand up.

We froze at a moment but that didn’t took along time when Dew suddenly smashed Diana’s back making her lost her consciousness. Kin and Diana eventually fell in the portal and teleported on another portal on the ceiling making them groan as they fell from there. Four of us stared at each other and no one dares to move because of what we did.

“W-what the h-hell?” Clay scratches his head as he saw what we did to the two. I also almost throw the phone that I am holding because of shock.

“Bring him to his room and…bring Diana to your room Dew. You’re responsible for her you idiot.” Three of them are still trembling about what they did...we did rather. While me, I was just staring at them laughing. I’m already out of there since I only took a video.

---//End Of Flashback //---

I shook my head smiling and just focus on my coffee. I was about to drink my coffee when they all stood up in shock looking at something…or should I say someone. I looked back only to see Diana who’s just standing there clueless.

“D-Diana.” I greeted her even though it’s obvious that she’s also shock about being here. He didn’t really remember what happened. I wonder how strong Dew hit her in her nape.

“You’re living together…with Kin?” she asks pointing at us. We look at each other and we realized that we still haven’t told them that we are staying in the same house.

“Yeah.” Clay barely answered, still shaking.

“So…why am I here? I mean I haven’t remembered anything why I did end up sleeping here.” My mood suddenly changed. We really need to lie right now.

(Diana’s POV)

I really didn’t remember why I ended up here at Kin’s house. Worse is it’s not just Kin’s house but five of them are living together. I only remember that we got out form the car and everything is vague after that. If I’ll think about it deeply, my head will just hurt.

“So…why am I here? I mean I haven’t remembered anything why I did end up sleeping here.” I asked them. Obviously, they are the one that knows what happened here last night. It’s not also possible that I’ll just walk towards the room of someone. That’s way too far from sleepwalking!

“Ah…cause…because you fainted. You said you’re tired then you passed out. So…” De stopped from explaining then looked at them but I don’t know why he did that. “…we’ve decided that…”

“You’ve decided. Correction.” Flicke cut what Dew is trying to say. Dew just glared at him. “Damn you.” I didn’t hear that clearly because they are almost whispering in that part.

“Yeah, so I’ve decided that maybe you can sleep here just for this night since none of us knows where your boarding house is.” I look at Jacob and he was startled and clueless why I am looking at him.

“What’s with that look?” He asked nervously.

“I thought you knew the address of our boarding house since you drive Auzia home last night?” he was shock with that and just stared at the three asking for something.

“Uhmm…” Jacob.

“He’s not here when you came Diana. He bought something outside.” I just shrugged after that. Flicke’s reason has sense though.

“Is that so?” I’ just curious why I couldn’t remember that part.

“Before you leave maybe have some breakfast?” Flicke asked. I also accepted that since I’m hungry too. I sat at the chair near Jacob and also near at the end of this table. I looked at the chair at the end of the table and my curiosity starts to meddle.

“That chair, that’s Kin’s right?” I asked out of curiosity while munching the bread.

“Yeah.” Jacob simply answered. I nod and didn’t ask again. It’ll be rude if I’ll be talkative while we are eating.

I just continue eating the bread and also the milk that Clay made. He’s quite good in making milks and coffees actually. We’ve just started eating for about a minute when Kin suddenly showed up that…shit!

“Shit! Kin.” Jacob shouted almost gulped the whole coffee. The three also froze as they stared at Kin. Who wouldn’t be like that if Kin’s already topless early in the morning? And he’s just wearing his boxers revealing his thighs that are whiter than me! His stone-like abs is shinning, shimmering splendid like hell!

“Fuck man! Wear some decent clothes.” Jacob uttered while drinking his water at the kitchen. While me, I was just avoiding at him. As far as I am tempted to look at his body, I don’t want to be like that in the eyes of the four.

“No need.” He simply said then head to his seat and grabs some bread. What the hell! He’s really not planning to wear shirt or something?!

“Kin we’re not alone. Have some respect dude.” Flicke said seriously before going back to his tea.

“It doesn’t matter with her. Right?” I stilled for a moment as he asked me about it. I’m still hesitating to look at him because I might freeze again for unknown reasons. I slowly look at him trying to fight the fear inside me.

“Y-yeah. It’s okay for me.” I force myself to finish all that I have in the table for me to get out here and go home. Clay and Dew just shook their heads because of my answer. I think they’re expecting that.

“By the way, where have you been last night? And why are you drunk Kin?” Jacob started a new topic after washing his cup at the kitchen. I and Kin look at each other and he was the one who answered the question

“We ate our dinner in some restaurant there and I’m drowned with the taste of that whisky.” Jacob just nod at him and never asked again. He’s not curious about it huh? “And you still have some business with me, FOUR of you.” He really emphasizes the word four while looking at the boys. Four of them stilled at their seat like they we’re chained at it. What business is Kin talking about?

“Delete that video Jacob or you’ll be sleeping in your coffin.” Jacob is trembling while looking for the video on his phone. What video is that? Kin’s nude? Kidding!

“Done!” Jacob showed his phone files at Kin but the latter didn’t even bother to look at it.

“And you Dew. You need to have some beating with me.” Dew’s face turns pale while looking at his hot chocolate.

“I apologized for that Kin. I didn’t mean to do it. I did it for our safety.” Dew apologizes for a reason but I don’t know what it is.

“But thanks for that though.” Dew glanced at Kin not expecting that line from Kin. Wait what is their topic that they are the only one who understands that.

“Hey, care to share. What are you talking about huh? Did you forget that I’m still here?” I entered the conversation and Jacob just chuckled about it

“Who told you to laugh Jacob?” Jacob stopped from it after earning a death glare from Kin. He’s really a bossy type.

“Hey Kin, you’re too bossy to them. You know that it’s not a good etiquette when we are eating meals.” I lectured him and he just stared at me blankly. I arched my left eyebrow and he shook his head before going back to his coffee.

“And you also need to pay for what you did last night, Kin” they all literally stop from doing what they are doing and diverted their gazes to me. Even Kin was startled about that. Maybe he knew what I am talking about.

“That’s not a good topic to open wi…I mean Diana.” I smirked at him. Maybe it’s my advantage to be with the four. He’s starting to stutter and nervous. Or maybe it’s just awkward on him. Is that what happens when you’re drunk?

“And what if I’ll tell them what happened huh?” I earned a death glare from hi which I didn’t bother to give attention on it.

“I’ll do that again to you, more than that, right here.” He suddenly stood up revealing his only weapon that I don’t have. It’s really bulging in his boxers! There’s that big in the record?!

“Finish your food and I’ll drive you home.” He said ending the conversation before heading to his room. I let out a loud sigh as he left the dining room.

I looked back at the stairs as I heard him walking down. He’s carrying his towel maybe wanted to take a shower. He didn’t bother to look at us and directly head at the bathroom

“What happened back there in the restaurant?” Jacob asked me almost whispering. He’s also looking at Kin from time to time after he asked that

“Jacob Sniffe’ El’Pronto!” Jacob sat straight as Kin called his full name with warning. He grabs bread in the plate and he also doesn’t have any idea why he grabs that.

“Damn you Kin!” he cursed in his whisper before heading to the sofa at the living room. I didn’t bother the three because they are busy tip-tapping their phones. I head up to Dew’s room just to fix myself before heading home.

(Auzia’s POV)

I don’t know what to do right now because up until now, there’s no Diana showing up. I haven’t also sleep after I woke up in the midnight after I realize that she didn’t head here. I couldn’t also contact Kin!

Almost an hour that I am just heading back and forth here at our room trying to think where could be Diana is. She even replied at me last night that’s she’s already heading home but until now she’s not here. Her phone is also turned off.

“Where the hell are you Diana?” I talked to myself


I stopped from walking back and forth as I heard a knock outside. I ran towards it to see whose outside.

“Hi Bes.” The bitch smiled at me. She still really has her guts o smile while me is already dying from concerns.

“WHERE DID YOU FUCKING SLEEP LAST…” I only stop from ranting as I saw Kin at the wall leaning. It’s KIN!

“Why are you here?” He just stared at me calmly like there’s no problem here. Or maybe… ”Don’t tell me you slept at Kin’s house?” Diana just smiled at me like a puppy. I just sighed and cover my face in frustration.

“I’ll get going. Just inform me if you left something.” He didn’t even bother to look at me? The asshole!

My stares went to Diana and she just shrugged before entering the room.

“Hey Diana Weilfore Equixe, care to explain to my why didn’t you head home last night, why did you only come here now and why did you end up at Kin’s house?” He smiled at me playfully.

“I slept in his house. I didn’t notice it because I’m already tired that night after Kin and I have our dinner in a restaurant.” Tired? That’s a shallow reason for that! Tired or she wanted to get tired? What the hell is she thinking!

(Someone’s POV)

I’m just holding back my anger right now seeing Kin and Diana are smiling with each other. They both stopped as Auzia opened the door. I couldn’t hear what they are talking about and I don’t have any interest to listen to. My mission is only to observe the moves of Kin and what are they planning to. I know that Lord has already planned something about this.

As Kin left the place of Diana, that’s the time I went out from where I am hiding. Diana didn’t also see me because she already went inside her room.

“Those weaklings will taste the wrath of my revenge.” I haven’t revenged last time but right now, I know that we will be in success.

“It’s time to go.” My other friend uttered before we entered the black smoke heading towards tha palace of Lord Stygian.