
Chapter 1 - Marry Me

3 days later on Earth….

(Diana’s POV)

Auzia and I we’re negotiating right now with the landlord of the boarding house that we chose. It’s simple outside yet elegant inside. Overall it looks like it’s a comfortable place for me to live. But of course I’m surely be having hard time in sleeping here on the first day.

“So two of you, this will be your room. It is only one since this is the only room that is available. But it has two bedrooms so I think both of you are ok there.” Her tone of voice is quite a brat and her eyes keep looking at us in an unmannered way like she’s already backstabbing of judging us. Doesn’t she know how to smile? Or it’s her nature to be in a serious mood?

“That’s ok for us.” Auzia replied with so much energy but I know deep inside that she’s also uncomfortable with the atmosphere that we have. She’s just trying to lift the mood but it didn’t work.

The landlord just stared at her from head to toe before leaving. Auzia exhales a large breath after the landlord left us. “Wait, after we fixed or room we need to go to the GU to get the list of our requirements.” I just nod at Auzia. I really don’t feel to wander around right now since I’m still sleepy but I don’t have a choice.

While opening my entire luggage, I suddenly think about that Grandma last time. It’s already three days and her words are still bothering my mind. I don’t have the skill in memorizing something but why is it that those words of her are still in my mind and it is as clear as the water. I’m really starting to think if she’s really a real fortune teller. I don’t know if that interaction of us is a bad thing or not.

After finishing fixing my things, I went to take a shower before heading to the university. Tomorrow is already the first day of school and Auzia planned to buy some school stuff after we’re done getting the requirements.

“Oh my god! This university is so dope. It’s really huge and I already know why this school has plenty of boyfriend material man.” I rolled my eyes because on her but I think she didn’t saw it. She really keeps bragging about that a while ago and right now, it’s still the same topic.


“I am also surprised why you passed the interview did.” She looked at me in confusion then she raised her left eyebrow on me. “What?” I asked jokingly trying to prevent myself not to laugh on her face.

“So you’re saying that I don’t deserve to be here?” she sarcastically asked then flipped her hair. I also smell anger in her words. “Whatever Ms. Beautiful. You’re just saying that since you don’t have to do full effort to get a guy. Look at you.”

She pointed at me and that made me confused. “You look like a perfect partner in the first glance.” I rolled my eyes at her before grabbing her hands and go to the registration building.

While heading there, Auzia stopped at the gym. She said she just wanted to stay there. So just like that. She was the one who convince me to go here and now I’m the only one doing it. So where’s the equality here?

“Good morning. What can I do for you?” good thing that the person in charge here is not a bitchy type.

“I’m here to get the requirements of the first years. I think I can get it here as what the school guard instructed.” She smiled at me and typed something in her PC. What’s with that smile?

“Oh here.” He handed me a piece of paper, probably the list. “Here it is miss…”

“Equixe.” Her brows furrowed as she heard my surname. Why, am I wrong about that?

“Weird surname but I like it. I’m Bea.” She smiled at me again and I just did the same. It’ll be rude if I’ll just ignore her smile.

“Bes!” I glanced at Auzia and she looks downed like something happened. What happened with this idiot?

“Hey, what happened?” I asked in concern. She looks like she was about to cry.

“There’s no boyfie here.” She pouted like a goddamn dog and I didn’t hesitate to flick his forehead. She was about to complain but I gave her a death stare so she just shut up. I didn’t wait for her going outside the university. I also heard her calling my name many times but I didn’t bother to take a look at her.

“Hey, Diana I’m just kidding. You’re really taking my jokes seriously.” I didn’t gave her any replies because I might bury her alive in case. I have no proper sleep this day and there she is, happily joking about those boyfriend things. “Hey, we are still going to buy some school stuffs. Come on!” she grabbed my hand and pulled me to where she wants. I just followed her even though I’m not in the mood.

“Bes, how about this?” she showed me a light brown shoulder bag with a padlock designed in the front of it. It suits her though. “Is it beautiful?”

“Yeah, only the bag.” I answered playfully that made her face crumpled. I’m also busy choosing mine so she can already handle her own. Duh, she’s not a kindergarten anymore.

We took almost an hour in the mall before we fall in line to the counter. Auzia also asked me to go to the cinema. She badly wanted to see the movie Midnight Sun but I’m already sleepy so we just decided to go back to the boarding house.

“Next time, Bes. We’ll be watching all those movies that are available.” She just smiled but quite disappointed. I just don’t mind that because my bed is really calling me right now.

(Flicke’s POV)

We’re already staying here on Earth for three days and we can’t still find those freaking women. At first we are clueless on how to live here but thank to the knowledge of Clay.

It’s not difficult for us also to find a house since Kin can perfectly manipulate minds here. Maybe because earthlings are too vulnerable and light minded.

“Kin what are we going to do now? It’s already our third day here and we couldn’t even find them even clues.” Kin looked at me emotionlessly. I can’t read what he’s thinking too. Damn it!

“Do you think I’m doing nothing?” he replied in monotone maintaining his stoic expression.

“I mean do you have already a plan? Or clues for us to find them?” I change my tone because I can feel his anger right now. He can kill any of us with that mood.

“Yeah, I have.” He simply answered before sitting properly. Then why didn’t he tell us about it?

“What is it Kin? What’s your plan?” Clay asked obviously holding his self not to stutter. All of us really struck by silence when Kin is like this. We all know that something’s wrong when he has this mood.

No one really messes up with Kin because he’s rare when he’s angry. Back when we we’re young, he even lift us four and throw us like a piece of garbage because we made a prank on him.

“We need to enrol to a University. Gilbert’s University to be exact.” He said while sipping his wine.

“Why there? Can’t we go on other schools? Or do they only have one school here?” Jacob joined the conversation but in a wrong timing. Kin’s face became crumpled while emotionlessly looking at Jacob.

“Hehe, right we should really go there. Sorry bro.” his brain is really a stock room of all craziness and stupidities. He’s really thankful that Kin is treating him as his brother. If not, blood will surely spill right now.

“Because that’s the university that is written in the prophecy. We need to enrol there and using our birth tattoos on our right arm, once you meet your destined woman, it will glow.” I was stunned for a moment when Dew spoke that long. He didn’t just talk! Even Jacob and Clay have the same reactions like me.

Yes, we have these weird birth tattoos on our right arm which I thought at first that it is useless. My tattoo is I star shape, Jacob got a lightning, Clay has a sun shape, Dew has a crescent one and Kin has fire tattoo.

“Dew’s right. They are already starting their class tomorrow.” Kin said still in his perfect cold mood. His eyes are full of confusions and it is hard for me to conclude what he really feels right now.

“How are we going to do that, Kin?” he glanced at my direction and gave me a smirk.

“It’s easy.”

(Diana’s POV)

First day of school fever is really tiring. I woke up early and right now we’re already here at the campus. Actually that punctuality of mine will only last in this day because I can already sense that I’m gonna be late for the rest days. While Auzia on the other hand keeps looking for something or maybe someone I think. She keeps tilting her head from left to right like trying to act like an electric fan.

“Auzia! Will you stop doing that? Your neck is already stretching like a giraffe looking for…whatever you’re looking for.” I already know what she is trying to look for but I don’t need to mention it to her again and again.

Both of us stopped from walking when a teacher called all the attention of all freshmen and also the seniors to fall in line in the field. Some ceremony I guess.

I scan the whole freshmen group and I actually noticed that we’re not that many in our batch compared to our seniors. “Ok students, we’re here to gather because we would like to welcome our freshmen here.” The teacher gestured her hands to us and the seniors started to clap their hands. Of course we did the same cause we don’t want to be rude in our first day.

“So as we go along with our journey here. I hope you will have a lot of friends.” Then all of the students cheered except me. Am I going to add to this noise where in fact they are already very noisy without me?

After the welcoming program, we head to our classroom for our first subject. It’s the fucking mathematics. I really hate this subject. “Bes, its math. That’s your favorite subject right?” Auzia sarcastically whispered trying to piss me off. Well I’m already pissed even she haven’t say anything.

“Favorite your face.” I raised my middle finger to her and she just chuckled like she got her goal.

Professor Gabriel suddenly stopped from writing when someone spoke at the door. All of us automatically shifted our gaze to the five persons that are standing outside. My sight landed on one of them and I suddenly felt like about to poop or something. Who is he?

“Good morning Prof. we’re sorry for being late.” It was the light yellowed hair guy who spoke. “I’m…”

“I don’t care who you are and please take a seat so we could start our class.” I shifted my gaze at Prof. Gabriel who wasn’t even looking at the guys outside. I’m waiting for that moment that they will introduce their selves and yet here’s Prof who does not give a damn about it.

The guys just entered the room, still in their cool aura. They all take the seats at the back rows so I immediately thought that they might be some ruckus or some gang member boys. I mean five of them dyed their hairs. Yes, it is allowed here in GU to have dye in hairs but their colors are really…..something.

One is ash gray, there’s a guy that has blue highlights in his hair. The one with plain white, the man that spoke a while ago with light yellow hair and the dark black haired guy.

I badly want to look back at them because I’m curious about them but Prof might see me.

“Bes. Why did you froze a while ago?” I warned Auzia with my stare. I don’t really like people who ship me with other guys who I don’t even know.

“Just kidding. But yeah you we’re like shocked when they entered. I mean I don’t want to tease you but you really froze.” Obviously, she’s just holding her laughter but I got a hint on her tone that she’s telling me the truth. Did I really freeze a while ago?

I just rolled my eyes and tried to listen to Prof Gabriel taking about algebra. “And before I forgot something.” Prof leaned on the side of the board and fixed his shirt before continuing. “Introduce yourself to the class. Just in your seats.” Oh, I thought he forgot that part of this first day class. My classmates suddenly talked about something because it became slight noisy when Prof instructed us to introduce ourselves. They we’re excited I guess.

My classmates started to introduce themselves. “Hello everyone, I’m Calli Santiago.” Why am I tensed with this?

“Nice meeting you guys, just call me Clifford.” Auzia giggled as Clifford introduces himself. She said that Clifford is handsome where in fact he looks like a horse that has a difficulty in pooping.

Almost all of the first and second rows already finished and minutes passed, my time has come. “I’m Diana Weilfore Equixe. Nice to meet you all.” Auzia clapped her hands like an immature kindergarten. Seriously, she was the one who made me embarrassed and not my other classmates.

“I’m Auzia Zaine Swiftloss.” The kindergarten smiled like an idiot but deep inside I know that she’s embarrassed about it. She’s embarrassed to introduce herself but in looking for guys, she’s not? Just wow.

After the first twenty students, we all looked back to the five guys that I was talking about earlier. The late comers to b exact.

“Dew Aedric Con Renoe.” He uttered coldly. He was the one who has an ash gray hair. He looks like he lost a family. Why is that? “Flicke Pathreck San Houllers. Nice to meet you.” He’s the one who spoke earlier. The light yellow haired guy. He just smiled at us then took his seat. Are they prohibited to smile? They all look like they we’re deprived in their happiness

“Clay Anthon Van Laethan.” The one with white hair dye. Still in a boring mood.

I glanced at my girl classmates and some of them are just holding their selves not to scream. But all of them are obvious because of their red faces.

“Hello everyone! I’m Jacob Sniffe’ El’Pronto. And I’m looking forward on our friendships.” He gave us a stunning smile which make sour classmates more blushed. He’s hot and I admit it but not my type. Haha! Did I just compliment a guy? I’m already adapting the sickness of my best friend.

“Kin Arthkeil Del Conrielle.” In fairness he’s handsome. Not just handsome but definitely the perfect one for the girls who’s looking for boyfriends. His name also suits his character. But I think he’s boring to be with. Jacob is quite ok since he knows how to smile. But what? Did I say handsome? Definitely they are not handsome!

Our discussions in Math and English took almost an hour before in ends and right now it is time for our vacant. “Bes, let’s go to the cafeteria. I’m already hungry.” I just followed her since I don’t also want to be left in the room. I also followed her because I’m quite hungry also.

“One cola and a slice of a cheese cake please. Diana, what’s yours?” I scan the foods right in front of me and I have a lot of choices right now. I couldn’t even choose one.


“One slice of black forest cake and one cola. I’ll pay for her.” Auzia and I were in awe looking at the guys who suddenly popped out from nowhere and paying for my foods. Like what the hell he thinks he’s doing?

I couldn’t even utter a word and same is through with Auzia. Am I really seeing the right guys in front of me? I felt my heart raced for a moment but I also manage to stop it. “N-no need. I can pay it.” We’re not even close for him to pay for my foods, duh! And this is the first time that we had an interaction.

“I insist. By the way, I’m Kin.” He held his hand for a handshake and I don’t know how to respond. I was still in shock that he immediately held his hand. His other hand is still in his pocket.

Do I really need to accept his hand? I mean he didn’t even talked a while ago in class, huh.

“It’s ok if you don’t want. But can I talk to you privately?” what the hell? First of all we’re not close to talk in private and second we’re not friends right now! Maybe next time…I guess but we’re not now. I know that I’m slight captured by him but I’m just holding myself not to show him what I felt a while ago.

“Bes, I think I’m gonna wait you outside…”

“No. Don’t leave.” Auzia stopped then turn her back at us. We don’t have anything to talk about so Auzia doesn’t need to leave. “So this is the reason why you insisted to buy these foods for me? Well you can’t get me by that way. First, we’re not friends and don’t know if we will reach there. Second, we didn’t have any interaction in the past so we don’t have any topic to talk about in…….”

“Marry me.” I literally stopped from talking and breathing for a moment I heard his words. Did I mishear him? Even Auzia is also shocked, obviously stunned from what we heard.

“W-what did you say?" I cursed myself when I stuttered. Why now?

“Marry me, Diana.” He’s staring at me intently and I saw his hot burning eyes eyeing on me, and just me.

He’s joking right?